/fit/ BTFO
'Depressed' high-profile vegan chef and author posted a Christmas Day song with his son, 11, onto Facebook just 90 MINUTES 'before he killed the boy, his 10-month-old daughter, and his estranged wife'
/fit/ BTFO
'Depressed' high-profile vegan chef and author posted a Christmas Day song with his son, 11, onto Facebook just 90 MINUTES 'before he killed the boy, his 10-month-old daughter, and his estranged wife'
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wtf i hate vegans now
A true hero
He did this after realizing that it was wrong to race mix
Toll status: paid
The toll will get its dues. It is a very patient.
he was just telling them he was vegan
Witnesses told police they saw him shoot his estranged wife Iris Ross as she tried to run away from him.
Then when they asked if she was fine, he said:
What did he say Sup Forums?
/fit/ is absolutely full of Vegan cunts. Anyone who says go there, it will help you, is just pulling your leg. It's a toxic shit hole and you'll be lucky to be taken seriously, also if they find out you eat any dairy or chicken they go from toxic to hostile. Faggy low.t soyboys.
Why are you focusing on the fact that this Nigger is a vegan. This ape killed its fucking white bride and its mutt children.
>Hurr dur it was the vegan not the fact that this man was the niggest of nogs
Niggers tongue my anus
even becoming a soy goy didn't remove the raging inner chimp out of the negro
>His former sister-in-law described him as 'dark' and said he suffered depression
White woman drives alpha bull black man to murder, black women been warning these niggas.
>he didn't kill himself
t. vegan manlet
>Dad I dont wanna be a vegan anymore
Those few words resulted in his death, Tragic
Damn... I guess that means the Sup Forums is mostly a cointel/Agenda 21 shithole, all together now.
Caveat emptor, brothers.
>Anyone who says go there, it will help you, is just pulling your leg.
You know how I know that you didn't read the fucking sticky?
I can tell from this photo that he was actually gay
dude probably had some insane shit going on in his head. and no it's not unusual for gay men to get married and have kids...
t. somebody who has never browsed /fit/
I have never read any posts displaying hostility towards people that eat milk or consume dairy.
It is a toxic shithole though.
he killed his mutt spawn and a coalburner, and probably won't get another chance to breed, I say good enough
Is left achievable natty?
I see what you did there
He looks like a grown up steve urkel
>also if they find out you eat any dairy or chicken they go from toxic to hostile. Faggy low.t soyboys.
tf ar eyou talking about lol you got dissed on /fit/ for being a retard now making shit up?
>estranged wife
>10 month old daughter
Wut?Less than 2 years from insemination of wife she can be described as estranged? While also sharing the same house during christmas. This is some new type of fuckery right here.
Yes, that's what the OP said. Why are you repeating it?
Black man acts white.
what can happen in 90 minutes after singing with your son happily that would make you shoot him. I can't wrap my head around this
>trying to understand the negro brain
don't try, they're even trickier to predict than emus
Whyte mang turnt us gay n shiiiet It wuz da chickunz hormonz n antibotix so i begunz vegun lyfestail & married me a white bitch!
It's funny because Europeans are taller than Americans.
Cross-sectional memetics are reaching unforseen levels.
We can officially lay the vegan meme to rest, just like his family.
Based black man crushing the vegan agenda one coalburning whore at a time
The fittest memes survive and reproduce.
depressed people dont hurt others , this sounds more like scizophrenia
100% bro
Diet & Exercise. Make it a lifestyle.
He was depressed because of his wife's shitty cooking. Imagine going from your momma's soul food to unseasoned vegan trash.
Holiday season is turning out pretty good, we just need a few more million dead muriturds.
He killed them via roid rage.
vegan gains gf will be the next to pay the toll
My Yugoslavian immigrant grandparents were giants and my other side hails from Iceland so we ended up above 187 cm. When you say Americans, you must mean non-white Americans.
kek, even when she'll scream she'll still have a lower voice than him
Nah. He'll be out in five years.
this is what happens if you don't eat meat.
I bet they fuck their dog/wolf :^) that chick defs has autism
Tallest guy to ever live was American. His name was Robert Wadlow. Yeah, he was freak with a pituitary issue. Whites, on average, are taller than spics and niggers, you must be including those.
>above 187
>exceptionally tall
>Black people in Phoenix
Does it ever fucking end jesus christ.
And nothing of value was lost
vegetarianism/veganism is literally babbys first diet
anyone who does it longer than a week deserves their whole family shot desu
get the fuck back to your faggit shithole
He looks like a classic basketball American.
White bitches are landmines
Your family is being deported back to Mexico. No more remittance for you.
I already did.
Probably didn't get enough likes.
>*strangles son*
>one white chick is trash
>White bitches are landmines
Fucking libertarians.
>why do people repeat things on Sup Forums
Wtf I am anti-veganmissle now
> His former sister-in-law described him as 'dark'
>yfw you realize obese white women will be writing him every day just to hope they win the conjugal visit lottery
If by natural meaning your cool with railing your body with stimulants.
Jesus christ... Coal burners really aren't any better than pitbull owners. Fucking retards.
Press S
Toll paid.
roid rage, niggers, don't juice or you will lose.
Probably raged after wife hid his 'roids after his BBC started shrinking (the only thing she actually cared about)
is that Vegan gains?
>it's not unusual for gay men to get married and have kids...
Wait what?
Lol, gas yourselves, stickmen.
I've actually heard of this multiple times. Guys are in social situations (with family most times) that they feel would be ruined by openly being gay, so they just get married to a woman and start having kids while getting b l a c k e d on the side.
Hell naww whitey dead, we wuh kangs n shiet
You have no idea how much I laughed reading that, I had to clean my PC monitor from coffee
absolutely not
Just like in Get Out.
He just snapped. Niggers are vicious dogs mate.
Dumb white bitches will never learn.
Obviously there's a bunch of factors at play here. But barely having any fat in your diet will definitely lead to some mental health problems. When will people understand that without fat your body will not function properly?
Just look at Nathan Pritikin, the man who people often credit for inventing the "low fat diet". He was severely depressed,had many other health related issues, and eventually ended up committing suicide.
it depends, if you ask stupid questions you get stupid answers
>Closet homo detected
eating meat is wrong but killing your kid is ok
absolutly this
i'm a /fit/izen myself and i eat 27 scoops of soypowder a day, nothing else except my multivitamin tabs.
>When will people understand that without fat your body will not function properly?
When they start learning about nutrition. It won't happen because we still have people that don't even understand the concept of "calories in, calories out."
Oh wow cool one bro
Very original nice job
Personal trainer I know did low fat diet for a year, totally crashed his test. Once he found out, he added fat back in and it went up.
Low t > depression > suicide
That's your problem
Bixnood jooga boog!1!!
*flashbacks of the jungle, drum beats, bones rattling*
>me no belong in da white man world, >me want to go back home
Most niggers kill at least one of their kids.
with 5 years hard constant work and a dedicated lifestyle probably
He was depressed due to shitty vegan diet which helped push him into toll debt collector status
Witnessed & keked
Sweden average 180, that does not mean that every guy is 180 cm tall, we still have a shitton of swedish dwarf manlets and so many 150 cm immigrants taking the statistics down. So what it Does mean to have an avarege of 180 is that you're gonna see lots and lots of >195-2 meter people walking around. Aka 187 is not really not that tall, just a little bit above avarege. Unless you live in a manlet country aka anything except northwest Europe.
>it's not unusual for gay men to get married and have kids...
oh boy, if you only knew how many married men have repressed homoerotic feelings
yeah cos she made him do it Markus untaimable the 3rd shouda done them all sooner...
That would have taught them a lesson eh?