Looks like the Middle East is heading for a (((Great War))). Which side are you on, Sup Forums?
Qatar crisis
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Would rather not be on either side.
>Iran and roachland on the same side
That alliance wont last. Also let them kill each other.
I Side With Good Peaceful Muslims Who Are Not PC And Admit That 'Quran Has Bad Parts. Don't Care Where They Come From. { Except Israel & Africa }
Turkey has been friendly with Iran's BFF Russia lately and very much antagonized the USA for not delivering Gülen (who btw is safe and sound in a compound somewhere in Pennsylvania). So it makes sense for Turkey to seek allies elsewhere, won't be surprised if Turkey decides to unilaterally quit NATO.
Let them kill each other. The only thing I care is: when Iran will nuke israel...
You know, the funny thing is that I think that Turkey and Iran are quite on par, economy and military wise against the rest of the block...of which only Saudi Arabia is a huge block. The other nations may as well be non players. Or am I wrong? Is someone willing to correct me?
None. I watch on the sideline and enjoy the fireworks.
not sure how reliable this site is but
Generally speaking it does look like its a somewhat fair matchup. Egypt however has been a puppet state of israel for some time, and even daddy US gives it quite a lot of military aid money.
Turkey and Iran are quite powerful, yes. On the other side we have Saudi Arabia which has proven itself even incapable of dealing with some 3rd grade Iranian proxy in Yemen (Houthis). Rest are just Saudi satellite states like UAE and Bahrain and others are sub Saharan African shitholes. If shit hits the fan, Turkey alone could take on the Wahhabi alliance and prevail with ease.
both sides; keep them evenly balanced for as long as possible so the most sandnigs die.
The uberroach called that guy 'pennsylvania' in the beginning (before the 'coup')... They're really pathetic infantile subhumans... 'pennsylvania' pfff
Too bad that Syria is still occupied with bullshit at the moment. Dont they have the most recent combat experience of them all? Iran also had combat experience with their own pro assad battalions did it? I wonder how long, if at all the jews will wait for the last pockets of bullshit to be swept away by assad.
The jews
I basically agree. It's just that the Saudis don't really fight for themselves. They tend to hire unmotivated mercenaries for the dirty job. That's why their military might is generally overestimated.
tldr; Roachland alone would win against this shitskin alliance
>Hajis killing hajis
Why pick a fight? Let them remove themselves
Mutual annihilation
well technically speaking, of Iran and Turkey would be willing to engage conflicts against the jew proxies...they would have god on their side. Which obviously is a huge morale boost. The saudi's and the other cucks...christ...they may have the gear but in war motivation also plays a huge role. Most likely it would be a win for those nations. Plus they got recentish combat experience. If the Sunni's and the Shia's were to ever fucking cooperate together...god thats the natsoc dream of mine in a way. I would love to see years and years of slow creeping works of the jews being destroyed in a couple of weeks until the angry muslims are on their borders, staring at the jews directly from their binoculars.
Staying out of it is a win/win. Joining it is lose/lose
Meh, Idk. I hate religious Islam just as much as religious Judaism. So I'm quite comfy watching Sunnis and Shiites killing each other. If they want to increase the pace and drag Israel along - even better.
We are in this mess because we always never really, truly pick a side and act like demons only for our self interests you know. This is a triangle. With the whites being one power, the jews being another, and the muslims yet another. In the past whenever one grew too powerful the other two compensated kinda. But the jew is within our ranks, being cunts to us. But also to the world in general. Plus I am kinda tired of the way we are living. This uneasy balance cannot exist forever and its way too volatile with nukes being in use. The jew is the most evil of us 3 and simply has to be eradicated. So while you may not like the muslims. I think that you should too get on board in picking them as a hardline choice over the jews, for control of the ME. What happens at home here is quite a different matter still... But for the preservation of our lives, and all life on earth, picking the muslims over the jews seems like the best choice for me. At least they are much more sane than the jew and dont exactly have worldwide doomvision for their messiah. Just boring conquest...
Whatever side pseudo Israel isnt on (saudi arabia)
I'm conflicted, I want as many saudis to die as possible, but I also want that for the turks, I guess i'll just enjoy the bloodshed, and hope everyone dies, but if some Iranians survive I won't be mad
the way it is looking right now, if the stars ever align to allow full scale brutal conflict of this size...Iran will drive into whatever jew proxy nation there exist with their obsolete 70's gear and wave their big dick of righteous fury around (still will be a 100:1 kill ratio in favor of Iran). Until some carrier group from the sea, and israel itself starts to launch air support and...well nukes...many more nukes...and we all die. The end.
I'm not sure. I'd like to see the Saudis get BTFO.
If a great war break out in ME Im heading there to make myself a jihadist name.
>turkey goes full "tengri biz menen"
>iran goes back to zoroastrianism
>they form a holy alliance
>all ar*bs, kikes and k*rds in middle east are genocided while the whole world watches in shock
>after the ME is purged from filth, holy alliance takes israel's nukes and bomb jewnited states of kikerica back to stone age
>russians are scared shitless so they give ancestral turkic homeland back
>meanwhile arm*nians are genocided but no one cares
>russia joins the holy alliance and all chinks are exterminated
>1000 year world peace
Obviously Chad's, those Turks had problems whit us in the past
UAE isn't a satellite state. Saudi Arabia is. Saudi is a an Emirati Satellite state. Abu Dhabi dictates the policies of Riyadh. Abu Dhabi is behind the Yemeni war, Qatar crisis and much more. That is because Saudi crown prince isn't experienced and is just following our crown prince.
This how the civil war more likely look like.
The thing with turkey however is that they give quite a lot of aid towards hezbollah. The two middle sides would most likely mostly merge with a little bit of luck...and if they did. The kike alliance would have a hard time stopping them.
CHAD side.
how is egypt a puppet state, inform me
>wage war against israel
>lose horribly
>probably get taken over or something
>receive jewUSA bucks for your military
Not sure how much gibs Israel gets now, but its quite a lot of gibs. Pic related is not even the "conservative" estimate.
I don't get why Qatar is not in the wahhabi alliance. They belong there by every measure.
Iran is the one aiding Hezbollah not Turkey. And Turkey and Iran support opposite sides in the Syrian civil war. They are not allies. Although they don't want things to escalate between them, for now at least. I guess. They are as much as enemies to each other as they are to the kike side. Only they are more diplomatic and decided not to escalate things between them because they want to deal with the kike side for now and need to work together in regards to the Kurdish issue.
Qatar also has tunisia.
Egypt will be the bigger crisis though, I honestly think it's on its way to becoming a failed state
apparently, the act of charity goes between the two sects. Turkey gives quite a lot of money to anti jew sentiments.
I hope Greater Israel is created soon. Lots of diaspora will move there
The side that will fight agains't Saudi Arabia
they lost, but israel didnt keep anything they gained after the peace treaty.
strange how usa/israel acts like every country personal bank
Oh sure kike, yea like national borders mean anything if you got your own puppet heads on their states lol, I am glad that there are so many sympathizers.
sympathizers =/= uninformed
>not THAT evil
>just boring conquest
Well, this is the crux; I despise Islam as a backward ideology that somehow asserts a claim of superiority when it is crystal clear that it is holding millions and millions of people hostage in dark medieval times.
So no, I could not team up with Islam just because muh kikes. Ideally, we would have one last decisive crusade resulting in a worldwide ban of Islam.
>but what about our common enemy?
Let's face it: Israel's BFF in the region is none other than the KSA. These Wahabi mudslimes are just kikes with turbans.
>Well, this is the crux; I despise Islam as a backward ideology that somehow asserts a claim of superiority when it is crystal clear that it is holding millions and millions of people hostage in dark medieval times.
This is a jew phrase. 90% of Islam is similar to Victorian era puritanism. The only huge difference lies in the polygamy and the stoning.
What the jews have is much much worse. The jews have innate, genetic schizohprenia and a host of many other different ailments. They believe in stripped down lore in which they can lie, cheat and generally be horrible cunts to us...at average. Their most arduous priests have something like the kaballah lore, the tikkun olam in which they desire to unify the god body (by destroying all that is holy). Their arches, levites and red cows are things for that. The jews never were able to own land or to work it as they just sold their tools when the kings gave those to them. The muslims could. Throughout all of their history the jew was occupied solely with evil. While the muslim did not have as such.
Therefore I judge jews to be pure incarnations of evil. And muslims just boring, dumb and something cool people. Clearly very easy which one should we ally ourselves with. You might get conquered at the worst case by the muslims, but at least the world will most likely still be whole. And not somekind of schizophrenic nightmare of fuck as the west is now.
While true about jews, you are making a mistake if you think the west will let itself be islamized. We detest subhuman islamists. You are even easier controller by the Jews than whites.
Remove Kebab still on the table boys.
Is there a source that proves Turkey supports Hezbollah? Turkey supports Hamas if I am not mistaken.
Do you have a white only army right now available to your name? A fine battalion of many men, heavy weaponry and more? What do WE have right now? We have a dying civilization which is mostly infiltrated by kikes. We may have one battalion in Ukraine which is not jew owned which solely is pro white. Beyond that we have...not nearly enough paramilitary groups like identity evropa.
We still hold some control on the economic front, and with the chans also on the memetic, information front. So it would be reasonable to work with what we got into limiting our damage. Its the most logical course of action really. You will obviously disagree since you are a kike. Or some low IQ retard who thinks that we can get armies and control of them overnight...while we are barely even capable of saying "its okay to be white"
in the video there is brief mention of it. Not exactly sure on the details though.
Qatar dispute will not end in war, once it became clear that both Iran and Turkey would not allow any Saudi aggression the Saudis backed down
Turkey supports Hamas, not Hezbollah
See his reply
Plus, I want to add that Islam is hostile towards technological advancement, the Ideology is extremely rigid and its founder is a mass-murderer-pedophile. It's nothing like Victorian England; just look how they dress their woman. Disgusting.
And since you're defending a Western-Islamo alliance that hard, I'd be very interested in your opinion on the relationship between Israel and the KSA.
lol thanks kek for exposing this satan worshipping kike.
>goatfuckers killing camelfuckers
It fucking sucks that its come to this.
One loo has been deposited to your street.
it's only the beginning
look how state trolls are waging meme war on social media
I'm on the side of the bombs
Assad The Lion
come on, do it you fags (sunnies and shias). Team up already. Kill the jew. We in the west kinda want to kill him too. Just team up already geez. Kill the kikes. Do it faggots.
The side selling them weapons as usual. Oh fuck that slipped out. Ignore, ignore, we aren't really a nation of evil arms dealing pirates.
the one that roots for both sides to kill each other
how dare you not side with your BLACK turk brothas? you disappoint us jamal
don't forget that ar*bs sold your ancestors as slaves for 1000 years
Turkey and Iran have the military might, but Saudi Arabia's and UAE's money and connections are far greater than Qatar, Turkey and Iran combined. The rest of the nigger countries are just cannon fodder.
What about Egypt?
no body want war and there will be non ,the side on the right which is the right side to support have cut ties with Qatar because they are supporting terrorist after that Iran and turkey joined Qatar to make money and to anger Saudis.
Qatar is a reason for unsuitability and war in middle east hence they are responsible for the migration crisis
most of the radical Muslims in Europe especially in UK are supported by Qatar
the countries on the right have started a war on terrorism they have my utmost support
> every time sandniggers can't get their shit together we need (((someone))) to blame
I'm on the side that will buy more weapons from my country.