If a war between Poland and Germany, both without any allies in this scenario, with their current armies and defence ministers and industry, who would win?
If a war between Poland and Germany, both without any allies in this scenario...
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The jews
Poland needs to return German clay
Poland, of course.
KSK - Calw would win without 72h
Germany, through sheer numbers, productive capacity, and economic might. Poland would probably fall in less than a week. Large sections of it would surrender without firing a shot, hoping they get reabsorbed into Germany and rebuilt with German tax money like the former GDR was. Stronkpost all you want you know I'm right.
Poland... look at ministers of defence
I didn't realize war was a 1 on 1 boxing match winner takes all.
Can't hear your whining over the sound how awesome we are
>german clay
no such thing
What is Germany fighting for? A future for Islam in Europe? Multiculturalism? I would bet any Kraut with decency would defect to the Poles at the first chance.
Why do you even compare Eastern Europe with Western. Those are two completely different boxing categories
Poland. They just need to hold out until the german army hits its overtime limit, then counterattack when the German(turk) soldiers are off the clock.
i would never fight against my polish brothers in arms.There are enough enemies we have to face together.
> muttpost
Imagine how woman leads army
Germany most likely based on economic power. More means of production usually equals more means to create war machines.
>Large sections of it would surrender without firing a shot
This is what Germs believe.
They would invade us and start killing Germans, in which case you would have to fight or move to Sweden or whatever. If you stayed in Polish occupied territory they would kill you just like what happened to Silesians in 1947.
Is that your go to answer anytime someone confronts you with the truth?
Germany is #9 in 2017 global firepower rankings, Poland is #19. The best they could do is defend Warsaw for a bit longer than last time.
Lat time Poland attacked us we counterattacked and took over the whole country in 2 weeks. This time we're orders of magnitude more powerful than Poland. They wouldn't last a week and most of them wouldn't even fight, preferring to cash in instead. Poles know we won't genocide them, whereas we well know they will kill us if they win.
Does Germany have an army? I thought they had a self imposed ban on the military because they became a massive bunch of pussies after WW2
not an arguement
The winner is unimportanct cause in fact everyone lost.
The only scenario where a sane pole would go to arms against Germany is if the German nation called for help in their religious civil war.
Fighting each other is always a trap.
United we stand to remove the kebap.
Why are you sperging "hurr durr! mutt!!" at him? what he said was undeniably true.
As always, fpbp.
Only to asshole Americans who try to bullshit and bluster their way into whiteness.
No it's not, proxymutt.
who cares you fucking retard?
most european countries basically have no military since US is protecting Europe.
your scenario would never happen. if there was any chance of war (without allies). both countries would have seen it coming for a long time and built up their military
Take back Danzig
someone who understands who was behind wwII
who was behind the holocaust
who is behind holocaust denial
the jews did all these things
proof: circumcision in the US
jews made wwII
it started autistic as fuck
they had to prime the pump 100s of times
they then got japan in to seal their destiny to US
first they had to kill their lower castes
jews aren't smart
they just killed everyone south of the average IQ
ensuring only mostly those of above average would remain
Poland would win. The Germans will be to tied down trying to stop the muslims from raping and murdering everyone to fight.
Your cuck army which is lead by women would get torn to pieces by Polish insurgencies. Those insurgents would likely get armed by Russia too making things even worse for your feminist fag army.
Right now, Polan
Germany has been de facto demilitarized after WWII
Gib us our clay back first.
Germany is hardline pacifist and pro working class. German and EU diplomats proved that we can create a world without wars, and without perpetual warfare. We can build a global taxation system to prevent any and all tax evasion. We can consolidate all police organizations in the world to one unified force. We can enforce livable wages for all workers, worldwide. This will happen, and when it does, America will be in for one very rude awakening.
Russia would likely attack Poland from the other side at the same time, just like the last time Poland was so stupid as to start a war with us.
Encouraging Poland to attack us is not in their best interests. We would utterly destroy them again and they know it.
nice b8
the absolute levels of mohameds projection...
the only people who are willing to fight for germany are probably praying for polish invasion of their sandnigger infested country lmao.
also this time unlike during ww2 the german army is on the same level as polish army if not worse. you wouldn't stand a chance because the moment your soldiers would leave germany all the remaining niggers and turks would declare a caliphate and rape all of your women and children
Poland cannot compete with Germany, neither industrially, nor logistically, nor when it comes to military prowess.
You are funny.
Poland would win, as the moral of Germany is cucked beyond repair, they'd lack the fighting spirit which Polaks have.
Poland if war will be short
Germany if war will be long
It will happen. You won't be able to silence an entire generation.
You're too chickenshit to even post with your real flag, Cap'n Buttpirate.
Since we have literal millions of reservists and the best intel due to the gold war, are currently investing heavily into the army and have the greatest production capacities in all of Europe when it comes to the military the answer is pretty obvious.
It also helps that there's no vital industry anywhere near poland
How so? Poland would be overrun.
it took hitler only 3 weeks to conquer their useless ass.
Poland would make fast gains in the first few days, they can easily roll up to the Harz region without encountering much resistance.
There would be some big tank battles in that region and depending on the outcome the war would be over very fast in case Poland wins the tank battles, or go on for months if Germany can hold the positions
If the war goes on West-Germany would have to ship off its non-whites (turks, syrians , niggers) to concentration camps as soon as possible in order to be able to keep the ORDNUNG in the towns. Maybe start killing them to save food rations.
Meanwhile the Polish army would also be forced to cleanse the lands of muslims in the occupied eastern parts of Germany.
not an argument mohamed
1. Rename Poland to Prussia
2. Liberate Germany
no fighting would happen
The metaphysical asspain radiating from your post is too intense. Noone in Europe can defy Germany. In fact, noone outside Europe can, either.
please Please PLEASE try to invade us. I want to utterly smash your nation like we did in 39. You wouldn't win in the long or the short, we would completely flatten you and your stronkposting diaspora would be here baaaawing their eyes out.
yeah, and in 300 A.D. germany didn't have an army.
whats your point shlomo?
Germany, Poland has a very outdated Air Force and mostly machine guns for air defense.
You had no arguments, faggot, simply conjecture and wishful thinking backed up by nothing. Now get a real flag and stop hiding, you queer.
Do you think the German soybois could win a war ? They can't even clean their clothes without mommy's help.
Poland would win easily because the German Army is in shambles right now with merely 90 tanks operational.
half of people in germany defies germany you absolute subhuman
Your feminism, your dysgenic multiracialism and Islam will ensure that your country never achieves that.
Poland would destroy Germany, Germany atm doesn't even have a operable Air Force, they have nothing to stop Poland from bombing them.
Their Army is weak, cucked and inexperienced. Poland has been fighting in Iraq and Afghan since 01'
All of Poland's tanks are our old Leopard2s from the 1980s, and we still have the unlock codes.
fuck off. No one wants another dirty Germans sad attempt at "fixing" the world.
God damn, what's it like losing 2 world wars and slowly seeing your country and bullshit European Union spiral more into shit every year?
Enjoy being raped and murderd by the muslims, you fucking chode :^)
Every country will become like Germany. Your refusal of basic morals made you too weak to resist the change.
> memeflags everywhere
I'm wondering when Sup Forums will ever fix their hatecrush on the Germans. It's getting embarrassing. Other boards are starting to talk.
Germany. Poland is a shithole currently running by total nutjobs and Russian agents.
We became the leaders of the world due to a lack of qualified competing candidates.
the germans are more superior warriors than polish. look the death tool they had in ww2 compare to death toll in soviet union alone.
the germans are mother fuckers. but look at what they did with their country after ww2 and look at poland or russia. they are the most hard working people in europe. what the average german do in average in 6 hours of work the slav do it in 10 hours.
get out, jew
the amount of we wuz in your posts is incredible
germany in 1945 and current germany are 2 different countries. those superior german soldiers you speak of where genocided and the only people remaining in germany now are soviet rape-babies
nope some are modified T-72s and no tanks dont have unlock codes.
>r-r-remember t-t-the 6-no 7, how could you forget about the 8, no 9 gorillion, goy! da ebil nazees killed 10 gorillion
most right wing germans would greet the poles as liberators,why should they even fight ? Dying for Merkel...no thank you...
this is true
Poland today has a very realistic chance of winning
If anything, we're even more superior than our forefathers were.
Remove the meme flag, come on. Let me see what shithole you're forced to live in.
If germany would attack we would hold them off for long time behind oder.
our much more concentrated forces on the west and more numerous artillery would destroy briges and react fast to german movements.
Eventually slight german air superiority would force our artillery and armour to frequently relocate allowing pockets of german forces to advance into Poland. Altho capturing any bigger urban centers would be met with heavy resistance and big German casualities.
If Poland attacked we could make a fast advance thanks to our superior numbers on german border maybe even capture Berlin. After some time germany would probably flank us and deciminate our forces.
In the long run germany could transform their economy into military industrial complex and win. thing is would it be worth it to control Poland with constant ambushes and partisant "terrorist opperations".
Differance is Polish people would be fuled by patriotism and love for the homeland. Germans with money from millitary pensions.
I was in the military and worked or trained with both of them.
I'd say Poland, easily.
>Poland attacked us
Kraut education.
>took over the whole country in 2 weeks.
Completely alone of course, with no help, right? :^)
Absolutely nothing like the average sneaky Krautcuck.
Well in a real Szenario with the full support of the population on both sides our cunt defense minister would get kicked out instantly and generals would take over then we would go full war machine because at least we still have all the industry here and we would produce so much shit that we take over poland very fast and easy
But right now and without any purpose we would lose easily because cucks would dessert and every real german knows that our clay is in much better hands when poland control it instead of the cuckery that is our modern germany
So i say poland because we aren't even trying anymore
Germany doesn't even have two dozen operational fighters, the poles would wreck their shit. Hell, Denmark could probably wreck Germany now.
There is no fighting spirit left in your nation. Denazification hit you hard and striped you out of your national pride. You have way better industrial capabilities than we have. At the end of the day however, you need boots on the ground to win wars. Real world is not a EUIV map painting simulator.
Okay, let's do this your way: Poland would genocide every German in any territory they take over, just like when the Soviets steamrolled through Eastern Europe. The Poles are not burdened with a conscience like we are. They've been ruled by a Germanophobic government for ten years now. If fact it would be suicide to stay and surrender, and no country would accept German refugees at this point. We would be forced to fight and die and THERE'S your motivation.
Meanwhile Poland is using outdated equipment that used to belong to us. They have no strategic capacity. They're essentially a speed bump for the Russian Army's long march through Europe. Even though Poland hates the hell out of us to a murderous extent, they're still too weak to attack us and all of them remember what happened the last time they attacked us.
>There is no fighting spirit left in your nation.
Attack us again and we'll find out. Nobody in their right mind would be afraid of the "threat" you pose, only how mentally unstable your people and your government are.
So they can use it to house more sandniggers?
How about no
Just gonna leave it at that
I can barely do one (1)
we're fucked
Flatten Poland with broomsticks and kebab?
These guys will for sure defend Germany and not start riots and revolutions
No outside help, 1v1? Poland would easily win, because they actually know how to fight. Maybe East Germany would put up a bit of a fight, but the western part will just pretend like nothing's happening.