Plebbit and leftypol always accuse us of being heartless with our political views, when in reality some of us are just edgy shitposters, but which one are you? Pic related is my result.
Personality Disorders and Sup Forums
You can't trust the psychologists, user. Neo-Liberalism is just narcissistic psychopathy with a nice name. Beyond that most disorders are just ad hominem attacks to discredit those who threaten the Establishment. It's the medical version of "conspiracy theorist". EG Drapetomania caused black slaves to flee captivity. The recent increase in autism and transgenderism has the same cause. The "disorders" are an effort to cover up that cause while discrediting autists and transgenders if they speak up. It use to be bipolar and schizophrenia.
Wtf is "Borderline"?
Like why are doctors who pride themselves on being smart so fucking retarded? That literally doesnt even make sense. Borderline what? How about you fucking faggots rethink your mental illness titles.
this test is bullshit made up to sell a scam 200usd book.
Pic related
ITT: Shills gaslighting.
That's what Hitler had. Or what Anakin Skywalker has, I know it's a meme movie but the symptoms match 100% those displayed by Dark Vador.
Borderline as in in between two different types of the 10 personality disorders on the DSM scale. Not a difficult concept to grasp.
Post your results, user
Disorder | Rating
Paranoid | Very High
Schizoid | Very High
Schizotypal | Very High
Antisocial | Moderate
Borderline | Very High
Histrionic | Low
Narcissistic | High
Avoidant | High
Dependent | Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive | Moderate
Cool. I inherited my grandfathers mental illness.
Am I a freaking normie?
Definitely a shill thread sage.
Yes goy, please step right up. We will find what's wrong with you.
Oy vey, it seems you have 10 different personality disorders. I proscribe a lifetime of therapy and medication, which will keep you locked up in a cycle of infantalization and self-deprecating thought patterns, as well as keep a steady flow of money from your wallet into ours.
I think I did bretty gud. I have to say that most people on here have likely been manipulated by others or rejected by their peers at some point in time, so schizophrenic/paranoid is naturally going to be higher.
These tests all seem to refuse people can have extra sensory perception
This guy.
This goy
good one
>Plebbit and leftypol always accuse us of being heartless with our political views
The proper counter to that is not to claim that you are mentaly disabled, you dumb nigger.
That's because it's biologically impossible you narcissist. You can tell where people are standing due to the heat they produce and a low level sonar phenomenon where your brain can picture what's around you based on echoes.
You should be scared. It's the degenerates who are the ones that are "available"
I don't know what to think about this.
A psychiatrist gave me avoidant personality disorder with a differential of generalized aniety disorder and some depression.
I got prescribed some lorazepam and escitalopram. Feeling pretty good but only half as good as i would hope and half as better as when before i went for treatment.
people emit energy and you can pick it up and interpret it just like how your router sends out a signal for devices to pick up on
>take our psychiatric test goy
>oh it seems you're mentally ill according to our test based on nothing more than opinions and pseudo-science
>buy our medicines goy or be a weird sicko
I am definitely fucked in the head, no gas-lighting involved.
What does this mean?
we don't rule the world goy, you're just a sick delusional paranoid you see? buy our drugs
Fuck off with your Jew talk boy.
This bullshit is a Jew mind trick used to control and programme weak goy for failure while taking their money in regular humiliation sessions.
I would thrash you with a fucking club if you inflicted this Jew fuckery on any member of my family cunt.
I got Anti-Social, Narcissistic, and borderline. All Very High
Test can go fuck itself tbqh I am none of those