Tesco Turkeys

Tesco sells turkeys that are already out of date - not at a reduced price either. Some claim the turkeys smelt of bleach, implying that the meat had already gone off before packaging and the supplier tried to solve the problem. Many people felt sick after eating the turkeys and tesco has apologised.







>British Cuisine

Can the free market be trusted with supplying food?
Librarians and Ancaps on suicide watch.

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Looks gross.


Why do you eat turkey in UK?

Nothing wrong with a slightly off turkey. Cook it thoroughly and have a couple shots of vodka and you'll be fine.

turkey is gross in general. your OP looks absolutely disgusting.

So they make sure you pay a fucking fee to watch TV and then they let the corporations sell you rotten meat.
You should have bought some Halal food.
Allah knows it would have been flawless.

Free market capitalism is a mistake

National socialism is the only way forward

Not just buying kebab or KFC.

The item in question


Turkey is absolutely fucking disgusting and anyone who eats it ever for any reason deserves poisoning. It makes me fucking sick that it is considered food.

>Can the free market be trusted with supplying food?
>Librarians and Ancaps on suicide watch.
So government regulation fails and somehow this is the market's fault? The blinding logic of statists on show for all to see.

As someone who worked at Tesco I must say they are scummy as fuck

Who the fuck buys boxed frozen turkey for Christmas.

You realise the majority of Europe has a TV license?

We pay so much in taxes what difference does it make what the money supposedly goes and doesn't go to or what's supposedly 'free' and what's not 'free?'

better than shitalian food

>Turkey is gross in general


Why do we believe we need to eat this dense, dry bird every Christmas? It's not even a long established Christmas tradition for Britain - goose, chicken, ham or beef would be more appropriate.

People stress themselves to death cooking a horrible meat that nobody enjoys even when cooked properly. Personally the only good bits of an average Christmas dinner are the roast potatoes, carrots and the chipolatas

>tfw had Beef Wellington this year

To be fair though I don't mind turkey too much as long as it's cooked correctly which it rarely ever is

Turkey is one of my favorite foods. It tastes a lot better than chicken which has almost no taste at all.

>Can the free market be trusted with supplying food?
>free market
Don't make me fucking laugh, you faggots can't even get out of the EU which is central planning at it's finest. You can't blame what happens on a free market when you don't have one.

Why would you buy your turkey from that shit tip?

I never understood why we need to get turkeys,we are all about roast beef,salmon,chicken venison haunch,pork
Why turkey?

We eat turkey in the US too, shithead.

I worked for Tesco. Me an some of the other lads used to stick out fingers up are arses and wipe em on the meats before they were packaged, Enjoy!

Who buys turkey from Tesco? Shit tier supermarket.

the breast is the worst part of the turkey, and there isnt even skin on that thing

i wouldnt buy that if it were fresh and untainted with bleach

>in tesco on tesco WiFi
>blocked from that page

I don't understand how anyone can live in the UK.
There's a reason why your forefathers left that shit hole and occupied better land with prettier girls.

hard to pity people for buying that shit. You don't have butchers in your town to buy actually fresh meat? You don't have a nose to smell the meat before cooking it?

>Can the free market be trusted with supplying food?
Can people be trusted not to gulp down everything without checking if it it fresh and then die like idiots? Or use the free market and not buy from large chains?
But that is evolution I guess.

That's what you get for voting Brexit. No more takeout for you racists in the UK!


bleaching meat is an american practice

>eating Turkey instead of Goose for christmas

Turkey can be kinda dry so you have to brine it. I'm not sure why this is such a hard concept for people to grasp. My family and I are from Russia, and I have never eaten a better turkey than the one my mom makes. Seriously you dumb fucks, brine your goddamn turkey or you're coming to my house for Thanksgiving dinner.

Oy. You can't eat a turkey if you got no sharpy forks.

Save a life from food poisoning, bin that knife.

There are people eating potato salad with sausage on Christmas . Eating turkey is far from the worst choice.

Did you see the christmas meal thread? Robots migrated over there for the day.

turkey looks dry as shit in the packaging photo.
its also only a turkey breast.

why the fuck would you buy this shit?
just buy a whole god damn turkey and season/stuff it yourself.

>Libertarians and Ancaps on suicide watch

You must be absolutely retarded if you can't see that this perfectly proves our point about the benefits of free-market. Tesco has shown that it provides terrible products, switch over to a different brand. If the government where to provide expired turkey you wouldn't be able to do anything but complain.

Can SOMEONE please explain to me what series of events led Brits to believe that eating turkey on Christmas was a good idea? We barely even eat turkey for Christmas here, where we have wild turkeys. Most people just have a ham.

Who tf eats turkey on Christmas even? Thats strictly Thanksgiving food

They consume our media and want to emulate what the television Jew tells them American life is. Don't most Europeans eat goose or duck for Chrsitmas. Also, user is right about Christmas hams here. Wild Turkeys are nasty though man.

>disliking eel pie
Authentically repugnant actually

I hate capon

Yes actually. It's an Edwardian thing, or maybe late-Victorian? Englishmen used to eat goose for Christmas, but turkey was cheaper and had more meat per bird (which was how they were sold at the time) as well as more meat per pound weight of untrimmed bird (which is the issue now). Most people have always been poor so of course they were happy to get a bigger more satisfying Christmas meal for their money (not that this is the same reason people buy turkey from Tesco now instead of getting it from a decent poulterer or general butcher, the people who have been fucked by this and are complaining are overwhelmingly not those well off enough to buy a whole bird at butcher's prices), and for that reason turkey became a popular replacement for goose and gradually took over.

I am more of an intestines with salt and vinegar guy.

Those meals make me sad.

Oh that makes sense.

Oh shit son.

Quit being a poor nigger and get both. We smoke a turkey and have honey baked ham (home made, not lazy nigger store bought).

> Only one supplier
Nah mate we've got tons. If one sells bad shit you can never do business with em again.
Wanna chat about Monsanto?

Wasn't there a case years back when someone shat in a Tesco value mousse?

Shit like this is why I could never live in America, the food seems so fake and plastic
I wouldnt feel safe even if I were to grow my own products, God knows what they do to them seeds



I'm a retard, didn't know this was Britain. I guess it's an anglo thing

Hold on brother. Our halal turkey bacon we put on deluxe chicken kebab needs turkey. This just became a hate crime.

Good. I hope pajeets and pakis get those.

>Personally the only good bits of an average Christmas dinner are the roast potatoes, carrots and the chipolatas

I don't care what anyone says, brussels sprouts are god-tier when done properly.

>dry bird
if you know how to cook it won't be dry you cheflet

>with black pepper sprinkle
as if that is some kind of luxury, fucking kek

Dude Brexit is hitting them hard

What? you have to go over hell if you want to be a Tesco provider (rules, certifications, best practices) but they sell out of date turkey over there to make like 5 cents of profit...



imagine my shock. they did the same thing with pizza like 10 years ago and were sucessfully sued for it.

Didn't they also have the horse meat fiasco too, or was that someone else?

The telescope people?

I'm rather fond of Yorkshire pudding, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce myself.

>Nothing wrong with a slightly off turkey. Cook it thoroughly and have a couple shots of vodka and you'll be fine.

This is why I love Nigella Lawson.

That was them,and a bunch of other retailers to be fair.

Sainsburys font.

Morrisons sell halal turkers for Christmas. They can fuck off, never shopping there ever again.
And Tesco with their 'Everyone Welcome' instead of 'Merry Christmas' can fuck right off.

>Morrisons sell halal turkers for Christmas.
>And Tesco with their 'Everyone Welcome' instead of 'Merry Christmas'

How do we save England?

a challenger appears


Freshly WHAT?

Literally brainlets who doesn't know how to cook, the trick to cook turkey is kill it just 24 hrs before eating it, you don't buy frozen meat/food unless you are retarded.

Pakis in the supply chain.

His whole fucking point is that it's more common here than there you absolute nigger

Harry just chose the whitest American in existence

It was Findus frozen food. Happened in factories on the continent but was shipped every where