KERALA SUCKS / India Thread /

We All Have A New Enemy: Malayalis + Other Keralite. Worse Than Pakistan. #NukeKerala #RSS #ShivSena

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Why is spaghetti nigger mad at curry niggers?

Seriously why the fuck are South Indians so haughty these days?
>inb4 muh kommunism works guis

Indians Are Ma Favorite People. Dat's Why KERALA Is India's Worst Enemy.

North Indians(Street Shitters) hate the South Indians(Coconut Niggers). OP is 100% a street shitter.

>hashtags on a basketweaving enthusiast board

We don't hate the South Indians, they hate us

Can we take Kerala back
Vijay came from there

Tamil elam first.

>get btfo by a Tamil with a FAL for decades

Get fucked dravidinigger
We gassed you fucks once and we can do it again

Here's What Happens When You Calculate: Commies + Christians + Jews + Some Muslims = Nigga State Of India.
#HindutvaNOW #HindutvaTOMORROW #HindutvaFOREVER #KeraliteHolocaust

Listen street shitter, learn to let go the religion of Poo and learn to love and build your country. Stop whining like a little faggot.

I'm an expansonist North Indian. But seriously though redpill me on tamil elam and indian soldiers in Sri lanka, i heard we raped and killed a lot of people on BOTH sides?

get the fuck out of my coutry, street shitter

Oh yes it’s a filthy Hin(doo) autist.

Dat's 1 Crore Prize!

Indians came here for peace keeping operations
You raped and killed a lot of plot of people
But you guys got raped as will with thousand dead and 2 thousand wounded
Then the LTTE killed your PM and found an away
To be fair rape murder and war crimes were basically everywhere in the war

Sei Meridionale? Io Sono Polentone E Sterminerò Anche Voi.

you have to go back

can you even get more pathetic?


>posts pic representative who literally got kicked out of his own party for stealing their funds to pay for his retarded son's porn
come on, keep getting lower

Indians And Italians Have Much More Things In Common Than You Think:
North-South Divide Especially

Dear fellow Pajeet,
Nobody is buying your shit. We know you're not Italian named Paolo (if you're then send time stamp).
This is to remind you that North Indians are th basic definition of niggers who are famous for chimping out in name of Nationalism.

Being the ugly ass low IQ nigger you are, you don't have any credible source (no sources stated on the pics).
So far you North niggers are the reason why India is called poo in loo because you sub humans lack the basic IQ to construct a toilet

Now be a good nigger and construct your toilets before your kids die from cholera.

Now lets talk about RSS and Shiv Sena. The nigger associations famous for chimping out all over India.

To people who are not Indians and reading this. This felllow nigg-tier pajeet is pissed bacause RSS nigger was shot in Kerela for chimping out.
>Press F

L'Estrema Destra Italiana Vuole Il Tricolore?
>Più Fasci Appesi
>Bossi Was Great

Kek. It's nothing but a joke now

>Can we take Kerala back
May be after 99 years when you're done paying debts and China releases you back to us

>LTTE killed your PM
The only good thing to happen to us in that entire episode

typical polentaboo behavior
back to your designated shitting street Paolojeet

We are playing the long game
When ranjeet goes to war with pakis and chinks
We can sneak in and take all the land we want and gass all the Tamils we want

>he's also a commiecuck

Instead, My Favorite Is Tamil Nadu, They Are Doing Good With Nationalism. Also Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka & Telangana Are Great States. I Guess Too Many Butthurted Commies.

>my favourite is Tamil Nadu
I hope luigi caves your Dravidian skull in

Impossible. China vs India is a meme. Won't happen. Pak vs India is ez.


>muh literacy rate
Is that why Kerala is sending highest no. of Indian recruits to IS or is it because your Commie ruled state is god's own country? Stop hiding behind muh literacy and deal with your problems or soon it'll be another Kashmir
>To people who are not Indians and reading this.
You're obviously new here. Lurk moar


>My Favorite Is Tamil Nadu
Literal beggar/nigger state. The most socialist state in India

Thank You, Sir.

so you're a neocon cuck? that's even more pathetic, my dear pooinloo

Tamils Are Not Gypsies. Since They Have Better Skin Color.

Ok Sir, So When We Will Ethnically Cleanse: Commies, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sinhaleses, Moors, Dhivelis, Malayalis Of Lakdhasweep? I Am Eager To Know.

>Sinhalese Are Terroni
>Cingalesi Sono Terroni

Don't Believe Liberalism
>Tamils = Master Race

paolo ammazzati tu e i tuoi amici imbrattastrade

>tfw polentacucks are the ones with the most rapefugees
>tfw polentacucks are the ones pushing for open borders to begin with
>tfw a fucking streetshitter is defending this cuckery on an anonymous finger-painting forum

polentacucks are the liberal ones here, though

Se Devo Veramente Morire, Lo Farò Uccidendo Tutti I Terroni.

Also Return To Play Your Jewish Otakus, You Idiot.
>#I'm More Conservative Than Saudi Arabia

not true gennariello, ti assicuro che il sentimento nazionalista é ben radicato nei giovani e i meno giovani.
i magrebini non sono ben voluti qui, ci restano solo perché la svizzera li rifiuta

>disse il currynegro mentre si caga nel suo vicolo designato
guarda, vorrei farti fare i gargarismi con la mia diarrea ma probabilmente saresti più pulito di prima

the fuck are you on about?

last time I checked all the traitor hubs are in the north, if you want to talk about protecting borders you should deal with those first

>Cari Terroni

Kerala has the highest HDI of India

>caro currynegro

>Frocio A Chi Scusa?

Paolo? More like pooaloo.

OP must really like poo because thats one of the only few places that they aren't shitting on streets

the only ones liking that faggot are leftist polentacucks tho

ti lamenti tanto dei campi al nord ma non realizzi che il problema é al sud con la guardia costiera che passa vicino alle coste africane, riempie le motovedette e torna in base carica di problemi dalla pelle scura, che cercano di andare in germania/francia ma vengono bloccati dalla svizzera, ma una volta arrivati non tornano indietro e si stabiliscono nei cami profughi a ricevere gib.

io sto parlando dei coglioni che glielo lasciano fare, potremmo benissimo iniziare a rispedirli indietro ma noooo, poi chi le mette le corna ai b*lognesi e ai m*lanesi?

GTFO off muh country
Nice try Pajeet

>caro marxista troppo abbronzato terrone
>io sono bianco

>terroni are commies even though all the commie hubs are in the north
you could at least try for once, poojeet
>getting this ass-frustrated at the mere sight of glorious Designated Shitting Rifle
did I hit a nerve?

The Same Reason Why You Africans Have So Beautiful Skin Colour.
>Her Parents Have Literally Shitted On Her

Io Non Sono Comunista! E Neanche Fascista!
>Il Comunismo Sta Agli Immigrati Come Il Fascismo Sta Ai Terroni

t. low iq si*Halese

One of the reason the war happened in the first place was because Sinhala rural and suburban retards had to push affirmative action policies on Tamil students, because Tamils were the economically dominant group, due to their prominence in the civil service, business, law etc etc
Si*Hala people are literally nigger tier

se è per questo non sei nemmeno italiano, perché non ti levi dai coglioni?

>thats one of the only few places that they aren't shitting on streets
They do it on the beaches, Commie


>posting N*ples
even N*apolitans hate it
did I mention it's also full of Indians like you?

bel bait, mi son fatto un paio di risate
questo succede quando un pajeet/prandev scopre vpn o proxy e un traduttore che mette in caps ogni parola
nei vostri sogni misti terroni forse lmao

looks like the tin man's wife

You have to go back
Also it's funny how the ones advocating for secession are always half/full immigrants lmao

This. Kek aprooves it

Allora Tornatene Nel Tuo Buco Del Culo Merdoso Tricolore. E Ridammi Tutti I Soldi. E Terronia Ban!

immigrants children*

>La Migliore Espressione Artistica Meridionale { Dopo Il Cibo Ovviamente }

sei tu l'estraneo qui
tornatene nella tua via designata per la defecazione, merdina
>E Ridammi Tutti I Soldi
lmao fatti un clistere di benzina

>Portrait Of Jew Terrone Ass Nigga

>portrait of Northern Indian Übermensch

>My So Nigga Ancestry:

who cares fag you just exposed your full name

Tra L'Altro Questi 2 Termini Sono Fra Le Ragioni Principali Per Cui Si Vive Di Merda Qui. Emigrerò In Un Altro Paese Presto Per Fare Una Vita Migliore. Magari Ucciderò Qualche Terrone, Ebreo O Negro Strada Facendo.

I Don't Fear You. Also I Have Proved You Are The Real Jewish Nigga.

>tamilshits living in foreign countries larping about others being victims
Nothing new here
Fuck off and die
Tamils are fine as long as they don't chimp out
It's the muzzies and thier foreign cash that's dominating the economy
If you stupid sub humans didn't chimp out we could have stopped the muzzies problem

>muh terroni
>he's SOUTHERN European

se parli l'inglese così come parli l'italiano non penso andrai lontano

topkek no, you just proved you're just a butthurt faggot

i have an italian word as my last name
can't be more italian than that

Me Faggot? Are You Sure?

you seem to be, yes

What Does It Mean "muh"? Sorry For My Low IQ Far Rightism.

Get the fuck out then, nobody will miss you

Sono Meno Scuro Di Lui, Fidati.

é come dire "il mio" ma in modo molto storpiato e negresco

>on top of all that he's also a newfag
truly a bottomless pit of pathetic

qui stiamo parlando di quanti cazzi hai preso in bocca non di quanto sei negro, su quello già non c'è dubbio


>muh country

then why are you still here, Turdjeet?

newfag non si usa cosí lmao é un dispregiativo

The Guy In Right Upper Corner Seems Very Neapolitan, Campanian.

Il Tricolore Fa Schifo. È Un Movimento Imperialista Meridionale.


like I said, N*ples is full of streetshitters like yourself

>t. has never picked up a histpry book in his entire life

Let's Remain On Topic. India Is The New White. The Rest Doesn't Matter. #NukeTheRed

As You Have Seen On My First Map, Orange Is Less Worse Than Red