Is being virgin the new

Normal ?

Like, I don't know for you or in your country, but, here in France, besides so-called escorts, young men have a hard time finding a girlfriend, and older men are more and more likely to be childless.

What's the cause for this forced MGTOW ?
Do you have an idea, Sup Forums ?

*any idea

damn, you know your shit.
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning

Lost it at 21 to another autistic virgin, like many other anons

Feminism, lack of religion, degeneracy ect.

>Lost my virginity at 16
Seriously, if you can't fake confidence enough to convince a girl to have sex with you in the low stakes hormone driven world of high school, you might as well kill yourself.

wow Sup Forums really is the new Sup Forums now

Only 2 more years until wizardhood. I'm gonna make it boys.

which young men? the few autists that you are half-friendly with? when i was in france i had no troubles fucking french women...had 6 the 8 days i was there. but, i'm also black, so maybe that helped. not your typical american nigger, i moved here from nigeria when i was 6.

>28 years of existence
>Being unable to convince a woman to let you stick your dick in her during that whole time
Wizards and wizards to be should be sent to the gas chambers. At least get a prostitute FFS

I'm 24 and getting a prostitute. No wizard powers for me.

I was a virgin until 28. Then my job transferred me to Thailand.

What a filthy fucks you are

Cause white women prefer to fuck niggers and arabs.
Enjoy the last years of "white" Europe. We were born just in time - to see a fall of the West.

>t. Bitter incel
Sorry you're so hopelessly autistic that you can't talk to women.

>Cause white women prefer to fuck niggers and arabs
No they don't. This is the cry of a bitter autist who can't talks to women and isn't capable of even faking cinfidemce.

Meh, I just get prostitutes to let me fuck their pussy/ass or if I'm feeling adventurous their armpits or a titfuck. Losing your vaginity is really easy in the modern world, but it's not something to base your life around. Improving your life leads to sex as a natural consequence, using sex to improve your life ends up with you feeling even more hopeless.

Truth, I probably should have killed myself then.

Idk...maybe leave France? It's not French anymore anyway.

i am 32 years old and have never kissed a girl
but i dont regret it
in fact i dont play videogames, but i do practice sport, read books, dislike sci fi, bugmen, and so on.
the reason i havent bothered is because all women are inferior pieces of shit, useless and materialistic as they come, they yearn for a life of hedonism and must be killed in the most painful way, virginity is something precious and according to Christian morality (which I follow 100%) one must not have sex before marriage and even then, its only for breeding purposes.
women are not worthy of anything

fuck off with your chink subhumans
these specimens made my dick grow inwards

99% of white women are childish sluts who see men like living credit cards for the shopping. Better find a Asian waifu.

Dafuk r u talkin bout?

These don't even register as humans to my penis. My only reaction to the one in the middle is the same reaction I have to a cute animal.

we forget that wizards are who we look unto for wisdom when all else fails, the forefathers of Sup Forums, the very thing this shit was built on.

Guess who else don't gets to fuck. That's right soyboys. You are all a bunch of saucy sissy soyboys.

Chinks are utter subhuman. Fucking a chink is the same as bestiality.

Having sex is not important. Procreating is, but I can do that after 30 no problem. Meanwhile I can just fap to my heart's content.

Being the epitome of bitterness and depression and utterly ignoring his genetic destiny

>16 yo
>face covered in acne
>braces still not removed
>low confidence because of bullying
why don't you kys
t. late bloomer

>Thinking its human
Lol chinks are more human than you can ever be.

Millennials came from religious families who were also anti porn. This is why more of them are virgins.

t. paki

24 y/o virgin and I met a cutie who wants to cheat on her bf and is a camwhore.

Also lost my virginity at 16. I even cared about whether or not we had protection. So cute.

That pic is satire by the way.

supreme gentlemen

i like the DoW quote

>Sup Forums
?made by wizards

no newfag, being a wizard was an oldfag joke because Sup Forums was made by unkept sexually frustrated neck beard perverts looking for anime waifus, porn, pizza, rule 34 and hentai
this is what made Sup Forums


What is the optimal age to lose my virginity?

Let's be honest - sex is overrated as fuck. I never understood why some people pay for it.

24yo virgin here, I have a 3.5 inch microbeen tho. All of my friends assume I’m not a virgin because I can flirt pretty easily with girls and been on dates before, just don’t have the guts to ever expose my penis to anyone. Hopefully I’ll die a noble death in WW3.

Depends on the type, some people are more sexual than others.

Its also really good in places where its legal and countries are non judgmental towards prostitution. Some whores in Amsterdam are really up-front about it and don't even cover their faces in advertisements and some are model tier. You can consider it like going out to very expensive restaurant once a month or even annually, treat yourself to a 9/10 mixed chick that can literary rip your tendons by riding your dicks so hard it hurts.
Going with a metaphor, problem starts when you need to go to a fucking shady alley and pay shitton for a cheap chinese noodles, never sure if you get what you actually ordered and its your only form of nutrition. Then you are fucked.

dick ain't everything, did you ever get attracted to girls with small tits and big butts? imagine girls being ever less judgmental about looks.

If you are charismatic, good-looking and can even feign status and are attractive otherwise you shouldn't have problems. Just mind that this will be a problem to most women nowadays but not to every one of them.

>Implying that girls are actually attracted to anyone but the football team in high school.

> Mahmoud taking satire pic from Private eye for actual documents.

within 15 years your dick will stop working, fuck a puta or some fat brah

Better to be a credit card for a cute white girl than a greencard for an ugly gook

>muh degeneracy
>muh traditional lifestyle
>muh pure white wife

If you think that losing your virginity matters or that sex with random women is in any way good, you deserve everything in this modern world. There's no difference between the virgin and the degenerate who sleeps with 5 different women a week aside from the virgin not actively contributing to degeneracy.

Only people who can call others losers in this are those that have actually managed to get into a monogamous relationship with a loyal wife. Doesn't matter how many sluts you fucked, you're no closer to the goal than the neckbeard in his basement.

1 year for me. I haven't even kissed, hold hands, or hugged with a girl.

Women are generally too much effort, fuck that. If I feel the urge I just have a fap and its gone. Get a whore sometimes. Hotter and less effort than normie women. Women suck these days anyway. Even a 6/10 is so much effort.

Sex is completely meaningless

France is full of faggots...that’s the problem in France. Everyone knows it’s true. My nephew who is a doctor married a queer from Paris, France. He says most Frenchmen are bisexual or full blown gay.

I have never in 25 years put a single calorie of effort towards trying to have sex. I just don't care.

>losing virginity because (((society))) tells you too

Imagine caring this much what other people want from you. Fucking plebbit is worse here every day

What if you had sex with hundreds of girls in Thailand then settled down with your boss's 18 year old virgin daughter when you went back to your home country? Virgin before Thailand of course



Good for you for settling down with a girl but you have no business complaining on Sup Forums about the modern world and degeneracy when you went to (one of the many) modern Sodom/Gomorrah to engage in degeneracy. Even less business complaining about niggers having sex with European women when you did the same thing.

Why would you think like that? Im not trying to bait, im genuinely curio why would any Swede have any sort of right to lecture anyone on Sup Forums about decency and/or degeneracy.

To the contrary, I haven't given my business in that. Not until I should fail to marry off my daughters to suitable husbands at age 16-18 do I lose my lot to complain about race mixing and white women degeneracy.

This ^

Getting girls isn't hard, but it's finding a girl who you can really like that is difficult. They want you to put in a lot of effort while they put in none or minimal anyway, so abstinence is pretty common since if you have to invest big it's better to invest in someone worth it.

I also have a theory that the West these days is a highly autogynephilic, and that the majority of practitioners are women and not troon men. Women put more effort and focus towards their working life than men do these days to the point that I'm speculating they're mimicking a masculine stereotype (same with the polygamous sex).

What guy wants to be with a woman who has thousands of student loan debt, is busy frequently taking courses and has little to nothing to show for it?

>not being a virgin AT 16 in [current year 2018] is abnormal
nice try Rabinovitch Schlomo Shapiro

Kys nigger

fuck off faggots you're shameless degenerates and it's obvious why

>just be confident

reminder that chinks have higher IQ's than whites and are somehow making capitalistic communism work

hooker said no :(

19 here, too shy and autistic to get gf. I want to escape the life of a wizard before it is too late.
What do?

>in the low stakes hormone driven world of high school,
yeah nigger but you forget that in the rest of the world we are not pumped full of hormones and chemicals from your daily McShitBurger™ and FlouridatedWatah+™

Do a semester abroad in Cambodia, Vietnam or Thailand.

>I can't love a woman that isn't Hollywood actress tier.
>I've only ever been in love with women in movies.
>I just can't settle with a normal woman.
>I've had a few 7s and 8s, one was even 9/10, but I'd always find a flaw that I couldn't look past
>I'd start to ignore and mistreat them till they'd leave on their own
>One of the more serious ones I had to literally threaten to kill for her to leave me
>I've never loved any of the women I've been with
what the fuck is wrong with me? I'm too ashamed to go to a psychiatrist


That's weird considering France (and most of Europe for that matter) is one of the countries where promiscuity is rampant and very common.

You can't have a country full of incels and betas when its even statistically proven that the average citizen is promiscuous as fuck.
Maybe you're projecting what you see with your circle of friends.

>I'm a virgin faggot cuz muh superior diet

Lay off the soy, homo

Get money. Get in a trade or get an in demand degree, save up, and get your own place.
When you're in your late 20s, you'll be fucking glad you did instead of chasing pussy all day.

Lost mine when I was 15 to a 13 yo, she hit puberty early and holy fuck was it the best ever, legit met her in a Starbucks with a group of my friends, they were able to hype me up enough to talk to her, after a few weeks we did the magic, so yea it's fucking easy, even in college. Just make sure you clean yourself up well, have a clean environment, do every little thing to boost your confidence and finding puss should be easy

I didn't play sports in high school and got laid just fine.
>Making excuses this feeble to justify your autism
Avsolutely pathetic

The gynocentric court systems for one, it is causing men to leave because the rewards are very low.

>t. Incels trying to make excuses for their complete inability to communicate with the opposite sex

Lost mine at 15 while at scout camp with one of the two girls who was in our group. Lasted about 3.4 seconds. Shit was awkward till she quit about a year later. All we wanted to do was fuck.
Didn't have sex till I was about 22, wow got into my life...

it'll only get worse

I.agine being such a pathetic excuse of a "man" who actually believes this.

Jesus man look up PUA

I captained my High School Hockey team to a state Championship and I'm still a 28 y/o KV. Playing sports doesn't mean shit if you are unattractive and can't initiate/talk to girls.

>teenagers aren't horny Fucks outside of America
>teenagers weren't horny Fucks before the 20th century
Why are gypsies universally retarded?

Holy fuck, are Koreans ugly. Baby-faced retarded looking inbred mongoloids mimicking western fashion and lifestyle because their traditions sucks.

I lost my virginity at 22.
Don’t let memes decide your fate anons.

34yo old now...lost virginity around 28. was that nerd kid in school
that got beat up and disrespected by the ladies. dont become like me, life is horrible

The cause is jewish societal influence. By promoting race mixing so intensely they are making young white women less interested in white men on the margin

I Love How Asians dye their hair to look like westerners. as if dying their hair will make you forget they are have no souls

>rick and morty posting on pol


Lost my virginity at 23 years old this year to a black chick.

being unattractive generality, autism is just cope. If you're ugly ion ding get laid

I'll off myself before it becomes pathetic (25+)

Hollywood actress are pretty ugly in general. very few are incredibly hot, but most of them have manfaces and small tits nowadays, just like fashion models. there's a better cutie ratio at a typical university than in Hollywood.

This post confirms Argentina is white. Doing the Lord's work user

Lel kys faggot you are embarrassing yourself on this thread.

minimum looks required to slay in 2018

Were your parents religious? I was the "crazy" or batshit kid.

Hollywood actresses are hired based on jewish fetishes not based on objective beauty. Have you been following along?