Can you imagine how conservatives would freak out if Obama said just one of the things Trump has said about the FBI? These are truly insane times.
Can you imagine how conservatives would freak out if Obama said just one of the things Trump has said about the FBI? These are truly insane times.
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Could you imagine the liberal freak out if Hillary was a conservative that didn't get arrested for her crimes?
Here's how you know they're all full of shit - in any of these situations simply change Trump to Clinton, and their story would quickly change, which means the MSM is equally tainted
Yet another Jew.
Bernstein abandons his non white kids.
>wow you fucking conservatives aren't just sitting there and taking our bullshit anymore this is unfair
Trump is not a conservative and you only have yourself to blame. This is what the deepstate deserves for propping up waffley Neocons and shitlibs.
(((Carl brenstein)))
I would actually agree with Obama and anyone else that says the same thing about the FBI. The FBI's integrity is in the shitter..
Daily reminder that Trump's daughter is a Jew,he has beauitful Jewish grandchildren,his cabinet is full of Jews,and he just threatened UN just to please Israel.
Go on,call out the Jews.But please,at least be consistent,you fucking pathetic cucks.
Sheesh, it’s like the Left forgot about Hoover, domestic spying, CONINTELPRO, etc. all they stuff they used to hate the FBI for. Trump talks a little shit about them, and now they’re “muh incorruptible FBI”.
>hilldog sits through 7+ benghazi hearings
>find nothing
>gets exasperated and says the whole process is a bit shit
>trump associates getting arraigned and pleading out
>witch hunt!
>omg Trump is based maga
Conservatives are nothing if not massive fucking hypocrites.
Obama used a memorial for cops murdered by BLM to lecture the police about how racist they are.
the jews haven't been on this big of a spotlight since 1967, I'll gladly have jews in power in america if that also reignites the latent antisemitism that's been sleeping in europe
this thread again
(((Carl Bernstein))) was a shill for FBI from Day One
Deepthroat was FBI
Still is
"The Washington Post created a morality play about an out-of-control government brought to heel by two young, enterprising journalists and a courageous newspaper. That simply wasn't what happened. Instead, it was about the FBI using The Washington Post to leak information to destroy the president, and The Washington Post willingly serving as the conduit for that information while withholding an essential dimension of the story by concealing Deep Throat's identity."
Carl is a bought and paid for shill
part of the reason 24 hour news is such a stupid idea
well they found some dead bodies
but im sure this russia thing will.... do something eventually for trump
If only benghazi was her only problem...
Big if true, not even meming.
Welp, Bernstein confirmed shill. It's silly to deny the FBI is compromised. They are, even if Trump is too.
Well then it must be big.
Bernstein has been a party loyalist his entire life. Why is everyone shocked by this headline?
is not like Obama let hezbolla sell crack to kids in the ghetto or anything. lets ask him about Trumps twitter account in his first interview.
It's consistent with deep state behavior but these things still come as a surprise.
I'm pretty sure that any "historic" president will be looking the other way when it comes to drugs.
why is this irrelevant POS opening his mouth about President Trump.
what has he done that even compares to GEOTUS accomplishments.
he should go back in the closet where his open mouth is good for something. business as usual.
also, he's white and old. thought disqualifies anyones opinions in libtard land.
Could you fucking not start again with your fucking slide threads again you utter faggot?
Just go fuck your dog or something
The fbi has been compromised a long time ago FUck the fbi and fuck obama
>Two jews get famous in the 70's for exposing government corruption
>In the current year: "Nothing to see here goy! Love the Deepstate and fuck Drumpf"
I'd believe it.
Nixon was the kind of person that wasn't prone to doing that many stupid things.
He also knew about (((them)))
dude. Obama shut down the FBI investigation of Iran selling coke in the USA. DONT BE STUPID.
Hoover was totally 100% right btw. He wanted to purge all degeneracy. That's why HP Lovecraft loved him.
What are these people smoking? How do we save the republic with people saying stupid shit like this?
Hey Carl Bernstein. Fuck you.
>Leaks reveal almost the entire FBI investigation team were big DNC contributors and regularly exchanged texts bashing Trump and his family and talking about nailing him for whatever they could manage while they were supposed to be in the middle of an impartial investigation
>FBI isn't tainted
you are confused and scared because your information resources are shit.
this guy is literally defending the dirty dossier on TV, and you appear to agree with him that it isnt bogus.
>im 12 and what is this.
go fuck yourself
They (the fake news media) are operating in accordance with (((Walter Lippmann)))'s playbook, and that communist Jew hated the Republic and the Constitution.
> In a republican form of government, the representatives are chosen by the people and share with them adherence to the fundamental principles and political institutions of the polity. Lippmann's quarrel was with those very principles and institutions, for they are the product of the pre-scientific and pre-historical viewpoint and what for him was a groundless natural-rights political philosophy.
>[Walter Lippmann] had "no doctrinaire belief in free speech"
Lippmann was the Jew who basically invented the concept of fake elitist media, as implemented by his modern blood brothers.
603 seacoast
>didn't get arrested for her crimes?
I've waited patiently for over a decade for the GOP to prove, in one of their many dozens of endless hearings and investigations against Clinton, to come up with at least one single valid criminal prosecution against here and the result is always the same: Bupkis.
So apparently the GOP is far worse than I thought at solving crimes, or Hillary is actually of anything.
If you don't have a good answer for this, don't bother to reply. And before you go attacking my memeflag, fuck you and fuck off you worthless piece of shit.
Does this prove that the watergate controversy was a deep state op and Bernstein is an asset or what?
>muh watergate
daily reminder that Nixion didn't do shit compared to what the Bushes, Clintons, and Obummer have done.
I'm sure the FBI gave immunity to half a dozen of her minions, changed the wording on documents describing her actions from 'gross negligence' to 'extremely careless', Loretta Lynch met Bill on the tarmac, and Comey himself came out to say Hillary didn't mean to break the law all because she really dindu nuffin and not because she was getting any special treatment to avoid prosecuting her.
Oy vey
Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.
That looks a lot like Based user...
>if Obama said just one of the things Trump has said about the FBI?
>we need to blame the victim
Why would Obama shit-talk another sycophantic agency that had its thumb on the scale for bongo and his party?
603 here, fuck these welfare spics who can't speak English. They have EBTs and medicaid yet can even say more than 5 words in English. How the hell did they get here?
>The Hill
you really suck
So Carl Bernstein is a pedophile? I never would have guessed but there you go.
I work in a building with about 90 other people and only 1 of them was black.
we know
can u imagine if Bush corrupted the FBI the way that Obama did?
wow taht was hard to flip around
sage and fuck off
the current state of "journalism" makes a lot more sense when you realize that every faggot and their brother idolizes this guy
MSM myth: When Trump is going after McCabe, it's really to go after Mueller not McCabe.
u'r not allowed to say things bcuz ppl might freak! do u want ppl to freak??! omg
Meat is back on the menu boys!
Now you know why CNN is doing backflips 24/7 now attacking Trump for going after FBI, they know what is coming and are trying to position themselves and their base to try and withstand the attack for as long as possible without giving up the jig..
They will claim.. ready for this?.. they will claim Trump is over-throwing the government. He is destroying the constitution, and bringing fake charges against people. They will have to do what they are claiming Trump is doing, by discrediting the OIG report, and GOP members that bring the fight after it is released.
Mark my words, we will enter uncharted territory politically.. this will make the history books and just like going to the Moon, many pussy hats and soy boys will go to the grave thinking Hillary was set up, not Trump.
We are about to witness the super bowl of lawyers.. a political blood bath of a drag out fight between Mueller vs Horowitz/Gen Sessions/Wray/GOP
since when does anyone care about the opinion of nepotist kikes?
MSM played the left like a fiddle, not only took away Bernie (and they rolled over) but fed them BS from day one of the election.
I mean come the fuck on!
since trump started supporting them
Berstein is a third-tier journo who tagged onto Woodward. He's a nuthin', then and now. Who gives a rip what he says?
So if Comey believed Trump was trying to get him to drop all investigations, why didn't he write it in any of his memos?
Colbert is a cock holster for the globalists
why does reality make me laugh so much
All their evidence, they have nothing, all Hillary connected.. every one..
If the FBI did half the shit they did to Trump to Obama, he would have dismantled it thru executive orders while calling anyone who spoke out against it as racist.
Well to be fair: Benghazi happened, Russian collision was a made up campaign hit piece
Wow he is such a brave progressive (((journalist)))
the FBI is the good guys now !
I thought america was a republic, if you guys are unable to contest the fbi then what's the point, turn fascist and get on with it
>before 2015 or whatever liberals aknowledge that alphabet agencies are basically currupt criminal organisations
>now over night they are crusaders of morality and justice
I feel like im taking crazy pills
Is there anyone posting here anymore that isn't a Russian troll? That means you too, comrade rusky.
Nixon did nothing wrong!
Non of them did, user.
Daily reminder, the DNC had been infiltrated by Soviet agents and colluded with the USSR on many occasions. Ted Kennedy should have been arrested and executed for treason for his attempts at Soviet interference in the 1984 election.
Immunity for destruction of evidence was given. Mishandling classified info is criminal, just deliberately not prosecuted. The GOP is not an investigative agency anyways lmao. What a fucking retarded thing to say.