Can Blacks and Whites be friends again?
Can Blacks and Whites be friends again?
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When they all go home, yes
can australians and emus be friends again?
No. They sided with the marxists. There will be no retribution
Only if again.
Black lives matter. Black lives matter. Black lives matter. Black lives matter. Black lives matter. Black lives matter. Black lives matter. Black lives matter. Black lives matter.
If all black men tomorrow were replaced by Carl Weathers clones, yes. Otherwise, no.
Sure why not. You go back to the rainforest in Africa and we can enjoy peace once again.
This isn't your Berkeley application
Good fences make good neighbours.
>Can Blacks and Whites be friends again?
Just as long as they aren't muslim.
Nuking make best.
lol gross. no, go be niggers somewhere else.
Except Robert Frost meant the opposite.
It was a poem about a disconnected society.
It's obvious at this point neither side actually wants to be friends
When the left is dead and can' t rile everybody against everybody up anymore, yes.
Ask black people.
Fuck dat, I wanna judo chop some nig nogs, maybe leave that black guy who does noises from the police academy, he funny.
Yes, from a continent sized distance away.
Our African brothers and sisters will always be our friends.
best penpals.
When all jews and race traitors are dead or in camps until they're dead: Yes
blacks have too much changing to do, they prefer thug culture that promotes violence and degeneracy. sure some whites do but thats not an argument when you look at the numbers. on the off chance they begin acting civilized the world would change for the better.
damn thats a fine ass whyte womenz
And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again,'Good fences make good neighbours’.
I don't trust white people so...
This. Even in this movie, Carl was CIA and came from special forces. The other black dude was a badass as well. Not once did their race come into play (same with the native American scout Billy).
It seems like (((they))) intentionally started dragging race into everything and then pointing at white people whenever someone questions the point beyond dividing the races
way to oversimplify the poem brah
Why the fuck do people harp on about not enough blacks in media. As far as I remember there were plenty of them in 80's and 90's shit, even more nowadays.
I understood that Schwarzenegger was a kike faggot dicklicker when I saw the movie " predator" in the 80s. The whole "concept" of having a multiracial special forces is kike bullshit from a to z. the most successful special forces consist of white soldiers - as simple as that
Only after we get rid of jews.
Might not be in our best interest.
until the modern left is dead no , and the jews of course
>get told to go home
>get told to go home by an German guy whose grandparents immigrated in the early 1900s
>my family has been in the states since the late 1700s
I fucking hate these fucks who claim to be American when their krautnigger grandparents came here and are still around to tell senile stories about ‘the old country’.
It will never be enough. It could be 50% women and 50% black men and progressives will still bitch about it.
>most irrelevant trade union around
>usually single digit membership per city
>almost always some anarchofags
the US was built by Germans , not by kikes , niggers or polacks
I’m fucking Chinese you fucking retard. The country was built on the backs of dead chinks and potatoniggers. Fucking off yourself as well trying to imply no one of a minority ever contributed to the states. Fucking hell you’re as bad as KANGZ posters.
the truth is very sad
black people need to wake the fuk up
Would you like a friend that has a high propensity to steal your TV, kill you, and rape your daughter?
Black and kikes uniting against kikes
Muslims and Christians uniting against kikes
This scares schlomo
When I think of movies and expressions like your picture it gives me hope. Perhaps things will become better for all of us.
Show me the slits of your eyes Chan
>Literally built capital
Go home Hans, you're not welcome in our country.
Fuck off, nigger.
come home, bl*ck man