'Gaming disorder' may get classified as a mental health condition


>The World Health Organization is considering adding "gaming disorder" to the list of mental health conditions in its next update of the International Classification of Diseases.

>Playing too many video games could become problematic if the behavior causes a person's relationships or performance at school or work to suffer.

>Although games can potentially become too compelling for some people, they also have some psychological benefits.

Well Sup Forums? Do you have a gaming disorder?

Other urls found in this thread:


no one here plays games you are looking for

>gaming is classified as mental disorder
>claim that you have a mental disorder
>get benefits for it

thanks for the free money, soccer moms

It damn well should be. Fucking casuals thinking they can measure up to console or better yet PC Master Race.


will this be classified as a full disability?

What are we going to do about mission creep.


you can also declare yourself trasgender (you don't even have to do anything about it, just say that you are) and just ask for more money

Being addicted to vidya is a symptom, not the cause.

>the same people that said not having sex is a mental disorder
I'm still waiting for my state sponsored girlfriend or at the very least tendie bucks.


I really think that maybe I need to stay inside and play more free games.

Doubt it. They removed drugs and alcohol use as a full disability years ago.

Vidya is for faggots anyway so it is definitely for the mentally ill.

Do it so I can get NEETbux playing minecraft all day.

just suggesting that you shut up before you say any more BS, although I have a feeling I'm being baited by such a stupid comment. no such thing as gaming disorder and never will be, it is called a lack of will power

They want to completely erase from the face of the earth the idea of the existence of willpower and replace it with pre-determinism and victimhood based on muh nurture over nature where the only way to change who you are and your habits is their pharmaceuticals

>We need another fake """disability""" that affects mostly white/asian males
>How about video games?

>playing Lucian
Of course hes retarded for using the nigger character

>Playing Lucian mid in a public space where everyone can see you
Might as well turn himself to the police on the spot.

I suffer from this, and also porn addiction and meme addiction, hell also internet addiction. i also fucking love breathing air and drinking water.

where is my free money for all these disorders

>literally WHO

Hmmm... I wonder why gaming is a disorder but scrolling facebook for 12 hours a day is not?

More like they will equalize it with drugs.

There will be legal ones, that are released by proper supervised kosher (((publishers))) who make sure their games are inclusive, gender positive, racially diverse and transsexual friendly and then there will be illegal ones, who are made by Russian hackers to subvert the society and turn their players into manchildren recluses by injecting toxic masculinity directly into the netcode and if cops find them on your hard drive you'll get busted and arrested for hate crime.

But dying your hair green and chopping your genitals off is totally normal. Absolutely sane.

>waste time playing vidya - mental disorder
Cutting off your dick - completey normal behaviour
The ride never ends

The real question is will people considered to be affected by "gaming disorder" be able to receive financial aid from the government. This would drain taxpayer money for at the benefit of the simply lazy.

>>Playing too many video games could become problematic if the behavior causes a person's relationships or performance at school or work to suffer.

If this is the reason of mental disorder, sounds like transexual can definitely be considered as mental disorder

>cuck soy boy tries to tell others about degeneracy



>Playing TOO MANY videogames
So playing different games is now a disorder? Not just playing one videogame a lot, but many different types of games?

I like this future. I'm going to be the greatest Wizard of all time!

All I need in my Tulpa.

Meanwhile chopping off you dick and keeping it from healing to look like a vagina is perfectly normal.


Ok, can we talk about tranny suicide rates now?

Sup Forums doesn't play games either
They fap to 2d traps

Remember goy, wanting to chop off your dick is completely normal and should be encouraged at all ages, but those video games are a sign of mental illness.

>no one here plays games
>links to Sup Forums

This, total farce

>playing any moba other than dota2

>playing vidya is a disorder
>chopping your dick off is courageous!

I want off this ride

Can't wait to extract more (((loans))) from the German gamerphobes

Moba communities are always full of soy-boys...How do you cope?

WHO is run by kikes.
Let me remind you that they deleted faggotry from index of diseases by VOTING without any medical evaluation.

What they truly mean by this gaming hoax is "you dont work enough gdp and not pay enough taxes for leeches like us!"

Shaming gamers didnt work, so they gonna try to tell you that you are retarded if you play instead of going back to cotton field.

As if the majority of the world aren’t going to be plugged into their fantasies mainlining nothing but falsehood in the near future. Would prefer opiated masses instead. Video related.


options - mute all incoming chat (in the top right)

The WHO have already declared not being able to find a sexual partner as a disability. Guess I'm now doubly disabled.

>Psychological addiction now needs a new criteria just for idiots that play computer games 24/7

Jesus wept.

>oy vey the goyim find more enjoyment from skinner boxes and sometimes actual games of varying complexity than from being screeched at and slaving away at work or school!

>it's an illness!

If this is classified as a mental illness then so should camping in line for black friday sales and chopping off one's dick.

In America playing video games is mental illness and chopping off your dick is liberation.

Just another attempt at gun grabbing.

This was in national geographic too. The Establishment is trying to normalize the idea that addiction does not have to be substance abuse. The article was pretty clearly, but didn't come outright and say it, an effort to normalize child molesting elites.


>playing vidya is a mental disorder
>a fat chick claiming she's a healthy transnigger dragonkin male is not

>really made me think