>I'm Italian bro
>oh how do you do my fellow white?
Why do you fags consider medshits white?
>I'm Italian bro
>oh how do you do my fellow white?
Why do you fags consider medshits white?
Other urls found in this thread:
I think it's only southern italians that look like arabs
Americanized Italian is the same as a spic. Real Italians aren't as degenerate as their mongrel cousins over seas.
Italian's have olive colored skin which most I would assume do not consider white
>posts Albanian
I don't. Wanted to for a while, then started dealing with Italians that think themselves white. They act like niggers, treat their families like shit, and are constantly seconds away from violence.
>Look, it's the same butthurt australian again
If he's even australian and not behind a proxy. Highly likely, there used to be a serbian poster just like him.
Violence is inherit to us, mediterranians, we have been defending our land and countries for centuries, even before the religion wars with the legions of Rome and celtic tribes. We have blood and nature of conquerors and defenders
you have never met an Italian
"""Italian""" Americans are nothing more than a bunch of degenerate mongrels like the rest of your shithole
White = european
*north European
Italy still to this day has a huge rate of domestic violence because you can't control yourselves. You take your impotent rage out on your women and children, and make excuses for it. Not that I give a shit, you can't expect anything out of non-whites. Just pity them.
You have never been to Italy, and if you have, you have never been North of Benevento.
In any case, your assumption is wrong, caucasian olive skinned individuals are considered as european and western as the dutch. It's litteraly impossible to tell an unmixed mountain berber from a southern european. Arabs and north african mutts are eaily distinguishable though, bar maybe from some southern italians greeks and spaniards.
In any case, the american definition of """white""" has no bearing here. We discriminate by religion and maybe non caucasoid ethnicity, rather than skin colour, because unless you reach ethiopian caucasoid levels of darkness, anything else could be an historical european.
source: my mongrel ass
>the new-fag fell for the D/C thread
>tfw no terrone gf
we came here. we were considered subhuman immigrants. one generation later, we were successful and wealthy and proved we are worthy of this nation. case closed faggots
oh so now Albanians arent white? Tell me how does it feel being mutt?
these are the subhuman filth calling us violent lol
We made the mistake of bringing niggers here. Take a look into domestic violence rates in Italy, it's actually pretty severe. Source: Your own governments statistics.
>implying tanning makes you not white
hhmm i wonder whos had more infleuence over culture over all .... from mario to political leaders of new york to mobsters and prohibition yeah useless human being your right... ive never met a person that doesnt like italian food
>i-i-it's le niggers
>we were successful and wealthy
I wonder how?
you can't divide something that hasn't been together since at least 500 years(culturally) and 2500 years(genetically)
Check year, 2012...2017 will be much darker in colors for western europe. Enjoy your new immigrants eurofags.
High IQ
whats the difference?
Because they look that way because they were busy fighting off African and Middle Eastern invaders while the rest of us were still running through the forests worshiping Odin. They deserve our gratitude.
yeah americanization of the old continent will bring us down to your level, unfortunately
>Americans can't handle banter
Jeff, all you had to do was google it to realize you were talking out your ass.
They look completely different and you can easy tell them apart if you are not a retarded ni.. *check flag* oh wait
italians are white people i would know im italian and irish so
>the rest of us
>that flag
Sure you are white
You shut down the thread. Good job.
>W-w-whiter than y-you mutt....
fake news
EYYYY LOOK AT ME IM ITALIAN, my entire life revolves around the fact that IM AM ITALIAN. AYYYY why do I talk so loud? CAUSE IM ITALIAN! YOU KNOW HOW US ITALIANS ARE, RIGHT??? AYYYYY GET OVA HERE, even though I have never been to Italy and I am 5 generations removed from Italy, I still pronounce some Italian words with an Italian accent cause I am a huge greaseball ITALIAN AYYYYYYYYY.
>t. bullied by italians at school
Get out of here, shlomo. Slide thread. Divide and Conquer thread. JIDF thread. Op is a faggot. Fucking niggers. End your life. They're waiting for you on the other side. PIC RELATED YOU MORONS.
Italians are just arabs mixed with mongoloids and were probably the extreme under class of rome and greece
Those aren't real italians.
high iq and we stuck together for a couple generations. the mafioso shit is overblown hollywood fiction.
they're not. spain/italy/greece all have similar north african roots.
yet north america is full of niggers, beat that
you can't
it was the whites that made these races feel inadequate when they got to america. i don't even know why they'd want to identify as anything but south euro
calling people niggers was the first american psyop.
italians started and are the reason for prohibition in the states
when you are so smart the cops dont catch you and eventually legalize everything that you are doing hahaha
I was in Northern Italy for a month one summer
People were white. I assume Jews own media in Italy and promote darker Sicilians on TV, making it seem like there are more of them.
Where were you? I've been to northen Italy quite a lot and I'd say only around half were obviously white. In Milano for example there's absolutely no way to tell if it's full of sandniggers or just regular Italians.
>thinks theres anything wrong with hitting women to discipline them
the_donald is around the corner bro
Milano was a shithole with more niggers than Oslo. Verona and Venezia area. We had a car and drove around, seeing smaller villages and rural places. I didn't think "these people are not white" like I do when I'm in Turkey.
italians are white. these pointless shill topics aren't convincing anyone otherwise.
thankyou i would know because everyone looks at me and knows im a white guy
Even Sicilians are pretty white lookin. Sup Forums just loves to cherrypick some pictures of a handful of wops with like 25% North African admixture and point fingers at them to feel superior for having lighter skin tone. Even in spite of that, Italy is a country with a high average IQ, large historical and cultural contributions and decent people and quality of life.
>In Milano for example there's absolutely no way to tell if it's full of sandniggers or just regular Italians
That's because it's impossible to find an ethnic italian in Milano, 100% of the population is either a southern italian immigrant or an extra-eu immigrant
Meds including Lebanon are white if you want to limit white to albino white then gtfo.
Sicilians are white because nords conquered sicily you retard. The middle italians are the darkest because they werent conquered (so much) and the northern italians are light because of their proximity to austria and the alps
lol, why not include all caucasians then? these meme categories are the main reason I cringe when someone suggests we are white, you never know what kind of trash you can find yourself grouped with
moreover, the fact that for some reason an Italian should define himself as a peripherial component of some "white" race is laughable at best, because we all know that you people pretend we are barely white mostly out of convenience
>Even Sicilians are pretty white lookin.
No they aren't, they look almost exactly the same as the mexicans here
Because its shouldnt be white but european. Same way we have africans and asians.
This is actually interesting, if the southern italians were so dumb and useless, how have they been able to create criminal organizations that span various continents and that still subsist to this day albeit in a weaker, diminished form? It seems they do share a comparable intelligence to northerners but haven't put it to use towards some more "productive" endeavors.
But all caucasians are white. I accept all meds as white especially the Christian ones.
Race is actually a social construct, as in you can classify people from one small region of Norway as a race simply because they do have some isolated genes that is not shared as much with the general Norwegian population. That people are genetically different, isn't a construct though obviously. Europeans, Northern and Southern, are genetically close and should stand together against Sub-Saharans, Semites and other trash that is hurting out continent.
I'm pretty sure every one of these gene maps showing populations in relation to each other will show that Southern-Europeans are closer to Northern-Europeans (and Western/Eastern) than they are to anyone else. Maybe except Greeks that might be closer to Anatolian Turks.
Could this Italian pass as a local in your country?
This. Most if not all Europeans are related, especially non-Slavs. Coastal areas has been connected for thousands of years, from Spain to Norway. Some Norwegian regions does have a lot of Spanish and Italian blood, and vice versa. If there's a relevant difference, one has to look on the east/west axis rather than north/south. This is especially true for value, moral and culture.
Russians love shitalians with passion. No idea why.
He isn't Italian though
No, but he isn't a typical Italian male either.
Actually Gedmatch will show that
Southern Italians are genetically closer to Levantines than to Northern Europeans
This is a typical Spanish male. If he isn't white, then there are literally 0-5% whites left in the US. In that case the le 56% meme needs to be adjusted.
[Citation needed]
>Italian Americans
just stop please
Err, pic related.
Sicilians does have a very different jaw line, and more often blue eyes Also, they are considerably taller than Mexicans (mixed ones).
reminder 100 years ago they would kill italians for insisting they are white, now they will kill italians for denying they are white
nah, he is deep terrone
this pure "white" in pic related couldn't either though
Would Davide Zappacosta be considered white in your country?
Björk is a native/eskimo obviously.
In your country? For sure.
>They act like niggers, treat their families like shit, and are constantly seconds away from violence.
This, the only Italian I've ever known looked like the individual in the OP and acted just like this.
> Would sleep around constantly
> Would hurt those who cared about him
> Hurt his family
> Lazy
> Degenerate
> etc.
I've never been able to understand why there are some who think these people are white.
> Brown skin
> Black hair
> Doesn't act white
Next we'll be saying Armenians are white
Scandinavians and Germans (in general) are way more related to Slavs than say Italians/Iberians/Greeks though. Racially North/South is more accurate. But this doesn't change that we were populated by the same people, that evolved in different climates after they came - Southern-Europeans evolved (or didn't have to) in the sun, while Norhtern-Europeans evolved in the dark.
Nah, terroni can be pretty dark, but I can tell a terrone from a maroccan shitskin a mile away. They look different
depends which Meds
west Meds are their own compared to the near east, east Meds less due to post neolithic west asian input, particularly in south Italy, which you fags can't simply accept
Italians are mixed with North African niggers. Proof is they form criminal gangs just like the niggers do and they love bling just like the niggers do.
If a Somalian gets a Swedish citizenship, is he then Swedish? Or if he is adopted?
Are you one of the 20k Jews living in Sweden by any chance?
>oh so now Albanians arent white?
Americans have only ever seen northwestern Europeans as 'white,' which is why we only accepted north western European protestants for so long. The best of the best.
So what are you saying? That western civilization was created by non whites?
That is Germanic/European people
no, she is Icelandic
that's completely wrong, the difference between south and north is not due to random drift over long time but it's largely explained by admixture
we are not the same people at all, we have more neolithic European input while you are more bronze age steppe derived
>best of the best
stinks of error already