>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania 2017 Christmas Message 12/25/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania taking kids calls to NORAD 12/24/17
>Pres Trump Christmas Eve messages to the troops 12/24/17
>Pres Trump motorcade en route to Mar-A-Lago 12/22/17
>Tiffany in Palm Beach FL 12/22/17
>Pres Trump arrives in Palm Beach FL 12/22/17
>Pres Trump departs DC 12/22/17
>Pres Trump signs Tax Bill 12/22/17
>JCS Chair Gen Dunford Christmas message 12/22/17
>EnergySec Perry Christmas Message 12/22/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on NoKo 12/22/17
>Turtleman casual friday speech 12/22/27
>WH Video: VP Pence in Afghanistan 12/22/17
>Pres Trump flies through a flock of birds on Marine1 12/21/17
>Pres Trump visiting the wounded @Walter Reed 12/21/17
>Pres Trump wishes Merry Christmas to everybody 12/21/17
OP pastebin:
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>no one said his policy was identical to obama's
>you havent proven he's neutral
I gave you several points of contention against your shill argument that you never addressed, you just went 'muh what heather says holds no relevance even though she has tillersons ear 24/7'
>while everything else has proven he's pro israel in this issue.
Materially, what has changed? all of the changes are emotional, its virtue signalling. It's just trickery. Pro-Israel would be not having the palestinian flag in the white house, never speaking to Abbas, not wanting a peace deal that both want, saying Israel can build wherever they want in their territory. I could go on.
>Tillerson has been overruled by Trump multiple times.
yes but those overrides were mostly on issues unrelating to the Palestine issue, Trump overrides his cabinet all the time, he debates them on policy to figure out the best possible policy to have. It's just business, nothing special. It does not weaken the validity of Tillerson or the policies he wants publicised.
>Nobody here posts Sarah Sanders quotes and tries to pass them as Trump's words
nor have I said that Heather stating state department policy was Tillerson's direct words, yet you would trust what Sarah was saying as valid in connection to what Trump is doing surely? the two briefings are very different, Sarah is often countering 'gotcha' questions from kikes, Heather deals in professions detail and gives insight to (mostly) decent reporters just wanting the truth. apples and oranges.
Israel First, Saudi Arabia Second, America Third
>mfw I remember I live in a world where The President of The United states accused a man of murder over Twitter
How can a school be this much of an indoctrination place.
Daughters can say daddy at any age. Sons shouldn't say either daddy or mommy after like the age of 10
Thanks for baking n sheeeit
nigger got rekt
You have mental issues
Every member of a society should serve.
t. glubb
Breddy gud actually
Im a student interested in buying the Wall Street Journal for archives to post here.
You guys down or should I save the money?
I..i don't get it.
you're a faggot
i will call them mommy and daddy
No he didn't :^)
His majesty calls it likes he sees it
>continuing this discussion from the end of the last thread
I agree, faggot...but I'd go even younger for sons
Any son calling his parents 'Mommy' and 'Daddy' after age 6-7 is likely guaranteed to be a teenage soyboy, probably into his young adult life and beyond
Did anyone ever caption that Downfall scene with the NYT article?
liberal american jews grandkids arent jewish
Nonsense, he only mentioned an unsolved Florida mystery, the press did the rest for him
As in buying the membership? I don't think you need to do that.
>muh approval rating!!!
Low energy cyclical shilling.
On average about a third of liberal Jewish grandparents have Jewish grandchildren. The others either don't have grandchildren or non-jewish ones. The liberal Jew doesn't renew itself, its needs new iniates from elsewhere (conservative/orthodox jews). That's why there's 6 million less jews now in the US than 30 or so years ago
How does this happen in Wisconsin of all places
Your parents obviously didn't love you enoughs..
D-Does my ID really say gOy, bros? Or am I just tired?
>muh palestine flag
not an argument.
>speaking to abbas
not an argument.
>wanting a peace deal that both want
not an argument.
>saying israel can build wherever they want
not an argument
another blog post filled with more non-arguments that reflect nothing on the ground. next im going to hear the jerusalem move is also a neutral stance. better luck next time, shlomo/abdul.
PewDiePie almost ran them out of business for calling him a Nazi. Don't give them more shekels.
Get the number of likely voters anywhere close to 50% and you get gains.
Software: User Interface+, Fake Persona: Goy, Employer: Jewish Brotherhood.
U 1 goy, Jeb
>converting the anti-Trump thread into a redpill info dump
You guys are pretty clever, you know that?
If there was another E in there you'd be goy jeb.
NoT aN aRgUmEnT
my God given right to own a gun? fine.
my God given right to force other people to pay for my lazy, budget lacking retard ass? holocaust
I see your point, but reading the news articles on twitter, there are some very interesting articles that you just cant read unless you have a subscription.
I think Ill buy it, bonus, its free for other anons to read.
kek, Onigger was too busy arming the cartels
But Obama did restrict the second amendment via executive orders.
Now, how exactly did Trump and the GOP go after social security?
>obama never came for your guns
he wanted to
Good goy
according to 1,234 democrats with telephone landlines.
Polls show Hillary has a 98% chance of winning.
Trump Girls are the Best Girls
Have you tried running those paywalled pages through
Why do you limp dick faggots keep replying to the ladyboy? Jesus Christ.
Soc. Sec is all right. It reduces the burden of younger generations to take care of their parents. Plus, it is our money that we put into it. The problem is that congress takes the money out to spend on other shit. If it weren't for that then it would be fine.
>obama never came for your guns
tried his damn best to. wtf.
At least you are consistent. You only judge Trump by his intentions too and not what he actually does.
I have it. If you have a .edu address then it is cheaper. Worth it if and only if you like them . They are ok in that they cater to wall street, so they aren't as financially illiterate as libtards.
>the shill becomes an even sadder stefan molyneux because he can't address counter-points properly
>next im going to hear the jerusalem move is also a neutral stance.
from an emotional standpoint it is anti-islam and pro-jew yes, but materially Palestine isn't any worse off. Trump explicitly said that the embassy designation was more keeping a campaign promise and less to do with border claims, he even said that has no connection to any future border changes or arrangements, which connected Heather refusing to call Jerusalem the capital of Israel proves it was an entirely virtue signal based policy shift. Your attachment to these little issues that mean nothing give Trump the upper hand. What you should be looking out for is the details to the eventual peace plan and the outcome of all this 10+ years down the line. I look forward to seeing what Kushner is building with his team for the two nations, and whether Israel or Palestine will be against the plan the most out of the two.
It's not even 32% in any of the current polls.
And we've had le 32% polls since at least May. Yet they claim every time that this is "a new poll" despite there being polls that had him lower at a given time before.
>Soc. Sec is all right.
obviously not if you are having to force people at gunpoint to support it :^)
> It reduces the burden of younger generations to take care of their parents.
no, it just transfers it to even younger generations
why should i not have a choice to support my parents? why should i be forced to?
>Plus, it is our money that we put into it.
oh, so it can be done without government? if only there was some sort of group where we could put money in for a cause...maybe even call it a charity...or if there was some sort of bank account where you could put money in for long term savings...maybe we call it a savings account?
>reduces the burden
you know that the money that goes in is spent immediately on those getting it, the money that you put in is not getting saved to pay you back when you get it
its a pyramid scheme that depends on the young paying in inorder to have money right now for those getting it
*blocks your approval rating*
>It reduces the burden of younger generations to take care of their parents. Plus, it is our money that we put into it.
If it is just your money that you put into it, how is it reducing the burden? It is just obfuscating the burden.
>6 Million
Because congress spent it on other shit. The problem is a lack of fiscal discipline.
Its not alright user, its money that is spent on older generations and cant be saved for younger gens.
Its safer to save money on your own terms. an average american might make 40,000 over a working lifetime, is 2 million dollars. Saving 15 percent, they could be a multimillionaire using a Roth IRA and a good mutual fund.
Except Obama actually tried to go for people's guns. He was simply unsuccessful.
>The problem is a lack of fiscal discipline.
ironically you dont even realize if people had fiscal discipline there would not even be the concept of social security
I need to play this.
>maybe if i reword my previously BTFO arguments i'll get away with it this time
nope. you won't.
>Palestine isn't any worse off
top fucking kek, your own MUH PRES SEC even just spoke of what they got cut off from because of their chimping out.
stay mad nigger.
>inb4 another buttblasted reply
i know you can't control yourself...
>Trump Train is now real
Who would’ve thought the Jews would be the ones to bring it about
well a lot of it is because when it 1st started people got to take out who didnt pay in anything
it is a cash transfer from young to old disguised as a saving program
They are not familiar with the ladyboy menace.
>It reduces the burden of younger generations to take care of their parents
How is turning normal social interaction over to a soulless bureaucracy a good thing?
Because it relieves you of your responsability?
God forbid you would have to repay them in kind for taking care of you.
Okay, great. But you do realize that you only get what you put in, you can go on the SS website and see what your lifetime contributions are and how much you will get. You know that, right? I suspect that you don't, and that you don't understand how the program works and is intended to work. I suspect that you are just quoting whatever faggoty meme you heard on here or from your faggoty neocon politician you heard it from.
I havent, not sure what you mean by that. I just archive normally.
Yeah its like $1 for 15 weeks, and then 5 for a month or so. Ill see your point, if I like it during the 15 weeks ill go for it. Thanks.
*blocks your path*
Which of those babies are not achievable nattys?
What do you think Fast and Furious was :v)
>you dont even realize
There will always be winners and losers. Should we go back to the way things were before the French revolution? Before life was held to have any value, people literally starving and dying in the streets? We can be kind to our fellow man, take care of our citizens, provide social safety nets, without being communists hell holes. There can be a fair balance.
Thread BTFO
>There will always be winners and losers.
> take care of our citizens, provide social safety nets
Y-you too
*bbrrraaapps in front of you*
You don't remember that Nigger crying after his gun grab vote got killed after Sandy Hook?
Your meme flag is an obvious sign of your childish ignorance.
I think it's most appropriate that old people kill themselves than have to retire.
Obviously maintaining an entire population of needy old people was never going to be sustainable.
>he continues not to address anything I say
oh boy, a real nigger today then
>what they got cut off from because of their chimping out.
so you admit it was because of Palestine that they got a few gibs cut off? see if Trump was pro-Israel, he'd cut them off without justification wouldn't he? But Trump has given clear signs that by being neutral over the Palestine Israel debate it creates a vacuum that forces the two nations to sort out their shit. Both sides have been condemned by the US and the status quo that Israel supported ended under Trump.
>i know you can't control yourself...
shills really do love to project, don't they?
You are one stupid nigger
Gun grab after Boston bombing false flag (literally fucking cooking pots filled with flour going poof).
OBAMA all the fucking way.