Hello Sup Forums. I was arrested

Hello Sup Forums. I was arrested.

Just got out to spend xmas with family.


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What you get arrested for?

well lets start with why you got arrested, wtfur drinking and why are you a run risk?

As mina pira numa pornozelera
Skol é agua com detergente Pinho Sol

Can you put a boot on that? Like McCain and Hillary Clinton wear?

Any way to cheat these things?

Are you 40+? If not, start moisturizing.

just reverse the image retards


>affording tracking bracelets

tits or gtfo

i think you are lonely on house arrest and dont know what to do with yourself so you post on Sup Forums. why don't you fix your life and learn how to not get arrested you dumb brazil nigger

Stabbed some whore and 1 white knight.
>wtfur drinking


>why are you a run risk

What is a run risk?

i'm not arrested, amerimutt

It's less expensive than keeping someone in prison, dumbass.

Pic related blocks the gps signal

aluminum does absolutely nothing to block electromagnetic signals.

Wrap it around your head and believe the government is no longer tracking your anklet


nice job though

thot status: patrolled

im guessing no dead people?

>brazil flag
>that brand of ankle bracelet
for fucks sake VPN faggots are ruining this board

>posta foto bebendo skol

What a fucking hue monkey

brazillians really are animals huh

ya thats smart. block the gps signal so the DoC comes after your ass. stupid fucking retarded faggot nigger

Shut the fuck up next time, asshole!

>out of prison
>drinks skol

If you wanted to suffer why didint you just stay in prison?

Seriously, have you sense for adventure and lulz? You are not supposed to tell him that. Fucking retards

Judging by your right foot, you are about 160-180lbs, 5'9-5'10 (176-178cm), castizo but mostly white and around 30-35 years old. Am i right?

Are so fucking retarded that you cannot click reverse image search before posting?

If the signal disappears they assume you're tampering with it and they send cops over to check in.

I drank Skol when I was a broke english teacher in Brazil. That beer sucks and your country sucks. No wonder the veterans with TEFL certs choose Chile and Costa Rica, while the new teachers get stuck with Brazil and Colombia. Lived in what looked like an American prison cell with a shared bathroom with an electric shower heater. It was an embarrassment. I had better amenities when I was in the Marines in Somalia.

Have you ever had monkey soup? (Sopa de Macquaq or whatever the fuck it's called)

Chill out with the race biology Himmler

Why would you teach english in a third world country?

Rio de janeiro deveria ser nukado

idiot, wrap a box with it and put your phone inside and get someone to call your dumb ass...

Cop here, I work on a GPS response team for extra dosh.
Foil wont do shit, but submerging your foot into a bucket of water will 100% kill the call-back signal.

just rollin through


hope the cunt you stabbed bled to death

OP didn't stabbed anyone.

I was promised I would eventually get to teach in Chile and Argentina, which was a lie.

thx for the technical insight fine user


Don't you think that a first world country would be better to teach?

House arrest? Wtf and what if when you life alone because you must buy food and such things?

>What is a run risk
Like they think you're going to run away so as to avoid prosecution. The ankle collar implies that they can't trust you to remain where you are and need the insurance policy of being able to track you.

I told that to a friend, he's teaching in Ecuador right now. He should have stayed here now he deals with all the niggers from memezuela and colombia, fucking niggers.

>Shut the fuck up next time, asshole!

Thanks for the top secret torture since I was born, asshole.

Ha what a pussy he didn't hacksaw his foot off so he could go play soccer and leave his ankle monitor at home.

You actually need a teaching degree in the US to teach in most first world countries. I originally wanted Spain but was told I couldn't. My agency dealt with Central/South America while others deal with Southeast Asia or Eastern Europe. Niggers really are the worst. In Fortaleza they were a nightmare and in Bogota, it wasn't as mixed, but plenty there to ruin the southside.

He has teaching degrees and was a teacher here but he's a complete nu'male soyboy that hangs around niggers down there. Last year he had a new years party and didn't invite me because he invited some niggers and knows how i feel about them, at the end of the night 5 cell phones were missing, a mutual friend told me that everyone blamed the niggers.

You need something thicker. Like the foil you find when ripping open laptops.

Its amazing that they are garbage all over the world. In Colombia, you didn't really have to deal with them. The only time I would see them is when they sauntered into Zona T. They'd come and relentlessly hit on women who wanted nothing to do with them. In Brazil, you were mixed amongst them, but the Brazilians I hung out with were all ex military or police and were openly racist towards them.

Not politics.

>you lived in Fortaleza

jesus what a nightmare

>implying I can find a VPN without all IPs blocked on the 4chin