What is the difference between cuck, nu-male and soyboy?
What is the difference between cuck, nu-male and soyboy?
about 4 inches, in every case
it's a leftist psyop to try to get you to hate intelligent people, by creating a "Uniform" for leftist shills that make them appear to BE the intelligent people.
Basically, they just paint themselves up as flanderized smart people to get you to hate your own intelligent people.
This man is a slave to his overbearing wife. She has multiple sexual partners (mostly black) which he enjoys watching fuck her. He is also an expert testicle cleaner.
Skinny useless and timid, this version of a male is usually found at feminist rally’s, pride parades and vegan protests.
This male usually has overweight man titties, bearded and attached to the newest gaming console. His fridge is full of soylent and his ass is full of his wife’s strap on.
>What is the difference between cuck, nu-male and soyboy?
Just different flavors of cherries I'm picking to try to derail discourse using imagery.
Nice description, agree.
How can i become all 3?
Cuck is a form of self defense sucker, someone who willingly does something against their self interest to benefit others.
Nu-males and soy boys are synonymous, men who act childish and effeminate while strongly rejecting all forms of masculinity.
All nu-males are cucks, but not all cucks are necessarily nu-males.
All at all, they´re just another dicks with no balls.
Look at all those Jews in your pic bud
A cuck is a life choice.
A soyboy is a man feminized from birth that was ruined without conscious choice.
A numale is a cross between the two.
>someone who willingly does something against their self interest to benefit others.
That is actually very necessary for a society. In a way, almost everyone is a cuck in first world countries otherwise they wouldnt be first world
cuck + nu-male + soyboy = soygoy (aka rural drumpftard (juden cum depot))
gen x gen y gen z respectively
Society's and self interest often don't line up. If there are only alphas, the pack dies.
Go too far and you're omega, and just a burden.
First one is a lot more helpful. This one gets confusing.
So what is a bugman? I keep seeing it used in the same way as these terms, but I'm too dumb to get what it means.
>when you use the latest buzzword so frequently that you forgot its original meaning
the state of le ebic latest maymay community
Bugmen is comparing a human to literally the least respected creatures in the animal kingdom, bugs.
What's the major cause of the soymouth phenomenon?
ty user
cuck enjoys watching other people have sex, especially interracially.
soyboy is low test/man-boobs
numale is the most... complex one. it is a variety of several traits. a few being: likes to vape, attend culture studies, watch rick and morty, play nintendo switch in public, overindulge in sci/fi/fantasy games movies and books, grows a moustache/beard purely to draw attention to himself, movies and books, refuses traditional gender roles, thinks that blue collar work is below him, etc. a numale doesn't have to have the traits of a cuck or a soyboy, but they do overlap sometimes.
It seems to be used for two purposes. Asians (look alike, hive mind) and nu-males in general. I honestly don't understand the latter application of the word.
a cuck is a faggot or someone like a lefty
a nu-male is a manchild usually
a soyboy is a lowtest male
Making themselves artificially appear larger/more assuming. They are utterly unimportant and inconsequential to both women and men so they need to absurdly demonstrate their presence.
Cuck -> Mentally feeble & effeminate
Soyboy -> Physically feeble & effeminate
Numale -> Both
Similar to girls making "ugly" faces; insecurity. If you intentionally make yourself look dumb while being "whacky" you don't have to acknowledge how you actually look.
A cuck is any male trump supporter. I don't know about the other two.
Try harder memeflag. Shareblue wants convincing shilling.
Not much.
I never saw them as "smart".
Welll you know i have been showing my face here on Sup Forums for some time now and since i have no facial hair and beacuse i blush people here have called me a soyboy and some have called me a "shitskin" which is ironic because do i look brown? But anyway its Sup Forums so what are you gonna do right? I got much more pics of me but I'll wait until the time is right
Anyway having a baby face does not automatically mean you are a soyboy people with alot of facial hair usually want to cover up something
But anyway here is a picture of me
The difference is either so subtle we don't understand it yet, or there is no difference.
Tyrone' s pants python.
The jaw muscles just tend to lock up at some point.
You like this watch?
not much, they all tend to be trumpcucks.
Someone who once had principles but abandoned them because it was easier to just give more aggressive people what they want.
Someone who thinks they are going to be some new and improved 21st century man for the future. Usually according to a feminist or Marxist worldview.
Failed masculinity, they know what it means to be an adult man, tried to be one at one point, but have embraced the failure as an adult.
Someone who cares more about a new iPhone coming out than trying to save their civilization. They also want the state to take over health care, housing, tuition, the Internet, and the economy because handling real issues takes time away from their Netflix Dr. Who binges.
I wonder if animals which meat we buy in stores were feed with soi
No dumbass! Soyboy's are weak and pussy's
Cuck is the middle aged low t that gets cucked by tyrone
Nu-male is the bearded low t nu-male that has that stupid face in every photo he has ever been in
Soyboy is an effeminate almost trap like soy drinking version of the same thing
All have parallelling opinions about feminism and the like
>I never saw them as "smart".
It doesn't work on everyone, just most people.
It's the exact same thing as leftist media personalities calling themselves "Intellectual", and calling anyone who doesn't agree with their propaganda "dumb"
shaming language type shit, designed to obfuscate, hide the smart people so they can be tortured and interrogated using top secret techniques, and infiltrate the government using the information and ideas that were stolen.
A soyboy is a chinless vegan mutant.
A numale is a smug effeminate pencil neck in poindexter glasses that prides themselves on their insincere fart-sniffing enlightenment and having a punchable face.
A cuck is an emasculated weakling that passively offers up everything that they hold dear to be fucked in exchange for social currency.
My guess is it has to do with the thickness of the rims of their problem glasses. But I'm sure level of jewishness and the propensity of jerking off into potted plants should be taken into account.
No difference- they're all just new ways to say "faggot"
Our smart people do not look like that.
old but gold
cuck's maymay retarded cousin
newfag shitmeme
What glasses should I buy, Sup Forums? I don't want to look like a soyboy
>cuck= nu-male = soyboy
See, there's three kinds of people: soyboys, nu-males, and cucks. Nu-males think everyone can get along, and soyboys just want to fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you got your cucks, Chuck. And all the cucks want us to shit all over everything! So, nu-males may get mad at soyboy once in a while, because nu-males get fucked by soyboys. But soyboys also fuck cucks, Chuck. And if they didn't fuck the cucks, you know what you'd get? You'd get your soyboy and your nu-male all covered in shit!
I bet your real flag is Brazilian, and you probably pass for white there.
don't forget bugman
so a trump voter is the combo of all 3? interesting
>Our smart people do not look like that.
it's a flanderization.
"Glasses", my beard (i'll never forgive them for stealing my beard style), malnourished, etc...
democrats are cucks
libertarians are soyboys
liberals are nu-males
I thought /pol likes Seth because he hates niggers
Pretty much this. Good one, leaf
that's some next level cuck shit right there
You have to go back
it's pronounced "Psyop"
And fascists are a combo of the the 3.
This can't be real.
Cucks destroy themselves on a very real level advocating for policies that would disprivelege and disadvantage them. They can still be actively masculine but their masculinity is subverted because of their retarded metaphysical views
Soy boys inactively and unintentionally destroy themselves by practicing dumb social and physical practices: playing video games, dressing dumbly, not going to the gym, generally being losers. However they think everything is normal and their practices are not destructive(whereas cucks advocate openly for destructive policies while still embodying some of the masculine ideal).
Soy boys in many ways are enabled by cucks.
Numales are a combination of soy boys and cucks. They have the worst qualities of both, advocating for destructive policies and living a destructive lifestyle.
Soy boys can be apolitical and can be turned, they are generally of a younger generation(millennials). Cucks are older and can also still be reconciled, think your grandpa who has taken the blue pill but has seen some shit and can still come to understand what’s going on. Numales are Antifa. Very blue pilled and very difficult to red pill.
Numales get the oven for sure. Totally worthless. Soy boys and cucks can be rehabilitated.
Note:I’m speaking in terms of archetypes, not actual meanings. Go to the dailystormer or something if you want an actual definition.
Not true.
See National Socialism.
If you only knew how bad things really are.
I’ve seen you before, post a time stamp next time if this is real.
Cuck: A '''''man''''' who lets his wife sleep around. Probably engages in SJW politics, may not
Nu-Male: Some boring low test ''''man'''' who engages in SJW/Feminist politics, and has a beard, with hipster glasses
Soyboy: Like a Nu-Male but isn't necessarily into SJW/Feminist politics, nor does he have hipster glasses. He could just be some radical atheist fedora tipping fag from plebbit, or some loser from /r9k/. Basically just a low T guy in general. Probably faps to anime and has a waifu
>If you only knew how bad things really are.
I know how bad things are.
Just start photoshopping dicks in their mouth
bugmen are people who replaced their soul with consumerism and brand loyalty
>bugmen are people who replaced their soul with consumerism and brand loyalty
you're not that far off.
Cuck: is getting fucked over by someone else as part of their lifestyle. Maybe their wife is literally being fucked by another guy, or they are paying for their cheating gf's lifestyle etc. Could in theory be an attractive, rich dude who is walking blindly into the trap
Nu-Male: arrested development, man-child. Wears fucking hipster glasses and has a beard. It's much more of a aesthetic/shallow cult than being a cuck. Although nu-male --> leads to being cucked naturally
Soyboy = weak, effeminate, the features of the nu-male which may have been clothes/lifestyle choices/opinions etc, now have been absorbed to the genetic level. Weak chin, pasty skin, atrophied muscle mass, they look like a polio sufferer while holding all the faggy opinions of the nu-male (and more): I only eat vegan, anyone who has ever punched anyone is Hitler etc etc
>His fridge is full of soylent and his ass is full of his wife’s strap on.
Cuck - Secretly wants to see other males bang women the way he can't due to lack of good mental or physical health
Nu-male - Devoid of natural or cultural influence. A product of social engineering.
Soyboy - Chemically altered male
Bugman - vapid soul-less worshipper of mass media and consumer culture