I fucking hate niggers.
Let's have a good ol' nigger hate thread.
I fucking hate niggers.
Let's have a good ol' nigger hate thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
Me too.
Jews are part Nigger
Hebrew is Afro-Asiatic
>God damn niggers love to litter.
www instagram com/wingsofatl/
What I love is that no matter what US city you live in, you can ALWAYS find niggers behaving exactly the same. History, community culture, racial mix, etc doesn't matter....the niggers will always
> rent property and ruin all the sod around trees because they've tied up their 4 pit-chow mix mongrel dogs that tear up the entire lawn
> wander around town in their pajamas, head wrap and slippers in the afternoon (when they just woke up)
> none of them ever have actual jobs. Drive through a nigger neighborhood after 11 am and see house after house and even on the boulevard/neutral ground, niggers just hanging out and loitering
Post the unique quirks of the apes we've integrated into humanity
> be incapable of interpreting the world around them based on statistics and facts. Is only able to perceive through emotions.
> buy T-shirts and jewelry at a Convenience Story
> gravitate towards the shittiest liquors and alcohol
> actively seek out the cheapest and most toxic narcotics to look cool
> regularly frequent Little Caesars pizza in droves, ordering like they are the floor of the NYSE in pajamas with their grandkids
> use the side of the Interstate highway as a rest area
niggers cannot drive on the highway
> no capacity to see/drive beyond the horizon
> cruise the speed limit in the left lane
> riding the bumper of other cars like they are driving in the city
ultimately the problem is a never-ending cycle they wantonly perpetuate
> grow up the child of a single-mother with no education, skills or career = below poverty
> mom was pregnant with you because she sleeps around like a skeezer for attention, with no self-respect or positive self-image
> because mom has the intelligence of a 3rd grader and zero emotional intelligence, once you grow out of being a cute little baby, she isn't interested in you anymore
> you live in shithole Section 8 housing, filled with other niggers just like you nogging out all day and tearing up the community.
> because no one here can think past next week, everyone is actively trying to get one over another another. The role models everyone looks up to are hustlers, pimps and other criminals able to con or strong-arm their way to an existence.
> because no one actually owns or worked for anything in life, its important to flaunt anything you have gotten (that you didn't earn) to prove to others that you DO have material things (even when you don't); Jordans, Jewelry, gaudy cars
> because everyone is preying upon each other, its important not to exhibit any weakness otherwise you'll be targeted as an easy paycheck. You always have to express that you're hardcore and you boast to be alpha to others.
> since none of these communal traits are necessary in a human civilization, you are an outcast in society.
> Well, if your social skills are so developmentally retarded that you can't exist in society, rather than correct them and adapt (fuck that, sounds like work), you embrace them and embellish them in society. You can never fit in, so why bother?
> knock up a few girls before you go to prison so those children can experience the same life you had
niggers are the absolute equivalent of Mogwai apes.
>Ain't that the purest form of nigger logic!
>"He runs!...he blames the white man...then he comes back and treats him like dirt....hey when can I start working for you, you fucking monkey ape!....Why don't you start jumping up and down, pounding on your chest and murder a few dozen lice!"?
>"Nor will I stoop to explaining the mistake in that statement....to a nigger lemur or some other small form of monkey"?
>"and I fear no retribution, not by my own god or any other evil emissary dispatched from the bowels of the earth, by whatever bundle of bloodied fucking feathers and house cat teeth....the nigger race...bows down to"?
> Arrest statistics show disproportionate BLACK offenders
> Court records shows BLACK defendants show disproportionate convictions
> Prison population comprised of disproportionate BLACKS
> Factors leading to high probability of crime (poverty, no education, no employment) skews disproportionately towards BLACKS
> Crime recidivism skews disproportionately towards BLACKS reoffending
whoa, whoa, whoa guys.....it CAN'T be the blacks!!
This is just systemic white supremacy (that we can't actually explain how it works).
Lets make a computer AI to impartially gauge who a criminal is
> Computer AI shows BLACKS disproportionately fit the criteria
No, no, no.....must be something wrong with the computer!
Criminologists spend decades profiling what leads people towards a life of crime. Takes into account multitudes of offender data. Distills all criminal behavior linked towards a pathology of processing the world around them.
> 10 "Criminal" Thinking Errors
> VICTIMSTANCE - always views self as victim, blames others
> POWER THRUST - compulsively needs to be in control of every situation, uses maniuplation and deceit. Refuses to be dependent unless he can take advantage of the situation
> LACK OF EFFORT - unwilling to do anything they find boring or disagreeable
> LACK OF OWNERSHIP - no concept of ownership/rights of others. Perceives all things as something to possess. Views sex as just power / control (muh dick)
> DISTORTED SELF IMAGE - focuses only on their positive attributes / refuses to acknowledge own destructive behavior. Builds themselves up at the expense of others
> UNIQUENESS - Views themselves as different and better than others. Expects of others that which he fails to meet. Quits at the first sign of failure.
> IRRATIONAL FEAR - profound fear of put down. When held accountable for experiences feels worthless. Fear based solely on emotions.
> CLOSED MINDEDNESS - not receptive / will not be self-critical / will not participate in any disclosure
> CPT - does not use past as learning tool. Expects others to act immediately on their demands. Decisions based on assumptions, not fact.
> ZERO SHAME - Responsible living is seen as boring and unsatisfying. Has no sense of obligation to others. Will respond only if it nets an immediate payoff
Gee, do these overwhelmingly represent a certain "cultyah" among us?
The fuck is this?
I have notproblem with a person who is black...
I do have an issue with a piece of Isreali Zionist trash like yourself. You people disgust me.
21.5 M black males in US 2013
49% of 21.5M is 18-34 aged (10.5M)
323.1 M population in US
Sure its logical that all ethnicities would avoid blacks because they've all seen how toxic they collectively are through experience, but are blacks suffering from genetic Personality Disorder / Paranoid Schizophrenic / Bi-Polar more than any true manifestations of "racism"?
No one in lynching blacks today. No one is denying blacks housing, jobs, or representation in media. That doesn't stop blacks from reflexively claiming "muh oppreshun" at every turn where they weren't gift wrapped good fortune in life. No slave trade, Jim Crow, KKK history in Europe, but that doesn't stop EuroDarkies from claiming they are constant victims.
It doesn't matter what, where or who, blacks ALWAYS set up a false dichotomy of "US" vs "THEM" to hyper inflate their own position and shield them from any accountability.How many times have you heard the "haterz" logic used by dindus? This is an adolescent coping mechanism to avoid responsibility and rinse-repeated in every facet of their life.
You can find every example to consistently prove this out
Shlomo sowing divisions among the goyim as usual.
ANY interaction with blacks will become a YOU / ME competition where they are always looking to assert themselves AGAINST their environment, rather than assimilate/work with to common objectives.
It seems everyone is an agreement that (western) blacks are fundamentally "special needs" or retarded.
>Liberals - view blacks as perpetual victims, incapable of self-sufficiency and require endless excuses for their bad behavior.
>Blacks - even blacks, themselves, acknowledge that they need more and more handouts and preferential treatment to have it easy in life. They can't be held accountable for their own circumstance.
>Everyone else - will cite numerous studies of black IQ scores, incarceration rates, crime and overall general toxic impact to society at large.
At what point do we as a society, make that single step forward and realize that blacks have every opportunity known to civilization and yet continue to fail at self-sufficiency? There is absolutely nothing holding blacks back or denying them success except themselves.
*blocks your genetic line*
Holy shit, I was JUST asking myself "when was the last time this board had a nigger hate thread? feels like forever..." then I click back to the catalog to find this...
what the fuck lol
its a braindead nigger , but still...
bumped to the front page.....predictable slide response
Da faq?
The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity. Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The BLACK man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ʷʰᵀᵉ dogs)
The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The BLACK penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the BLACK man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the BLACK man impregnates.
In total, the BLACK man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the BLACK man is the epitome of masculinity.
guys, want a good laugh? search up "african aircraft" on youtube without the quotes
Fuck off JIDF
the ONLY shill response is "muh dik"
even though NO women want to be with a black man except the utmost degenerate whores
and it testifies to the absolute worthlessness of black WOMEN, that their own men don't find their apely features attractive
its a reply so ignorant, but its the only response they have because there is no way to refute the mountains of statistics and evidence of how utterly toxic and valueless the black race is
Microcephaly by the looks of it. Seems like a case of extreme mental retardation.
You forgot to mention they're fat as fuck.
wh*Te subhumans , how does this make you feel? You could have a completely homogenous community of middle class wh'Tes. A nice town with almost no crime, an all round good community. However because of the weakness of the wh1Tes all it would take to destroy this community is one BLACK bull?
Just imagine, it's a nice sunny Sunday afternoon, imagine the bustle of this 100% wh#Te town until suddenly a couple of BLACK bulls walk up. Women would feel more attraction to these superior, strong bulls infinitely more than their pathetic wh9Te husbands. Every woman would be begging, grovelling to be impregnated by these overlords, the new kings of the town who earned this position with nothing but their superior presence. And these bulls wouldn't stop until every girl was carrying their children, the wh2Te women's original children would probably be neglected. Who the fuck would want to raise these inferior children? They are only going to turn out like their fathers.
The Men? The men would flee after realizing how futile their attempts at winning back their wives attraction would be. They would flee to Japan where they will try to win over FAS looking ugly Jap girls because they are the only girls lonely enough to accept them. Many would probably be rejected after the Japs hear of their shameful and dishonorable display, even they probably would have killed themselves to avoid the shame. Back home in the once nice town, every woman will be raising their BLACK children and will be queuing up for their second or maybe even third pregnancy. They wont stop until they hit menopause, because they know deep down that their purpose is to populate the world with superior BLACK bulls who will then move on to destroy other towns. This is REAL colonization. You can't take over a place without winning the attraction or respect of the people, that method will always collapse.
>epitome of male dominance and masculinity
yet, cannot dominate the alphabet
bix nood, britbong
cargo cult mentality - wanting success only through emulation and not investigation. africans are truly the lowest tier of low iqs
>wh*Te subhumans
waiting 200,000 years for BLACK people to advance out of mud huts. Guess we need to wait a little longer, eh, Tyrone?
> muh Peanut Buttah
We Wuz Engan...Engin...uh...ogga booga....
We IZ Smert an sheeeeeiiiit
God created them to protect the KARA BOGA in Africa from the wh*toid scum . Turks are the attack force of the BLACK race. This is why TÜRKS conquered Europe around the same time the BLACK KANGZ were attacked in Afrika. They destroyed the wh7te capital of CONSTANTINOPLE and replaced it with ISTANBULL, to honour our BLACK BULL (KARA BOGA) nature.
When the African KANGZDOMS were destroyed TÜRKIYE was the last KARA BOGA country on earth. The wh#te subhumans attempted to take it down in order to permanently end the KANGZ and nearly suceeded. Luckily the biggest KARA BOGA of them all, Mustafa JAMAL, fought of the wh1te beasts and created a BLACK utopia in TÜRKIYE. However the nefarious schemes of the wh'tes continued, attempting to bring the KARA BOGA TÜRKS into the E.U. where they would be overwhelmed by gayreek WH9TE immigrants.
Luckily from the furthest we can get from Europe in Turkey, the north east GEORGIAN BLACK territory, a new KARA BOGA rose for the first time since Mustafa JAMAL. RECEP TAYIPP ERDOGAN (REIS) destroyed all wh8te LAICITE devils and restored himself as the KANGZ of TÜRKIYE. Now the BLACK KARA BOGA TÜRKS must struggle against the wh6tes to end that accursed race once and for all.
> muh (welfare) dik
bleck "bull" - lol
>Epitome of masculinity
All niggers are (not so) secretly faggots. Nothing like letting a fellow nigger fuck you in the ass to display how masculine you are. Go kys monkey.
kek, wh*Te subhumans cannot even wipe themselves
proud melanin ancestry
> I hate niggers so much muh duh
How much have you personally killed then?
So when confronted with overwhelming evidence of black inferiority you have to create a fan fiction to cope.
Whatever helps.
tfw when the apex of achievement for your race happened when you were enslaved
subhumans, the lot of ya.
pic related
kek why do they always insist on putting watches on their big sausage link arms???
stay assblasted
maybe hes scared of heights i know i am
Absolutely savage, Japan.
>top biggest empire in the world
>bottom literraly who, not even teached to kid on history lessons
that pride in your skin color when you realize Koko the Gorilla is smarter than your entire race
kek, wh*Tes cannot compete with the TURK warrior
>Stay ass blasted
From the roach writing paragraph long fan fictions to counter data.
Is projection a roach invention as well?
not a single empire/dynasty throughout the history of mankind, yet
> we wuz sheeeeeiiiiiiit
Real Turks are white lmao. Arab shitskins aren't Turks.
Pic related is a real Turk.
>turks never had an empire
are you serious?
But /leftypol/, isn't the point that, even when you adjust for socio-economic and other environmental factors, African-Americans perform really, really poorly? And that the poorest European-Americans do about as well academically regarding scores as the wealthiest African-Americans? And that they tend, when left on their own, to not... achieve much of anything, or even tear everything and everyone down, at least judging by Africa?
And then there's stuff like youtube.com
gets absolutely BTFO defending muh dik niggers
switches to arab timeline
Kek, I am from Konya originally, no one looks like that.
Only balkanoid subhumans who were raped by us during Ottoman empire are like that
>he doesn't know about the KARA BOGA meme
the post
you mean american culture?
nigger hate FRONT PAGE, nikkuh
thanks for the bumps
>brain dead
pick 2
t. never seen an actual turk from turkey, only some 55%er
Meanwhile, his younger sister...
what's that wh*Te subhuman?
>I'm holding
What does that mean?
it means he has drugs.
Looks like the black guy made out.
How much would you pay to not fly in this ?
niggers are the dumbest form of life on earth
>gets conquered by Turk "subhumans"
Oh, that makes sense in the context.
Nigger babble is so retarded.
The Absolute state of the UK.
praise be to muhammad! inshallah my brethren