Boogie is right.
Trump has no excuse for not only being a shitty person, but a shitty president as well.
Boogie is right.
Trump has no excuse for not only being a shitty person, but a shitty president as well.
Other urls found in this thread:
God, Trump is so embarrassing
Trump and white people are a disgrace to America
Are you that Amerindian
When will that fat fuck die already?
>x is not an excuse, I do x, but I excuse myself anyway,
>I'm such a shitty person and I know, feel bad for me!
>I'm trying to be better,but it's always too hard, stay tuned for more
Are you, by any chance, a human? Or a bot? Just curious.
Would you say you are a bot?
pol has the same perception problem as women.
you idiots like blumpf because you think he is fearless and a leader, but turns out he is a cowardly dumb asshole.
this is the same mistake women constantly make when perceiving someone.
You don't really mean this.
stop fat shaming you are being size-ist
>i should get two votes
Sorry to bring you down to size, fatty.
The shills hate Trump because he is anti-bot. Just admit it shills. You are ashamed because AI is unable to complete its tasks. Kek, stupid AI.
> morbidly obese
> has to get surgery, because too lazy too move
> still not losing weight, due to daily dose of mayo
> wife cucks and eventually leaves him for black guy
why should we care what this gross fat fuck says?
t. Abandoned a friend who stopped his suicide attempt because they said nobody playing Magic the Gathering cares about Cosplay
Kill yourself Boogie.
no one should ever listen to this retard
Haha, really?
I saw hamblys video about boogie where he said boogie removed it and said sorry to him on twitter. Hambly did not actually say what the video was about though.
Who cares about this fat blob?
>I dont really like making excuses but i am making an excuse
it's amusing to me that the popular boomerisms "always try harder" and "do better" "NO EXCUSES" are coming from this useless fat fuck.
I mean look at him and tell me that advice is useful.
story time user.
Until that person is black... Then poverty or whitey made him sell crack and kill niggas. Dindu nuffin
if you're fat and young you are a shitty person (plot twist: i am fat and young :((( )
What if your diaper explodes down your leg? It could be a manufacturing defect.
being fat is the cause of all he listed.
Why does this dude bitch about this? This fat fuck has lots of money from YouTube
I honestly think if trump just stayed quiet he would have a much better public opinion. He has several good policies but they keep getting overshadowed by the media and his admittedly somewhat stupid behavior.
He will probably be more loved by history seeing as it's much less biased.
Probably a B+ President by the end (unless if something MAJOR happens).
This is why I hate boogie.
He really needs to fuck right off with the virtue signalling.
You seem not to understand that there are multiple news outlets shitting out about 10 negative "news" stories a day each, look at wapo, cnn, the hill or shitblue. Even this website is spammed with that garbage all day every day even though you couldn't find a single worthwhile article across all of them. And yes you can legitimately blame jews for this, just look up who owns all of those shitty news agencies.
Somebody has to pay.
>take advice from a guy going through divorce (after being cucked by Tyrone) because he soiled himself at a comic con and made his wife clean the cracks
imagine of Trump actually was doing a bad job
What is the first picture?
How the fuck is this gigantic ball of fat still alive?
Boogie is coming from a self-blaming frame. Truth is 'nice' only goes so far, but for some people 'nice' is their only tool. The original meaning of the word did not mean 'good' btw. Look it up.
So now he is blaming himself for his wife being a whore? What a fat loser.
>Beta orbiting the post
hey gurls i hate trump and think women are really funny and really interesting to talk too, seriously I want to nurture your gifts and prove to the world how perfect you are at everything.