This place has really gone to shit

Sup Forums needs to purge the 2016 election children's crusade soon or it will become a fucking snowflake factory.
>quadroon and octoroon threads, >victimization of minority threads,
>"only niggers are bad, not blacks" threads
>eceleb worship threads
>/ptg/ literal politician worship threads
>video game threads Stale recycled memes because phone user

You are all tv babies and you are stuck in the game the government has set up for you. It is a left-right paradigm that you follow like lemmings off the cliff. Do you not understand that multiculturalism is a religious cult? Do you not see how the government and the entertainment industry have fooled you into thinking "TRUMP vs MEDIA" yet the so called fake media is never banned from the White House. How stupid are you? Meanwhile, the Jew remains stealing tax monies, and gentiles fight their fucking wars defending that theft. This place has become a pathetic zombie image board... nothing more

Other urls found in this thread:

But are traps gay?

rate me, faggot

Nazi Bollocks, are also stuck in the left-right paradigm. So i sincerely hope you are larping and nothing else.

8 c h a n is better for that purpose. You could also look into the New Awakening and the Northwest Front, they actually have a plan.

>or it will become

Why post on a fruit colored Japanese image board then?

What's the plan freund?

Ur just mad because ur a mutt

Actually, I am not a mutt. I quite enjoy that meme too. The butthurt that follows from that is great. America needs a fucking acid bath.

>stop doing things I don't like

Look at the lecture series on the YouTube channel and then the website, they also have a Discord but they've yet to update the link.


i wonder about the long term effect of that meme. how many mutts will it drive to suicide? will it make white americans more or less racists? will they stop coming here?

Just ignore the fucking shills, man.

>Unless you're one too

I agree.



>>eceleb worship threads

This is the worst thing on the list, and you just put it in the middle like it's not the cancer killing Sup Forums.

Apologies, senpai

Post gore, redpills (especially on Israel), and 56% faces and we should be good.

Im looking for a gif of a jew merchant that is lit on fire in front of a crowd in the street. I can't find it.

Sup Forums NEEDS internecine fighting, good call OP. TPTB will never be defeated unless we all screech at each other like hysterical faggots, and continually purge and denounce. You're not a fucking shill, and if you are, you don't act like it. Great thread with fresh ideas, terrific.

The long term effect will be more division between Europeans and Americans and more shitposting, flooding, etc than we already have. Eventually, there will be a meme for every single nation and there won't be any actual discussion on Sup Forums--just endless flag meme spam in every thread.

its been flooded this week with absolute mongs , like people saying ' im' jewish i find this extremely offensive' and Sup Forums tier threads > who is behind it ?

>will they stop coming here?

I think the MODS are doing it.

Let's think of more ways to subdivide the identity of the board, and then fight more accordingly. Let's brainstorm. Let's purge and be nazi about it. Let's be more nazi guys. If you're not with is, let's get in a fight with you. Fuck you, you, you're our enemy. Get out. We are the real nazis haha Fuck niggers.


Be honest with me cuck how bad do I look?


thx. Yes this board has gone to shit even from a few months or a year ago

Only you know what you are.

Probably better than most here. Not nearly desirable on the outside. You look like a normie's 5. Probably brag about guitar and pretending you are smart about subjects which you skim from comments and headlines.

we need post more swastikas, brothren

you look ok

>or it will become a fucking snowflake factory
You're late. It alreadu is one - has been such for a whole year now, atleast.
Remember when Sup Forums actually did things? Well it's over. Saviour the memories.

The demographics have changed so drastically here that even gamergaters are considered oldfags now.

election kiddie here. Please explain
>Jewish IMF motivating factors