Jesus, pls send help
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Jesus can't save us anymore :c
No. Europe deserves it.
Thanks for saving France in WW2!
But dawkins can.
Let's go full fedora and blame everything on religion.
Send hellfire
It dawned on me during a visit to my sister in Europe last Christmas: Jesus is going to let Europe die completely, because they have turned away from him so violently. They will be Muslim, and they will be Muslim within our lifetimes.
Midnight Mass in Bremerhaven: 90% empty seats. Fucking faggots.
at least they have muttly to spam
their blood is upon them, if they didn't pussy out during the war and crush Hitler before he could gas the kikes, all this white guilt bullshit wouldn't exist
Europe doesn't deserve our help, let them fade away as a people
>Wages the largest war in history against Europes last ethnostate
>Blames europe
>Serves the kike faithfully like the kike slave he is
>Blames europe
>Is 56% nigger
>Blames europe
You mutts are the worst
>gas the kikes
In what imaginary world did this happen, you potato raping retard
The media is constantly misquoting the pope and or taking what he says and spinning it. The media hates HATES The Church.
I still don’t want the disease to get out of hand and come here. Preferably not the Slavic countries either.
>our help
Amerimutts are so fucking shameless and retarded its ludicrous
>tfw just a couple of our street gangs could reck your entire “military.”
If Europeans deserved to exist they would prove it. But sadly (thankfully) they are allowing themselves to be killed off
>want the disease to get out of hand and come here
You're a fucking nigger country. What are you even on about? You are a nigger. Your blood is nigger blood. You, yes you, you mutt, you are a nigger. A black footed nigger
>brags about having feral niggers armed with military equipment
Shitler declared war on US. ON US. He started it. Not us. We just de-faggoted Europe with a few million tons of bombs.
>The media is constantly misquoting the pope
>we fought for the wrong side
Oh shut the fuck up.
>Shitler declared war on US
>He started it
And during no time during WWII were you single handedly propping up england, supporting russia, and making overt attempts at sabotaging the german war effort?
Here's what I know about mutts
>You know nothing of history
>You're black
You’re just a filthy Prot, or a fedora atheist. You refuse to see the truth.
Theres always frexit, or whatever trendy name flows on twitter
Don't be mad nigger mutt. This is the truth. Your shit kike-slave nation is responsible for the death of the only race capable of fostering true culture. You are the extinction of the human race, the eternal kike-slave, and the single worst thing to have ever existed. Feel a deep sense of shame before sinking into your mud hit you half blooded negro-spic
kek saved
>i need teh church to belive in Jesus
>black footed
As if I take my shoes off.
Your """countries"""" are being taken and your women given the Arabic cock while you shitpost on an American image bored. Eur*peans are a cancer
But I thought according to you euros we came in to late and barely did anything anyway?
based fellow chocolate jew
Why Atheists are Retarded and why I Will follow my dreams of killing Richard Dawkins.
So... your entire continent became subservient to people you think are retarded mutts, and this makes you feel better somehow?
You're like the we wuz niggers talking about how stone age cave beasts wrecked their interstellar empire. Fucking pathetic.
Frog eaters
>Eur*peans are a cancer
France is Pozzed. We need to cut that limb off to save the body.
France needs to denuclearize NOW.
>Jesus, pls send help
where's your god now
No you dirty Prot you need the church for the truth. Now step away from your man made, fast food style, drive by “salvation” and come to know the truth. Stop listening to pastor HeeHaw and listen to Rome.
You're dumb useless niggers but your dumb nigger nation has a lot of natural resources that you willingly hand up to your kike slave master. Congrats.
>If you think my mutt nigger nation is shit you're a shill.jpg
Our military was backward, we also lacked a proper hierarchical order for the airforce.
We needed 2 years.
When they(french socialists) declared war they needed 2 years to equip the military.
its ok to be jealous eurofags after all your countries will never be as good as ours :)
>i need deh FOKIN mosque becase my lover mohamed needs it foh allah
The good guys lost the war.
Far away from Europe.
Here's what I know: You have seen at least one episode of FRIENDS and THE SIMPSONS.
You're welcome.
No part of my country is subervient to you mutt nigger. Thanks for the free money and tears. You lower class nigger kike slave
>ou have seen at least one episode of FRIENDS
Nope. Can the nigger mutt be right about anything?
At least it’s bumping the thread.
Things americans can't have:
>A foreskin
>Literally under invasion by shitskins horde's
>America isn't white
Okay Muhammad.
Americans aren't going to turn their back on the Anglo, you absolute retard. Why would we betray the nation that founded the thirteen colonies, speaks the same language as us, invented liberalism (John Locke inspired many of our founding fathers), and is culturally very similar for a foreign nation like Germany? We don't share much culture with Germany and we don't even speak the same fucking language. Of course we are going to support Britain and its allies against nations that are hostile to them.
>muttly spam
>check country flags % of white vs non
>france, germany, sweden, italy, warmer regions 30-40%
>look up US states for whites
i enjoy laughing every time some shit country spams that garbage. it was funny in 2012 but now its funny due to the sandnigger and nigger refugees flooding europe which is not stopping or even slowing right now
poland is alright. you can keep shitposting our way though
>you need the church for the truth
Amerimutts belive this
>If he does not like the church he must be a muslim
Amerimutts belive this
Things the Swiss can’t have
>heterosexual relationships
Imagine being so helpless the best you can do is make a forced meme on Sup Forums while thousands of years of your history is being wiped out by the Jews.
And American presidents campaigned on staying OUT of the war both in WW1 and WW2. The fucking Jews will be punished in the end times... God is not mocked.
>American isn't white
The anglo was the kike-slave, just like you.
>This is considered witty banter to the mutt
>all you need is faith alone a-and a few Newsboys songs
Euroshits believe this
because Blum destroyed the army
>Country is getting overrun by arabs
>"W-well your country is getting overrun by spics! This makes YOU a spic"
>"So doesn't that make you an arab with that logi-"
>"Fucking mutts, you might be economically, politically and militarily superior, but who cares because you got mutt genes, LITERALLY inferior genetics, even though you're the best country in the world!"
If it helps you feel any better, the whites are still in charge, even though some pretend the niggers are people, we do use minorities as cannon fodder though, we've bred them to be strong though, so we have every right to do so.
Read a history book.
>The anglo was the kike-slave, just like you.
Not an argument. At the end of the day, Hitler pissed off the British which in turn pulled us into the war. Europeans love to blame Americans for everything--even when you faggots stub your toe in the morning.
Yuropoors only claim we won WW2 when it is convenient for them to blame us for all their troubles. When not they scream and pout about how we joined the war late and never won anything.
>implyin im calling you a muslim
wew that joke went straight over your head you daft euro poor.
forgot yall cant think past a third grade level.
I think muhameds dick is too far up that ass bro
They blame us for ruining their continent while simultaneously demanding that America played no role in winning WWII.
If anyone is acting like niggers, it's continental Euros who can't take responsibility for themselves. No, of course someone else is ALWAYS to blame.
>Hitler pissed off the British
Good lord. Are mutts really this uneducated?
You mean american
You didn't win shit retard. You lost your country to the kike 100% by going trillions (inf.adj) in debt to the kike to fund your war of kike-slavery
Have you actually watched Hitler's 25+ minute declaration of war against America or are you just memeing? He explains exactly why America could no longer be ignored. The U.S had broken international treaties continuously for 3+ years and taunted friendly German ships and ruined diplomatic relations in an intentional attempt at provoking an entrance into the war. America was essentially waging a low-frequency war already before officially being at war.
Both in WW1 and WW2, Jews close to the American administration lobbied for a war in Europe. The Jew is the moral enemy of mankind.
Well tried Pedro. Did you get these facts at Trump University? We are still in lower 90%. Not ideal but still better than 56%... Trump was the last move of the dying white muricans. Sleep tight and embrace the night señor.
Tomorrow, I will wake up white. Regardless of the state of the world, you will always be a nigger.
Attempting to educate the burger is impossible. They are immune to all knowledge. The perpetual idiot.
heh, americans are so nonwhite, unlike me, a pure european
Am i missing something here? Aren't we all rational human beings? The fuck is the matter with you, acting like god damn pre-schoolers. Equating the human race to breeds, like it's a dog show. It's so pathetic.
>He still believes in homicidal gas chambers
I understand death camp tours are 1/3 of your gdp, but no Jews were ever gassed
If Jesus really existed, he would have done something a long time ago, lets face it Sup Forums religion it's fake
Can we re conquer Europe yet?
pick one kike
>Equating the human race to breeds
Tbqh, we need this. Human aesthetic uniqueness is dying.
>death camp tours are 1/3 of your gdp,
>Good lord. Are mutts really this uneducated?
>Poland, fearing a loss of independence, refused, and Hitler told his generals on 23 May 1939 that the reason for invading Poland was "Danzig is not the object to which it goes. It is for us the extension of the living space in the East."[59] To deter Hitler, Britain and France announced that an invasion meant war, and tried to convince the Soviet Union to join in this deterrence. Moscow played along but found it could gain control of the Baltic states and parts of Poland by allying with Germany, which it did in August 1939. London's deterrence had failed, but Hitler did not expect a wider war. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 and rejected the British and French demands that it withdraw resulting in their declaration of war on September 3, 1939 in accordance to the defense treaties they signed with Poland and publicly announced.
>Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 and rejected the British and French demands that it withdraw resulting in their declaration of war on September 3, 1939 in accordance to the defense treaties they signed with Poland and publicly announced.
How didn't Germany antagonize them, you absolute retard?
We always could.
>Never going to have white kids
If you do have white kids
>Jammal and/or akmads cum dumpster
Mudslimes are not human.
He did. He turned Europe into hell.
The only cure to infestation is purification by fire.
Do you know what country my flag is? Or are you legit retarded
Why the fuck do all these speed bumps smell like curry?
nigga u aint even a real country HAHAHAHA
>when you start a argument with ''not a argument''
>when you are not tired of yourself being a broked record repeating ''muhamed here, muhamed there''
Can’t you just Samson option all the cities? That would solve nearly all the world’s problems.
Yeah. I have one of your knives in my pocket and one of your guns in my safe. You're still a nigger loving liberal distopia.
>when you start a argument with ''not a argument''
Not AN argument, Ahmed.
>nigga u aint
>Yeah. I have one of your knives in my pocket and one of your guns in my safe.
mutts are always worth a good laugh