It's official
He's with (((them)))
It's official
He's with (((them)))
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying we didn't already know
History will look back on this days.
What would be your role in this user?
not understanding the difference between Israel and Khazar
you are babies
kill yourselves, specially
How could that be? its like the west is a kike controlled vessel and that no matter who you vote for you get a puppet. Enjoy living in the american coma you dumb fucks they are 2 percent of the population but their names keep popping up everywhere. I was banned yesterday for """breaking""" rule 3 because i posted this.
>renaming a light rail station for accepting the obvious
Good thing i can change ip on demand kike mods.
i know you retards are all leftard shills, non of you have addressed my point, because you dont know shit of what you are taking about
seenobody cares about you, they are probably banning you for being an autistic retard, kill yourself
A great honor!
Okay retard
How shocking!!!
I'm working for the hacker known as /leftypol/ and have been hired by Sharia
blue and CTR to censor and destroy 4 chins, you caught me.
This is a shareblue larp thread.
why cant any of you shills come up with something original?
you really cant meme for shit
no, its a shareblue shill thread, in which shills are now larping to disguise that fact they where actual shills
>if you don't like based Israel and god emperor Turmp you are le shareblue SJWs xD!!!!
Please go back to the_donald.
non of you ashkenazis are real jews, thats why you hate Israel
This guy is playing them like a fiddle
>lalalalala you are a shill
>le based nationalist jews vs globalist jews meme
Who the fuck do you think Israelis are? Do you even know what Ashkenazis or Khazars are or are you just spitting out buzzwords. Isreal was made by Ashkenazis and they make up pretty much the largest group of Jews in the country.
its only 30% of israelis
the point is the liberal country destroying jews that live in the US and EU, hate Israel because they want to keep leeching in our countries
Hitler was in favor of making a jewish state
There's nothing exploitative about the US relationship with Israel. By recognizing Jerusalem and strengthening their alliance with Israel, America ensures another 100 years of fruitful Israel-American mutually beneficial alliance which will allow America to acquire more Israeli talent and technology, and trade deals and intel whilst killing mudslimes at the sane time. There's only win win for both sides. Pol much rather like the Palestinian loving left, can't see the strategic benefits of having a Jewish state as your ally. Would you much rather Israel foster better ties with China or Russia, and they get prime Israeli tech and talent, and total control of the middle east?
NWO jews are not the same as zionist kews
there, made it easy for you
No they don't. There is no division between globalist and nationalist jews. Israel is simply a base of operations for the NWO.
All jews are genetically evil. They will always be our enemies. Until every last trace of semetic DNA is purged the European won't know peace.
This what Jew revisionist logic looks like.
They steal our talent and secrets but now we need them for their talents mush.
Only niggers are more insecure and delusional.
Fucking laughable.
>idiots are going to take this seriously
oh no gujize donald drumpf is done for I swear its FOR REAL this time
At least some "country" is giving him props. I will probably never get to see a Trump memorial in D.C.
The best thing that could happen was for Trump to show his true Jew loving hand so the world and the greater Muslim community can see that America isn't an honest partner and is corrupt to the core.
If you read this delusional kike's diatribe you'll note that all he cares about and believes is that (((((they)))) will win via deceitful divide and conquer tactics but that won't work anymore since all the muslims are aware of the simple truth that there is no peace with kikes and their useful goyim.
Jews are finished and the only question yanks need to ask themselves is if they want to go down with them.
Jared is his Jew puppetmaster. He has Jew grandkids. Why are you surprised?????
his daugher, in law and 3 of his grandkids are jews you retarded donkey shitsack babylonians
merchantposters have been supporting Trump since late 2015
hell we've used kabbalah magic to make him win. bibi owns a fucking melania wig for their "staff meetings" in the janitor closet. no joke
who the fuck did you think we'd endorse?
We dont give a fuck who you endorse
looks like your leaving by the side door one way or another
This serves to confirm what we've already suspected
This guy is making sense, remember that Fox News were the ones frothing at the mouth pushing for war with Iran, not the "liberal" corporate media.
kill yourself shill rat
Trump never hid the fact he's a zionist puppet, even during the campaign. Democracy is a morally bankrupt system that gives you the choice between a corrupt cunt that takes bribes from foreign leaders and a puppet of Israel. This is why we need fascism.
Fuck off libtard