Why doesn't Vagabond get an anime adaptation?

Why doesn't Vagabond get an anime adaptation?

because the vast majority of the audience who watches anime are massive plebs who have no interest in that kind of subject matter, or art style for that matter

It also has alot of talking with nothing happening which would propably drive alot of people away

Anime would ruin it, no way they'd be able to use that artstyle and do it justice

Maybe a movie but even then I highly doubt it'll work. Better to leave it as is

Could the anime even give the manga art the justice it deserves though.

There's no way an anime could capture the art.

Because it's long and there's no market for it.

Why would you even want an anime anyway? Is the manga not good enough for you?

Because the cost doesn't warrant investment from producers especially with the mangaka only doing releases out of the blue.

The same reason why plenty of other "high-brow" or more unique manga do not.
Audiences of manga and anime in general have overlap, but manga is also something that is consumed by a much wider audience, hence why the medium actually has a huge amount of diversity, unlike anime, which has to usually play it safe to be even affordable to produce.

because animos are just ads for mangos and the guy wont fucking continue his mango so there wouldnt even be any mangos to sell cause he hasnt a chapter in years

Can you spoon feed me more examples of unique mangas?


not the man you quoted but
>20th century boys
>Oyasumi punpun
>onani master kurosawa (well ok, it is pretty ridiculus, I liked it though)
>drifting classroom

>>Oyasumi punpun

As much as I like the manga, punpun would be ridiculously boring to watch

Thanks for the recommendations.

Because it wouldn't be popular, and the manga is successful enough to not need a shitty advertisement campaign like LNs do.

Not to mention it would be shit, and it's not finished yet.

>Drifting Classroom
Is it really still unique when it's been cloned so much? Not that I don't like it.

It's very interesting



I don't have this shit saved in hundreds of folders like you autists do sorry

Fuck off and kill yourself.


Fuck off.

How did ghost in the shell get so popular then?