Is this some sort of a joke?
This is the most Orwelian shit I ever seen.
Is this some sort of a joke?
This is the most Orwelian shit I ever seen.
Other urls found in this thread:
Like all testing isnt this way
Why no link? Do you hate democracy?
>Do you believe the Fake News Media will fairly cover President Trump’s first year approval rating?
We literally did this shit in elementary school with: "Does you mom know you're gay?"
Fuck man.
It's 4d chess, it's bait so the media will report on it so more people will go and look at it and take the survey so they will get more data. I took it just now and answered great on all two questions thanks to this thread.
Not sure if trolling or legit retarded.
safe space bitches cant handle criticism whats new?
>provides link on djt personal website
The only people who would be taking that are trump fans fuck back off to your outdoor shack in the middle of nowhere Ivan
Yeah how dare Trump call people who accuse him of treason, rape, and racism "fake news."
Thanks Croatbro
>how dare anyone say trump can do wrong
hang yourself
It doesn't matter who will take the goddamn poll,what matters is what methods your President is using.He's such a little bitch he can't even take criticism.Sad!
PS.My name really is Ivan,nice one.
Maybe you'd have a point if they fairly criticized him instead of LITERALLY ACCUSING HIM OF GENOCIDE BECAUSE OF A HURRICANE.
I actually filled out the same form and have been called Always say I could not be happier with Trump!
holy shit now that's reaching. you fucking trumpdiscksuckers are the biggest joke on earth atm consider joining a circus lmao
This 100%
I know you're probably being ironic because you're a trumptard, but what you said has serious insight to the situation
Christ, conservatism is a mental disease
Responded by telling him to imprison all politicians and install a monarchy.
do a quick search for "puerto rico trump genocide"
>no poor option for trump
What's Orwellian about about asking people on his mailing list, i.e., his supporters, questions about his performance with a full range of answer options? It's not like it was sent out to all Americans.
I know Croatians hate transparency.
da fuq
there's no "Poor" option, the lowest is "Okay" or "Other"
>a full range of answer options
>all options are positive or neutral
I don't know if he had anything to do with the question but if he has it reminds me of children that never grow out of their narcissistic behaviors and keep thinking that nothing bad should be said about them and need constant acknowledgment from surrounding peers.
Poor guy. May his hands be hold and his fractile ego protected.
Trump is such a massive baby.
Trump is a jewlover in thrall to his jewmasters
>Trump has a poll on his website for his voters
>Obama legalizes PROPAGANDA on Christmas Eve in a 3000+ page military budget.
>[Cricket chirping in the background]
I fucking hate liberals so god damn much.
I just want to fucking toss them from helicopters already.
>omg, they wrote Fake News Media!!!
>I luv my CNN though
>They are totally the Jewish truth.
This is simply hard facts.
If you don't like it, go back to your safe space, faggot-slav.
I see "Poor", "No", and "Other". Again, what is Orwellian about this? For the first question about his performance, and answer of "Other" is sufficient to indicate "anything other than the choices given". In other words, "You're not doing the job the way I think you should" and, from that, there could be any number of reasons to include but not limited to or inclusive with doing poorly.
It doesn't matter anyways. All these emails are linked to RNC fund rasising efforts. They only go to his supporters who have signed up to get them (and maybe some masochists like yourself that want to be tortured by his "Orwellian" approach to asking questions).
This is part of the always positive thinking mentality of his. Can't blame him for applying it at all times, seeing as it has got him lodging at the White House.
It's not #3 that's being eyeballed, it's the difference between 1 and 2.
wouldn't it be a .gov if it was real
Pic related is the only worthwhile part of the survey.
Post responses.
Are you mentally impaired?
Do you think that if someone critizies trump,they must be a liberal?
And nobody's talking about Obama now,he's not a president.He no longer has power.Why are you mentioning him?
I swear I think it's impossible to be a Trump supporter and have IQ over 80.
The point is, only Obama is allowed to be judged "Poor". The option doesn't even exist for Trump.
This is the extent of the feverish nature of the current POTUS's ego.
Why did he give Obama the option "Poor",but not to himself?
The difference being that Trump is still in office and can improve/change whereas Obama is done and over and a lot of people truly think he did a poor job. An answer of "Other" for the first - regardless of why - means he needs to change his approach. Obama cannot change his legacy. People who think he did poorly will always think that.
any infant pepe memes yet?
"Paid for by the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. and the Republican National Committee."
Pretty sure this done on purpose to trigger the left and start another news cycle.
I'm disappointed number didn't have a spot for FREAKING AWESOME! Guess I'll just put great.
Oh no this is nearly as bad as the Democrat party poll where the "preferred presidential candidate" question ONLY HAD DEMOCRATS ON IT
>Paid for by the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. and the Republican National Committee.
it's basically a biased survey
Orwell actively worked for British intelligence to inform on Communists.
This was my thought exactly.
Just another thing to deliberately bait people into getting angry.
No it isn't Orwellian. You could argue it is flawed polling methodology but you could hardly argue it is duplicious propaganda.
Because he's NEVER been poor.
Dude, the poll is called "Inaugural Year Poll" not "Summary of Administration Poll". This poll is meant to comprise Trump's administration thus far. Additionally, even if the narrative actually conformed to your dumbass claim, those polled should still be given the option to claim that President Trump is doing a bad job. Jesus fucking Christ.
HAHA Libshits triggered by Truth Poll
>he thinks only communists can be Orwellian
Are you retarded?
>pic related
could you imagine the howling if obama did something like this?
Why would it? It's a poll to his supporters that you have to sign-up to receive. And it's tied to RNC fundraising. Why are your knickers so twisted over this? Obama is over. People can think he did poorly til the end of time. When Trump's presidency is over, people can think the same of him. But, right now, the point is to gauge his support base and change his message if needed. Obama can't do that. But the DNC can surely send out their own poll to their supporters if they want ....
You're legit retarded. Thanks.
Me too.
I dont see anything orwellian here.
what are we even talking about?
This poll wasnt made by President Trump, nor is it on his website, this is and made by a fundraising committee for Trump, not by Trump
Why are your knickers so twisted over this?
it looks like they're servaying 5 yos?
That’s other as fuck
>hurr durr this is orwellian
>orwell worked for state intelligence
Reddit levels of butthurt over a poll created for Trump supporters who signed to recceive them and to potentially donate to the RNC as a result of them. It's literally nothing but autists freaking out.
Polling for Hillary said she was sure to win as it was impossible for Trump to win.
>taking advice from potentially fraudlent polls
>butt hurt
>OP = Hillary Clinton
>My name really is Ivan
It show how sad of a person he is.
He can't handle the slightest of criticism,and disables the option to criticise whereever he can.
As opposed to your Leaf polls from Trudeau where you get to chose between sucking off dogs or getting beheaded by reformed ISIS members, right? Whose 5 now? Take the dog dick out of your mouth and ponder the situation you've created.
Says the man crying about an email poll he either never received or had to sign-up to get triggered over. It's easy, nigger, stop looking at the questions. Just walk away.
Still better than a fucking Leaf.
This is amazing
Reported for fake news
>fanpoll on fansite
>omg bias!
OP is a fag.
nice meme president America
Why would you put poor on it? Literally nobody would answer poor.
Nigger have you been to r/the_donald?
They wrote 1984.
They are the current accepted definition of hypocrisy.
dude take your meds that was cringy as fuck
based schizophrenic poster
more like based moron
>Fake News Media
>capitalized like a company
Does trump have an organization to produce fake news so he can dictate?
Please stop using that word.
You obviously don't know what it means.
SPOILER: It doesn't mean the same as biased.
here is what i sent
Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit are globalist brainwashing apparatuses. They cannot be reformed, so they must be destroyed. Have a PMC sign some NDAs and perform a swift surgical destruction of every server these companies use in every data center worldwide. No one even has to be physically harmed to destroy these companies overnight, you just destroy some electronics here and there and it's done. Claim ISIS or North Korea is responsible. Use this false flag as a pretext to authorize Mattis to strike wherever necessary. The absence of these sites will be a non-issue, the web is antifragile so the vacuum will quickly be filled with nationalist alternatives. All moderation and censorship is de facto team purple behavior and should be treated as a first amendment violation bordering on treason. If anyone is ever caught discussing the possibility of implementing a censorship mechanism on their site, it should be regarded as an act of treason and result in the death penalty. If censorship on any site is ever programmatically detected by a third party and that company cannot explain how it happened, then that company's CEO should be executed by guillotine on live national television. All FEMA camps in the US need to be packed full of team purple/communist sympathizers until reeducation is complete. If reeducation fails then they need to be executed and their organs harvested for use by actual humans.
>asking for input from your base of support is orwellian now
Lets see what Sup Forums thinks
good response user
> I answered great on all two questions
Thats funny because your President actually is a literal bitch.
>elect woman as leader
>expect to be taken seriously
Get the fuck out of here you EU cock-sucking faggot. Kiss your funding goodbye.
>OMG They're framing the questions in a way I don't like!1!
Everyone does this. Its propaganda 101. Are you 12?
>most Orwellian I have ever seen
Really? Of all the things going on in the world you think thats the most Orwellian?
No you dont you fucking liar.
Orwellian is about lack of freedom of speech above and amongst other things
That isn't framing the questions you absolute retard
>not realizing the media will report on this and bring rigged polls back into the spotlight for him to further humiliate them with their own words
6,000,000-D marsupial judo, user.
Turn in your stars and bars, retard.