Capitalist pigs beware, she's coming to get you.
Richies, watch out
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I will squirt my semen on her boots.
that outfit looks expensive though
Id let this goth slut eat daddys cock
She can suck my dick and then buy a pack of Ramen.
she would look somewhat decent without that retarded haircut, probably into SM.
I'd eat her ass, if you catch my drift.
Aren't those boots like $300?
Enough money for makeup, stupid hairstyle, hair dye, designer clothes, those stupid fucking boots, a camera/phone.
I hope she dies of cancer and all alone
thats why i own a fully self sufficint property in argentina.
She can eat muh dik
I'm not a woman, so I have no idea what I'm looking for, but I've found at least several pairs of boots which all look similar to the ones she is wearing.
All of which cost upwards of $200-300 USD.
I think she just needs better priorities with her spending.
Breddy gud,I would give her some noodles
that's how the zombie apocalypse starts
Bitch please ramen are like 0,5€/kg just collect 2 plastic bottles and collect your 0'5€ for it
Hahaha millenials
I live like 2 months right now from plastic bottles and the trash food from supermarkets and I'm doing still fine
Fucking elitist class nowaday unbelievable
I'd eat that pussy.
not in a thrift shop, ya dumbass
Nice find, user.
But can she express her inner self if not through expensive clothing?
I wonder how much that get up cost her
She wants to be with a rich man if you still haven't caught her drift.
hes just a reposting reddit faggot
She could have been hot. Shame, really.
Even thrift shops think those boots are tacky.
If this bitch can't even afford ramen, she needs to get a fucking job not be out protesting
$200 boots are why she’s eating ramen.
nobody that has ever worn those boots has ever set foot in a thrift shop.
thrift shops are for upper middle class post-menaoausal women to dontate to and for the poor to buy shit in.
Not this thread again.
>Can't afford Ramen
>Can afford black hair dye and nail polish as well as huge black boots.
What even?
She's probably in her early 20's... Women that age take their youth for granted and act like it will last forever. Little does she know the cuteness of youth is only good until 30.
You should be repulsed by her. She makes it abundantly clear she has issues beyond her politics, most likely daddy issues. Additionally, she's about to hit the wall at full speed.
By letting her have power over you are not only setting yourself up for disappointment, you are promoting leftist politics.
I mean there is noting wrong with most 30 year old women, but 27 is still being pretty generous if we are talking about cuteness.
>going full anti women sperg over some half serious "i'd hit that" comments
Do you know how i know you're a virgin? I'm surprised this shit thread is still up.
Hold her to those words all you want. Chastise her for misspending income on those boots all you want. You know goddamned well this thot didn't pay for those boots, let alone make that sign. Do I have to spell everything out for you purehearted incels?
More like "If daddy does not send me more money, I might actually have to eat ramen"
Where have you been the last 30 years grandpa. Hipsters love thrift shops
this girl isnt a hipster.
whats your point?
Can feed this demon with my semen.
Grill here
Those boots as Demonia Gothic platform boots, which the cheapest you can find are $120. Most go for $200 plus. These boots specifically are $120. This women is just horrible with money. Probably spends all her cash on hair dye, makeup, and clothes and then complains about where all her money went. Makeup isn't a necessity, you retarded roasties. Nice clothes aren't, either, unless work requires it. I can go a year without buying a surplus of makeup.
Her haircut reminded me of this guy from The Incredibles
How did you get a png of a screenshot to look like such shit?
i challenge her to a mud wrestling contest.
>Those expensive boots
>That expensive haircut
>A sign
Fuck I wanna punch a communist right now.
I could shit in her mouth.