and there's literally nothing you can do about it, Sup Forumstards
And there's literally nothing you can do about it, Sup Forumstards
>random nigress aborts her baby
News at 11
If so, then so be it. I just wanted her to know how I felt before I left.
>abortion means killing human babies
>niggers are not human
I don’t see any problem with this
Looks more like a spic to me senpai.
How dare she deprive us of her amazing genetics
Shes not white so its ok
>implying we want people like that raising children
Only deranged Christcucks will oppose this
one less tar baby why would I want to do anything
>1 less possible nigger in the world
This is a bad thing?
Who cares? She's black.
Why would we want to do something about it, she's already taking care of the niglet.
a nigger baby being aborted is a Christmas gift she gave to the entire world
Babies don’t go to heaven, they go to purgatory
If I could load abortion drugs into a crop duster and spray black infested areas I would.
>An amerimuttess kills her baby in a capitalistic ritual
So continues the circle of life.
Lil' Jon?
One less nigger in the world.
>she gave us all a Christmas gift.
Swedes dont go to heaven or purgatory, they go immediately to hell.
this is why I fully support Planned Parenthood. they kill more niggers than malaria
>a literal son of a bitch less in the world
So do jews
nigger abortions should be legal. saves bullets
and the difference is...?
Abortion kills more blacks than blacks kill blacks.
...According to?
She's black, problem solved itself anyways.
that's not the Bible.
Which can be fixed by prayer sven
Fucking based!
>1 less nig in the world
>lol u mad pol?
>my fairy tale book is more accurate about fantasy shit than your spiderman comic
>Sup Forums caring
Too bad they don’t all get abortions
Hey, Vsauce! Michael here.
Black Lives Matter... or do they?
According to a report by the U.S. Department of Justice, 93 percent of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks. This is a stark contrast to white on white crime which has been... steadily... decreasing.... since 1980.
But what is... "decreasing"?
The majority of fetuses aborted at Planned Parenthood are of... African American ethnicity. With a mean of 515,000 abortions per year, and an estimate 80 percent of which last year were conceived by black or hispanic parents, that's a whopping 412000 future crimes prevented.
Swedes are already in hell
I'd prefer if pregnant nigresses get aborted, better than state sponsored dysgenics raising the nigger baby on white man's tax dollars
Oh nooo!! She won't give birth to a future criminal named "deshawn willis" ?! Oh the humanity! God why?!
Good, I don't want my tax dollars going to support another single mom and her worthless niglet. Abortions for all!
Again, why are stupid conservatives pro-life? It's a terrible position to hold in America.
That's fine. I'd rather there not be even more people that won't be raised to be reasonable individuals.
REAL conservatives are only opposed to white abortions. Cuckservatives are pro-life because Jeebus said love thy nigger
No such thing as purgatory.You are purged immediately from Cerberus and then go to the Underworld bellow the river Styx.
Good. The people who get abortions are overwhelmingly people who we don't want having children anyway
I wonder what gun did that.Probably some 30 year old AK duct taped together that,amazingly, still works!
Shouldn't it be 'I am pregnant today'?
Also, it's for the best. Shame an innocent will have to die, though, but it's on her.
The literal state of millennials.
I don't give a shit about her turd
Looks like a nigger.
I'd even pay for it to be killed.
She's a porch monkey so it doesn't matter
>Sheboon aborts little niglet
Why stop the sheboon?
This, the fewer liberals that breed the better.
Yes I can. I can drink a toast to one less nigger in the world.
Meanwhile i get 3 likes for repelling down a building
>haha faggot having social media
>Thinking we'd try to stop her
How new ARE you shill?
>Stopping niglets from being born
Doing God's work.
i understand why republicans are against abortion ideologically, but in practice it's all in their favour. less liberals, more conservatives.
>social media
social media was a mistake
Everyone wants to be a celebrity. Everyone wants to be paid attention to.
Just live your life man.
The beauty that black women don't have enough money to fund Planned Parenthood. It's white women, dumbass. Your minority report is coming due.
Why would I care if a nigger aborts her nigger baby?
Saves so much hassle
>abortion means killing human babies
It's illegal to kill human babies, so you must be a liar.
>Again, why are stupid conservatives pro-life?
Listen, we're not pro-life. All our policy is geared around restricting women's choices, and I've never understood this. I'm paleo-conservative and we believe it is a woman's right to decide for herself if she will bear children or not. If you were hoodwinked into giving that authority to the state, then you're an idiot. China has that authority over childbirth, and they force abortions. So no, that right belongs to women and it must be protected like all our other rights.
In 18 years the crime rate will drop another 0.00001% as a direct consequence.
Good riddance
People who don’t know how to be thankful for their gift s should be hanged and quartered.
Why would I stop a nigress from shitting out another niglet? Good on her.
She gave us all a Christmas gift!
and I happen to be so pro choice I think abortions should be gov funded & mandated to people who use welfare!
If you think I don't want niggers to abort, you're retarded.
>blacks getting abortions
Based planned parenthood
>Implying a negress stopping herself from reproducing is a bad thing.
I think I'll be pro choice if there's a net worth in black abortions greater than white abortions. Sup Forums should catch onto this shit.
Society just dodged a bullet. Literally and figuratively.
>and there's literally nothing you can do about it
If you're unironically against niggers and spics aborting their babies, you're a fucking cuck
>nonwhite terminates pregnancy
>thinks Sup Forums would be against this
>nigger gets abortion
gib back macao
>This is why no one takes ancaps seriously
>implying I take an issue if it's a nignog
Suit yourself sweetie.
why would we do anything
burn in hell.
and financially
I would unironically support a government program to help pay for abortions for nonwhites
Replace “abortions” with “sterilizations” and you got my vote.
Nobody on Sup Forums has any problems with niggers having abortions. That's not our business, because we aren't niggers. What niggers do among themselves is their problem, not ours: we don't pretend to want to solve their black-on-black violence or the genocide they wage on their own in the inner cities, nor do we care if they abort their "young presidents." That's their problem. We seek only to better ourselves and secure a future for the white race. If they can't secure a better future for themselves, that's their failure, and they have to live and die with it.
>that's a whopping 412000 future crimes prevented.
You are being way too kind to the nog culture by thinking that nogs commit only one crime
non-white. don't care.
Abortion is the most moral action you can take if you're a black woman and this is the truth.
If we have to put a woman on currency, let's make it Margaret Sanger
>one less nigger to worry about
how is that a bad thing?
Hows your ethnostate going?