What do you do?

Alright Sup Forums, let's say you had an extremely rich uncle you didn't know about that died and left $1 billion in your name after taxes. What do you do?

Do you move to some uber fancy penthouse suite in Manhattan? Do you get a mansion with a nice spread of land in Connecticut or California? Do you you head for the "whitelands" of Kentucky or Montana and get a big piece of property there? Move out of the country? If you're not an America what's your game plan and why?

How about after you've secured your new house? How do you invest your money? Start a business? What kind? Stocks? Real estate?

Do you use your money to participate in politics or do you just stay out of it and live in rich peace?

Other urls found in this thread:


I would buy a 3rd world country as I have always dreamed to do.

I'd hire a bunch of prostitutes to fart in my mouth

Probably just live in peace desu
I wouldn't bother investing it so that (((they))) can make more money off of my money
I would go on huge Christmas shopping sprees to provide kids with presents, and donate to CHaD and Boston Children's Hospital

I'd life in the whitelands on 640 acres, occassionally go to the cities to fuck hot 20 year old models, enjoy life and work politics from the shadows.

Wew, ok here we go.
>cut off all contact with anyone other than my immediate family
>move to a Northwest state with unregulated firearms laws
>purchase 10,000 acres
>build castle w/ moat and M2 HMGs along outer wall
>start investing
>fund a new NatSoc party to rise
>sieg heil

Which 3rd world country? Why?

Buy the love of Abigail Shapiro and get her pregnant with twins that'll suck her dry

Give all of it to Israel Anonymously.

I can get with staying out of things, but with that kind of money you could straight up shape the world. Or at least have a very strong local influence.

Hite a private army to assassinate George Soros

640 acres is a lot of land to maintain and keep track of. At least keeping a large family?

>dat shirt
muh sides

You're in beast mode. How do you keep your cover while funding a natsoc party? Or are you letting your dick hang out and the world knows who you are and what you're doing?

This influence doesn't interest me.

Couldn't even buy an NFL team might as well kill yourself poorfag

I'd build a manor large enough to support myself, 5-8 kids, my extended family either through multiple floors or other buildings on the same area. I'd design the manor to be secure, with a huge food reserve and backup solar panels, generators, and gardens. The estate would be walled off. I'd also buy all the land in a 20 mile radius aroundthe property. Is develop it into a neighborhood, with nice houses and a few small shops. I wouldn't sell the houses, only rent them to select families and rates that only cover the taxes. The entire neighborhood would also be walled and patrolled. I'd own the businesses and would only employ kids from the area/skilled members of the community. There would be a gas station, a food market, a hardware store, and a few businesses like plumbers and electricians. This would help in the building projects since I could just employ my own people whenever I want to expand. Once I finish building my white paradise I would invest 20% of the remaining money in solid blue chip stocks, 20% in government bonds, 20% in other real estate projects not related to my town, and split the other 20% between day trading and crypto currency, with a 20% reserve

Yes. I'd have as many kids with as many wives as I could possibly have.

>$1 billion in your name after taxes
Every Sup Forumsacks' dream->
>big chunk of land
>big fence
>solar panels
>water filtration
>blah blah blah
You know. Just Ruby Ridge that shit up and hunker down with the extended family.

>move in the middle of nowhere
>pay to get built top tier internet infrastracture/roads
>small manor
>join the freemasons
>start attending high society parties
>identify people in positions of power that are interested in changing the way society works
>start slowly subverting the government

I would proudly let it hang.
I have zero friends that I actually care of their opinions, and come to think of it, about zero friends in general.
My family are already fairly redpilled and know that I support NatSoc and think Hitler was the second coming of George Washington.

Also by funding a new NatSoc party, Id form educational systems and release extreme amounts of pro-segregation, pro-nationalist, anti-degeneracy literature.
Think of the Sunday paper.
Now imagine each Sunday paper was approx a magazines worth of the literature I described.

Friends can be a drain and a liability. Allies on the other hand.....

That should be the dream of every real man to be honest

Sounds like you've put some time into this gameplan.

Honestly, I doubt I'd change anything. At most I'd probably buy a new van and truck to replace mine that are 20 years old only to drive them for 20 years (if they'd last that long).

With that kind of money you'll change SOMETHING. Hell instead of a $20k truck, you'd get a $60k. The difference to your bank account would be absolutely nothing.

Just think if some dumbass showed up to the UN dressed as Dr Doom representing Micronesia.

Thats what I want

>receives $1 billion
>buy up seemingly worthless land
>build aquaponic greenhouses on it
>automate them with drones

You'd probably get a lot more support than you think.

Getting a jump on the robot game could turn that $1 billion into a whole heck of a lot more.

Invest $100 million in safe financial instruments.

Invest $900 million in right wing movies and become the hero of half the country.

i would build my own spacestation with whiskey and bitches

>Invest $100 million in safe financial instruments.
>Invest $900 million in helping animals as humans suck shit.

give away half of it to charity

They kinda did it already but not at UN


Right wing movies would sell like crazy. People are starving for good movies with honest material.

I'd give it all to Bernie he's gotta win this time for sure

Sell all of it and move to rural Missouri.
Wait for the next stock market crash, which is likely to be huge. Invest in bonds and CDs in the meantime.
Once the crash happens, buy up as much real estate as possible.
Die 40 years later, hand kids and empire to manage.

He'll sure as hell take it.

Import slav waifus and launder money via real estate then become a reality TV show star and eventually president

I'd spend about $550K on a diversified stock portfolio, maybe hire a broker. Then buy some land and build a home somewhere near the ocean, maybe on a private island. They go for a lot cheaper than you'd think sometimes. From there, I'd let my stocks grow more money for me, sit at home, shitpost, play vidya. Spend time with my fiancee. I just want to get away from all this hell, you know?

Start a white ethnostate colony somewhere.

Im sure your faggot manlet husband after a post like this.

Kill niggers.

Maybe I'm just fucking old and I've had enough of this dumb shit? You want it, you can wallow in it.

See this

>tfw I already live in rural Missouri

I'm very aware of that fact. Aside from robotics, such an idea affects numerous industries on a global scale. We're talking billions upon billions of dollars. The funny thing is that you don't need a billion dollars. All you need is to demonstrate efficacy to investors who have the capital to fund construction on a mass scale.

Personally, I'm more interested in using this for private research with a eugenics theme and gearing up a political movement with this as one of the goals. Such technology is necessary for interplanetary colonization, so pursuit of it would be multi-tasking.

Dude comes up with a reasonable post and you attack him for it? What a jackass you are.

I would move to a state with seasons. I would buy as much land as I possibly could. I would build a beautiful house in the center, not anything crazy, but not tiny. I would have a shooting range, and a lot of cars, with storage for them. Then I would build a few smaller houses scattered around the property for any family or friends who wanted to come live there. Then I would just fuck off for the rest of my life. I'm sure I would have a few investments, but nothing insane. I would spend most of my time doing things like getting a pilots license, and once that was done, buying a small plane, and putting a landing strip on my land.

>Alright Sup Forums, let's say you had an extremely rich uncle you didn't know about that died and left $1 billion in your name after taxes. What do you do?

I'd never see a dime of it.

Hillary clinton would kill my mother, impersonate her, and take the money.

That'll be a lot of power to consolidate.

How? invest a billion dollars into a super virus? Or just raise an army and do it the old fashion way?

Most of these people will bitch about anything, I've come to learn. Very unhappy bunch.

buy 3rd world country in africa and start colonizing again

The uncle left it directly to you in your name. All you gotta do is stay alive....

Colonizing... in what way?

buy some land
build an impenetrable vault filled with food and luxuries
live and then die

Put a few million in index funds and live off the interest.

Move to NY -- yeah, I know it's a meme, but I just like the idea of living in the city. Minimal furniture and clothing. I don't care about traveling.

Not sure what else. Maybe start a pizza place so I can have pizza anytime I want and keep me occupied.

I would buy a million acres somewhere in South America and build a fortress.

I would make a literal castle in some middle of the nowhere mexican desert.

I would use a lot of the money to buy extremely old and rare occult books, grimories and such.

I would honestly not even invest, 1 BILLION USD is simply too much for the to burn in a lifetime, i dont want to help the poor and iliterate either, just live the apex of hedonism, esoterism and capitalism until the day i die

>The uncle left it directly to you in your name. All you gotta do is stay alive....

Identity theft.... it would literally never get to me, I would never be directly contacted, someone would take my place.

>dumb nazi larper has zero friends
color me surprised

>dipshit still believes in popularity contests
Yeah, ask your candidate how far that got her last year.

>All you gotta do is stay alive....

until they let me out of this limited hangout, right?

We are social animals by nature; life's a popularity contest idiot.
You can tell yourself that you don't need friends and that you are above the "blue-pilled normies" that surround you but that won't be enough to stop you from hanging yourself in your bedroom when you turn 35.

Start a film studio that only produces red-pilled movies

I'm 38 and I run a company. I didn't get here by kissing ass, I got here through being the most competent. Your shit is anecdotal at best. Tf outta here, you codependent pussy.

>Alright Sup Forums, let's say you had an extremely rich uncle you didn't know about that died and left $1 billion in your name after taxes. What do you do?
Fund an institute for hearing damage research (aka tinnitus and friend)
an epidemic is brewing.

didn't stop Nikola Tesla...
You'll only hang yourself if you feel useless.

tax records are the most reliable.

I would donate 450 million dollars in charity, 300 million to an already existing company I will inherit from Dad and the other 250 million for me, family and friends to have a buncha' luxuries. I wouldn't do any really weird stuff, because the IRS would be up in my anal cavity.

And watch as leftists cry and cry and cry...

Two chicks at the same time.

I would keep my little flat, but probably I would also buy a private Island in Finland or New Zealand and built a comfy farm there and I would invest money in scientific research

To what charity or charities?

>1 billion dollars
Move someplace and start a white ethno-village.

You ever seen the movie "Hostel"? JK but I'd def get some nice shit, big ass boat and whatnot.

Move to Somalia and form my mercenary army to take control over the country in a secret way

>I got here through being the most competent
Now i know you LARPing.

first thing id do is shitpost on Sup Forums.

so, the same as usual.

>buy land in a country that I cant be extradited from
>build compound big enough to house all family and friends
>use solar wind and potentialy water power to keep it all running
>invest enough that I get a decent return each year, with the intention of setting up multiple compounds
>spend a few mil getting people I don't like killed in the most unpleasant way possible
>two individuals will be kidnapped with their next of kin, be made to watch me torture them to death before I leave the shit stains to starve to death
>continue to smoke heavily till I get the cancer, kill soros and his son before I die
>die knowing that I did the world a favour

Let's hope you win the lottery.

Go out like a fucking boss.

Buy Titan II missile silo with it's own aquifer, retrofit into home. build gun range in 1/2 mile underground tunnel for all my guns. build modest home and car, construct garden near house, hydroponics below in silo. sell excess produce year round at farmers market, have my kids go to the best schools (military schools if my older two don't stop being little shits and younger two start to be) and live life to the fullest and help the community of the towns near by with worth wild causes and give grants to regenerative sciences to end organ donation and further humanity. Repeat till the end with loving family.

I start a biotech company for the sole purpose of helping transgender people, and then expand to transracial and transspecies as tech permits.

Charities are a con my friend, you'd be better setting up your own. At least that way you know your moneys going to the needy and not some do gooder prick that pays themselves a small fortune each year for basic admin.


Not all of us are stuck in the potato fields, retard. I'm the motherfucking boss here, and it's amazing.

Diversify, store in multiple countries and offshore banks, buy small properties around the world and leave enough left over to support myself even if a number of the places I invested in were to seize my investments. Once I've secured my existence I would steady rock. Do whatever the fuck I want for the rest of ever knowing that no matter who I piss off I could, in the worst case scenario flee to another country and keep livin'.

Hookers and blow.

How's that crippling existential depression, my dude? Can't figure out how to tie a proper noose yet?

that's not to say I wouldn't do other stuff with it, but starting businesses, donating to charity, and buying cool things is for after I have freed myself from the submitting to the demands of any single country.

i would make sure no one knew i was rich so i couldn't get taken advantage of

I buy a fuck ton of land in Austria, CZ, or Slovakia and use the passive income to trade forex and donate to various charities/right wing causes

Fake my death and buy someone's land to build a humble house.
Hire a guy to serve as my proxy to sign me the supply lines (electricity, internet, etc).
Live the rest of my life as a ghost and maybe shoot a guy or two for fun.

Money is not enough to participate in politics and 1bill would get you nowhere anyway.

>i would make sure no one knew i was rich so i couldn't get taken advantage of

And what if the Federal reserve banking system could read everyones minds?

I will build a city in taiga with an extended hidden underground lab and production complex.
Main rule:
> only proven and devoted Russian Christians are allowed inside

Complex would support their society. We would employ technology to create similar smaller complexes around the world to purge it from degeneracy in the last days.

unironically i would buy the plot of land next to my uncles and live on the ranch and make like 10+ white babies with someone while raising livestock just for fun as an excuse to have a few overly large livestock protecting dogs.

Buy farmland and fortify it.