I am a prophet and this is my prophecy

Obama will become the next Secretary-General of the United Nations.
He will explain that his birth-country, America, is full of moral and kind people, but the current leadership has created a socially immoral economic climate for the rest of the world to compete.
He will propose a new revolutionary global crypto-currency (nicknamed Obama Coin) to replace all other currencies.
Many nations will implement this currency right away while the others will be forced to follow.
The use of this currency will require all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive an RFID chip inserted in the palm of their hand. Rental scans will also be used to verify identity.
Eventually, no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

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why is Sup Forums so obsessed with the apocalypse?
I second this tho


Good prophecy.

I will side with king nigger this time.

Ah, the Mark of the Beast...

Its just american christcucks. You havent seen crazy until you see murrican christian fundamentalists, they come in all shapes and sizes, from the insane jehova's witnesses to the puritanical social justice warrior cults (wich is an outgrowth of christian theology). A lot of people lack travel and perspective, and simply dont understand just how fucking crazy some americans are, it is honestly scary. A lot of people also dont understand hoiw americans can be so stupid to keep dying for israel despite the jews fleecing them from every cent via usury, but once you know american evangelicals, and american christcucks in general, you will understand how it is possible that they are so irrational and delusional.

Retarded. I fucking hate you user.

>There Is No God But UN. Barack Is The Messenger Of UN.

Please point to a reference in the bible that says a microchip is the mark of the beast. I'll be waiting

Trump can also pose with his head in conveniently symbolic places

I know...

The only reason you're making this "prophecy" is that you were one of the Christcucks who thought Obama was the actual anti-Christ. Maybe you read somewhere that "Barak" means "lightning" in Hebrew, and connected it to Luke 10:18. But now his presidency is over, and the world continues on. So you have to invent some fanfic where he still has a way to be involved in this pet theory of yours where everyone gets an RFID chip as the "mark of the beast".

Sup Forums is a christian board

The present S.G. just started this year though, and the term is 5 years..

Youre dim and dont deserve those gets. Obama, as part of the globalist nwo agenda has been planning to be Secretary General of the UN since the day be took presidential office in the US.

Does anyone have a shot of Obama posing in front of the 100ft tall presidential seal near the end of his reign?

Waiting for the inevitable.

Not in my timeline user.

Any member of the UN Security Council, of which the US is a permanent member, can veto any Secretary-General nomination. Jug-ears ain't gonna get his blue general's helmet during Trump's administration.

this honestly

OH yeah! There were a shit ton of these christ cucks when obummer was running. Come to think of it, my company finance manager owes me a steak dinner since obummer didn't bring about the apocalypse

>birth country

Nice shipost.

Are you saying there isn't an out of touch global elite that fucks everyone over by their ideas thought up inside heads under sand?

Maybe America really is the antichrist.

Sjw or Christian fundie, both hands on the helm steer us off a cliff


The currency would probably be called "UniCoin" or some shit.

Did you use to live here? Only a native could describe Americans evangelicals so well.

Reminder that Obama is just another foreign raised grinning Muslim


Tayvon dindo nuffin?

>You havent seen crazy until you see murrican christian fundamentalists, they come in all shapes and sizes, from the insane jehova's witnesses to the puritanical social justice warrior cults
This is accurate. Though to be fair, as crazy as Fundies get, they are relatively harmless compared to Islamic Jihadists. A crazy Fundies may tell and scream at you, but they're unlikely to bomb you or run over you with a truck of peace.

The one cryptocurrency to rule them all, and something something darkness bind them

The Jehovah Witnesses here are completely retarded. Fucking American cult.

You know the rest of the world doesn’t actually take Obama seriously, right? You think anyone from the rest of the world would elect him to anything, let alOne meme UN leader? Doubtful.

The new left is a response to them. Yeah they were dumb but mostly benign compared to what we have now.

I'm going to add some to that. The UN is raising a muslim army. Who else was raising a muslim army while he slimed away in office? Barry Hussein from Honolulu. THE FAG known as Barry Obama. Funding ISIS childfucking rapists as stage 1 of massive muslim army push.

Flood Europe with refugees to breed away a race but more make them slaves to islam. 20 years of rape babies and we've got WW3 on our hands. I say this over and over again: get fucking prepped and start figuring out how we're going to deal with this .All of our armed forces and intelligence services need to start planning for the next 30 years, 15 would be a great start.

But this is an interesting perspective. I've been trying to figure out what this cunt was going to do after he got out. At first I thought funded revolutions across the country then he'd come in all Lenin-y with his kike comrades and they'd "save america" but I think they figured out pretty quickly how utterly fucked they would be. So plan B looks to be in order. UN raised muslim army, it's the only reason I can think that those retarded fucks in Europe keep flooding their country so quickly, and are just doing their best to cover up all the rapes. Gotta get those spawn ready to go in 20 years! Good luck fuckers, cause you're going to need it.

God help you dumb fucking sellouts, god help you if anyone with any sort of power ever listens to me. Because I know I'm not alone in that fear. We can fight about all the petty shit we want, but evil itself is growing in the distance. And it can only get closer. HEED MY FUCKING WARNINGS WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE UN ARMY OF MUSLIMS BEFORE THEY ARE ON OUR SHORES USING OUR TECH TO RAPE AND STEAL OUR WOMEN

How will the u.n. pay for that if they have no money? And what are they going to do when the u.s. declines? Invade us? With what? The U S. military?

I guess I am a prophet too because I have been calling Obama leading UN since I found out the current leader was stepping down. Pretty sure it was the liberal media suggesting the possibility that put the idea in my head, not the fucking bible. They are pissed he didnt get 3 terms as POTUS and or use the emergency powers act to seize authority indefinitely. Trump still could...

>Invade us? With what?
With People's Republic of China military.

While he/she does that, please point to a reference in the Bible that says the mark of the beast won't be a microchip. I'll be waiting.

Citizens of the permanent members of the security council cannot become Secretary General

>Rectal scans will also be used to verify identity.
This makes shopping at the mall sound fun!
come home brother we miss you.

Yea, pretty much. Plus Fundies are also fun to troll. You'd get beheaded if you even dared to poke fun of their goat loving Muhammad praying ways.
