What Sup Forums doesn't understand about MGTOW

If user is mgtow it is most likely because he has a hard time attracting women. So just to "play the game" there is a hurdle user has to clear.
And then the game itself sucks. With a 99% chance that the end result of the game will be a punch right in the nuts in the form of heartbreak, being cucked, cheated on, divorced, etc.
So what you are asking people to do is pretty much change everything about their lives just chase the pussy.
Then since the user is not fluent with girls the chances of getting one that isnt damaged, isnt a slut, isnt fat, isnt ugly, isnt bitchy is very low. Then if they get married and have kids. Everything changes, for the rest of their lives. There is no going back. All for a situation that demands sacrifice of everything that composes who they are and for zero rewards?
Do you see how that isn't alluring?

The question is, are you willing to struggle and face hardship to save your race? If your answer is no, by all means "enjoy the decline"

MGTOW is what happens when guys are tired of being disappointed. Some guys get a lot of pussy and are still disappointed. Some guys are disappointed that they can't get any and try to salvage their ego by claiming it was their choice.

Sure, sire offspring only for them to be taken from you by the state and to be indoctrinated.

Fix the court systems and men won't have to drop out.

>The question is, are you willing to struggle and face hardship to save your race? If your answer is no, by all means "enjoy the decline

Have you seen Europe?
Have you talked to white people outside of Sup Forums?
The white race is gonzo.






Well I'm autistic, I know I'm a loser with no actual chance of ever obtaining a girlfriend let alone a meaningful life, so my best bet is to say i'm "MGTOW" and claim I'm pro white despite having no actual consideration of help keeping the white race intact.

I bonder who could be behind this bost...$age


>the women you want, you can't get. And the women you can get, you don't want.
Holy shit this describes my life to a tee. I'm never going to settle you fat whores. Never

Amen to that, I'll eat my tendies and play with my mature adult toys as much as I please!

Blame Chadniggers, big pharma and statist scum for enabling roasties.

They've got some valid points, but too often their response is porn and video games. Ask them what worthwhile things they're working towards, and you're met with silence.

Sitting around and moping til you get your way works for women, it's not going to work for men.

What part of "struggle" and "hardships" did you faggots not understand? Of course it's going to difficult. But if you're really saying that 100.0% of white women are evil and beyond repair, you're a retard. Even if only 1% of white women were redeemable, that means there are tens of thousands of marriageable women in this world that you need to go find.

>move to a small town
>homeschool your kids
>learn how to be a real alpha
>stop being a defeatist faggot


You can be MGTOW and pro-white.
Just a pro-white that acknowledges that the white race doesn't want to be saved.
How long have we been at this?
With all the Muslim terrorist attacks that are happening in Europe, they had election and what did they all choose?
Even Trump still touts the CivNat bullshit and he is "Literally OMG Hitler"

I am not throwing myself into a woodchipper for no fucking reason other than to strut around on Sup Forums about how I'm "saving the white race" as the white majority gets smaller every year and we keep pumping shitholes with free UN food causing them to breed like rabbits.

Show me a nationalist upswing.
Show me Europe actually wanting to save themselves, their churches, their culture, their land.
Show me Whites in America actually wanting a white ethnostate.
Then by all means, headfirst into the woodchipper I go.
But until then, fuck off.
It just isn't worth the bullshit all for a race that wants to self-exterminate anyway.

>Sitting around and moping til you get your way works for women,

It's not about moping. It's about knowing where there is pain in life and avoiding it. It's simply not touching a hot oven. Who cares if all they do in porn and video games? Even if they aren't happy and are just costing at "neutral", it is a lot better than being ABSOLUTELY FUCKING WRECKED with no way out.

A white man has got to push that boulder up the hill, huh?
We gotta be the ones to do it?
With all the "This is the century of women!" and "the changing face of America! [shows mexican]" and "BBC casts NiggerName BrownWashington as King Author"
They apparently feel like they can handle this whole "civilization" thing.
So let them fucking push the god damn boulders.

What's the point of saving your race if the school system and media will brainwash your daughters and granddaughters into getting diversified?
You have some control over your kids, but your grandchildren are out of your control and if they get culturally enriched, all your work is for not.

Deformed fucking cow

Jesus fucking christ that was savage. Not even the Muslim slave traders want to keep that one as a pet.

All of this is just useless theory unless you manage to find a good girl who is actually attracted to you. At that point, you need to take a hard look at what she's like and make sure it's not just the lust taking over your decision process. If you do find a good girl who wants you and you're confident she won't stab you in the back, then whatever society in general is doing doesn't really matter.

If all you can find is weirdo single moms and fat chicks, though, there's no point worrying about any of this.

Im native america the amount of kids born with out the parents being married or graduating high school is TEN times more then whitey.

>porn and video games
where does this myth come from? of all the mgtow threads, vids, blogs etc ive read the only times i've seen video games mentioned is when they get attacked

Thank you. The vast majority of whites aren't worth saving. Have you met white people? Most of them are cunts.

Even in this literal shithole where whites are slaughtered daily. There are still white women and soyboy faggots that talk about white privilege and how we deserve nothing we have. White - black racemixing is incredibly common here.

Blame Jews, the media whatever. Nobody on Sup Forums is some super genius prodigy. We found the truth, why can't the majority of white people?

This is the blackpill pol. The people you want to save welcome their own destruction.

Jump across the ocean SAbro

I mean come to Mauritius

Don't get married, don't have children, just let the white race die.

It's at the point now where I just want to see the collapse.
You know it is coming.
You know that if a bunch of fucking chimps and women are in charge that shit is going to get REALLY fucking bad.

So just come on with it.
Just fucking fall already. It's not the revenge I'm looking for. It is the reckoning. It is the "Oh fuck" moment when people realize "wow we really REALLY were retarded huh?"
And then the Chinese will take over, and Chinese and Western Civilization's biggest difference is that
>West Civ
>Every life has divine worth from God and we must protect people's rights. The individual is important

>Zero value in a single life, it is all about society. Fuck your shit, Harmonious Society or Bust!

So once whites are gone and thoroughly HUEHUEHUE'd, The Chinese will clean up shop.
But then they'll stagnate once they reach peace and harmony. They don't constantly push the limits of science and achievement like Whites do.
But we'll be gone by then, but at least Subsaharan Africa will be free of nigs and the Chinese will use those resources finally.

>Show me a nationalist upswing.
Surprised this isnt posted more.
Never trust a cunt.

OH shit, nevermind.

I forgot that white people are very racially conscious and are wanting to preserve their genes, their countries, their cultures, and create a future for white children.

Oh wait, nevermind.
That isn't the case at all.

The men want to the women dont.
Wanna know why women like gangbangs?
More men giving them free shit.

>The men want to
of either gender which is more likely, yes the men.

But a majority of white men?
Come on now.

>It's not about moping. It's about knowing where there is pain in life and avoiding it.
See you've already fucked up user. Pain isn't something to avoid. It's something to pursue. It's basically the only way to happiness for any of us.

>A white man has got to push that boulder up the hill, huh?
You have you push boulders up hills. There's no other choice. You don't have to get a wife, but you have to suffer. And it would be best if that suffering enabled you to achieve more the next day.

Sour grapes.

Have fun erasing yourself from the gene pool. No one except you cares that you're "going your own way"

>With all the Muslim terrorist attacks that are happening in Europe, they had election and what did they all choose?>MORE IMMIGRANTS PLEASEEven Trump still touts the CivNat bullshit and h

Because the birthrates are too low. With more MGTOW the white birth rates will continue to fall, which leads to increased migration, which leads to more white women having babies with migrants, which leads to a society where MGTOWs (and all the other singles) will end up alone and abused in their nursing home or getting stomped by migrants when he carries his old ass to the grocery store to buy food.

What's good for the Swiss is just for us. Mare pussy is the patrician choice over Jewish sexbots.

I mean, there's someone defending it in this thread.

What you up to, Greek-bro? Prepping for the collapse?


>marriageable women in this world that you need to go find

Sup Forums always claims women are more emotional and easier to manipulate and herd animals who dont want to expelled from the froup for evolutionary reasons.

1. Refugees are poor and helpless and need help
2. you are a Nazi who will have a miserable life if you speak up against it
3. you are rewarded with the comfyness of being in the middle of a sheep herd instead of all alone in the storm

I guess most of them don't have an agenda or think far into the future and if, they only do it in a leftist SJW way.

To be very fair, I haven't ever met one MGTOW guy who slays/used to slay or is in a marriage with a good, Christian woman. It's typically how OP described. Men who assume that women should flock to them for being a man, but just don't have any game or genuine interest in the woman. I used to be a legit friend-zone magnet in high school until I started dating the woman I am with now (been together for 7 years, getting married in July and already have a son - a little unconventional, but we have trust and stability). The girl I was fawning over before I started dating my fiance was very manipulative and I had made my intentions clear, but would keep leading me on. For what purpose, I have no idea. I then said "forget it" and moved on. As soon as she found out I had sex with my current, she was all about the manipulation again.
>How could you betray me like that?
>I was waiting for you!!!
>Why didn't you let me know you liked me before you dated her? I liked you too
and so on.
Moral of the story is, find a girl that clicks, and if she's manipulative in the slightest, drop her like a rock into a river.

>drop her like a rock into a river.
I don't mean literally, btw. I know how some of you mgtow guys are.

I really don't understand the MGTOW twits. I get to fuck my wife every single day, often more than once. No swinger is getting laid anywhere near that often.
MGTARDS don't seem to understand that choosing very carefully is the entire trick to not ending up with a devious whore.

>Come on now.
I agree really...kinda sad.
You think black people feel bad after shoot and beating people?

>That Mexican and Muslim banter

Women are natures cock holsters and comforters.
They want more men.

Mods are jews and fags. I hope a horse falcon kicks you queers when you fail trying to fuck one.

People who fall for the Jewish MGTOW trick are thirsty af though so settle down with the first roastie that pays them attention then throw their toys out of the pram when it turns out a life partner is something you might actually need to put a bit of thought into selecting.

That's a small mare.

>I am not throwing myself into a woodchipper

43yo user. It's not just the divorce meme. Men I know have it worse because they don't divorce... because they feel the need to feed the woodchipper some more. They man up, make it work.... obey, agree, apologize.

Oh, but it's worth it user! Look at my children!

Yeah i get laid all the time but ive been MGTOW for years. I'm actually getting kind of sick of that even. Now that im older and know what im doing its not very sporting anymore.

U u u u u

>Saving "their" churches