American identity

A question:
why do many Americans (United States) self-descibe as 'Irish American', 'Italian American', 'African American' yet I have never seen 'British American'?
Why is it that I have never heard of 'Scottish American' or 'English American'?
It seems like Americans love the Irish, blacks and native Indians, and want to identify as such, but the nation that founded the USA is not acknowledged in anything other than place names like "New England". Why?

I'm Northern Irish, btw. My wife is English.

>wife anglo
>entire post whining

English American is the default

British American is the second most populous white race here.
Only the German Americans outnumber them.

I am half British and half German descent

>It's referred to as Anglo-American.

"Anglo American" is the default, this is a WASP country. Any group that puts a prefix to it's identity doesn't belong, because nations should have a racial idenitity

English Americans are what we would refer to as legacy Americans. These are actually the only Americans. Everyone else are imposters.
t. 25% legacy American. Rest snow nigger.

I'm not whining, just making an observation that I find interesting. Please show me the part of my OP that is 'whining'. Go on, greentext it.

To be an American you must be a person of British ethnic descent (English /Scottish /Welsh) born in America. Anyone else is not an American and hyphenated-Americans are types if non-Americans.

Northern Irish are considered "British" under this classification system. So had you and your wife been from America you'd be Americans but since you are born in Britain you are British but still part of the folk, unlike hyphenated-Americans.

Nobody is referred to as Anglo American. Sometimes we are referred to as "White Anglo-Saxon Protestants" but we just call ourselves Americans and others call us Americans or WASPs.

Anglo-American is a type of American and it could be argued is more a linguistic classification like Latin-American.

Multi-generational generational mulattos aka black Americans are the most deeply rooted in the nation en masse. So in essence America is a mullatic nation of sorts like Brazil. If it hadn't been for the mass immigration of Europeans in the 19th and 20th century the US wouldn't be nearly as white as it is today.

For most of American history Anglo-Americans were the overwhelming majority, so there was no need to specify. It was just assumed that Americans were largely of British stock. Hypenated ethnic designations were also frowned upon.

But today, the majority is viewed with contempt. Anglo-American identity is the evil and oppressive default, you get no progressive points for calling yourself a proud WASP (lol, just imagine saying that). So nowadays you see empty-headed white people who want to get some kind of minority status that choose to emphasive their non-British origins. "Oh I'm Irish, they used to discriminate against us too you know." Totally pointless.

So a person who was born in the states of British immigrant parents, is more American than a kid in DC who's relatives built the Capitol hundreds of years ago? Makes alot of sense.

Yeah it's fucking retarded that everyone here thinks they are Irish. One ancestor changed boats in Ireland and the rest are British, this person would claim to be Irish-Americans. It's also due to the education system here teaching pro-jewish, pro-nigger and pro-catholic propaganda. A white guy obviously isn't a nigger or jew but he can pass himself off as an Irish and be the very best goy underdog like Ms Sheckleburg likes.

Yes because ethnicity is carried in blood. American ethnicity isn't the same as having American citizenship.

>Black Americans are the only ethnic group in America that carries the blood of the founders en masse.


Another thing is that a lot of leftists have really bought into the deconstructionist critique of whiteness. They'll say things like, "Oh, whiteness was only invented a few centuries ago, and the Irish and Italians weren't considered white, blah bla blah" (but of course Christopher Columbus is still an evil racist white imperialist).

So to people like this, identifying as something other than Anglo is almost like being able to claim non-white status, and thereby move up on the progressive stack. It confers legitimacy and social power. Not as much as being a black woman, but most white leftists aren't yet crazy enough to go full Rachel Dolezal, so they settle for calling themselves Irish, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, etc. Anything's better than being a big bad WASP, after all.

People avoid association with WASP culture because it is so bland to the point of feeling non-existent.

>northern irish

>are the most deeply rooted in the nation en masse.
they were not citizens until the 1860s

>nigger thinks so highly of the founding fathers fucking slaves
>was probably under the number of ten total for all fathers
>thinking about history in the context of muh dick
Negroid detected

I'm talking on a blood/ethnic level. Not a citizenship perspective.

I know it hurts. But it's better to face your insecurities and inferiority complexes.

Anglo-Saxons are the most Anglo-phobic people in the world. Even here is England, as I'm sure you'll notice, many people will tell you about their foreign families. They'll do the hyphenated shit Americans do, and signal as Irish or Scottish or French or whatever, just to avoid associating with England. It ties into the extreme disenfranchisement that English people have experienced since WW2, and even earlier than that. It pains me to say, but I think it might be something to do with the English mindset, a sort of subconscious association with the underdog or the out-group. This anti-establishment mindset, while enabling those of Anglo ancestry to spread throughout the world and create independently functioning nations, such as the US or Australia, also means that we tend to counter-signal ourselves.

Remember that the Industrial Revolution did a number on small, localised communities of people, turning what was a nation of relatively isolated towns and villages with strong communal bonds into a mass of individuals slaving for an industrialist class. When you put someone from a small town in a large city, their mentality often stays with them. Imagine then that English people are small town folk, content to live in their own communities without much caring for the outside world, that are then thrust into big-city society, where their quaint ways don't really work. This leads to the NIMBY mindset, which while not a bad thing in and of itself, can lead to cultural permissiveness and a lack of identity, which is why people tend to latch onto an identity that is seen as the underdog or the minority - why these identities are seen as acceptable of course leads onto a discussion of the JQ, a topic on which enough has already been said.

Check out Andrew Fraser's book The WASP Question for a more thorough analysis of what has happened to those of Anglo-Saxon descent over the years. A fascinating and frightening portrait of the destruction of a people.

Everyone associates with WASP culture, they just don't like to admit it because it sounds icky to them. What you meant to say is that it is so ubiquitous to the point of feeling non-existent. Fish don't notice water. The Constitution, for example, is WASP culture. As are The Scarlet Letter, Huckleberry Finn, The Sun Also Rises, apple pie, macaroni and cheese, Kentucky bourbon, Elvis Presley, baseball, the American dialect of English, protestant Christianity, the system of common law, and business suits.

But none of these are "ethnic", so people don't think of them as genuine culture. This is the whole reason you see SJWs saying silly things like "white people have no culture".

When I look at my daily life I don't really see it.

The food I eat is influenced by Italians, germans, asians, and caribbean.

It's hard to really pinpoint or give any singular credit to clothing styles or selections.

My entertainment is dominated by blacks(NBA, NFL, comedy, music).

I just can't point to alot of things that stand out as definitively Anglo to me, in my daily life.

I do agree that it is ubiquitous.

Except my language, which is major.

The only people who do it are descendants of immigrants (people who came after 1783) and therefore are not true Americans.
Brits did not immigrate, so nobody identifies as British Americans since they are true Americans.

That isn’t true at all. Most Southerners and New Englanders don’t have any immigrant ancestors.
I’m descended from the Germans and English (and some Ulster Scots) that settles the area I’m from in the 1700’s

>New Englanders
>Dominated by Boston Irish culture

Southern whites do have deep roots in the US, but are heavily mixed because of that fact, and are treated like bastards and looked down upon by the coastal elite whites.

When I said new Englanders I meant New Hampshire and Maine. I wasn’t thinking about Massachusetts and Rhode Island

A chimpanzee doesn't stop being a chimpanzee when it moves to America

>Southern whites do have deep roots in the US, but are heavily mixed because of that fact, and are treated like bastards and looked down upon by the coastal elite whites.
Rather be mixed between colonial groups than be a 50% Irish 50% Italian """""American"""""

All of that is mafe up billshit you are all civilized people who were enlightened by southern Europeans.), London is a roman vity and Britain ysed to be latin speaking like france, and normans were latin speakers, you all also have Iberian blood.

I.never fell for the different European ethnities or southern and northern meme.

In the US you are all white, one people and Germans, English etc.. See self as one ethnic group in USA.

>me sharing an ethnic group with Irish, Italians, Poles and catholics


>both parents are murican
>calls themselves something American

bunch of fucking cunts.

Because Britain got btfo during the revolution and former redcoats stayed embarrassed for generations after.
Also new england is because we want to remind the world that the brits once had a stake in this great nation. ONCE.

Sorry, but if you have ancestors that immigrated after independence than you aren't an American.

Football and basketball were invented by WASPs, although blacks play them now. It's not like they're games from Africa. And there is the little matter of the entire political and legal structure under which you live. I mean the Electoral College was put in place by Anglos, and it ensured Trump's election. That no doubt had an effect on your daily life, did it not? But quibbling over minor details is pointless. What you said actually gets to the heart of the matter very efficiently.

>I just can't point to alot of things that stand out as definitively Anglo to me, in my daily life.

This is the point. People don't take note of things being "definitively Anglo", because the need to specify was never felt. Anglo identity was never focused on or examined, as it was simply taken for granted. In America, all other groups that did not assimilate smoothly defined themselves in relation to the Anglo majority. Things that differ from the majority stand out, but that which is seen as ordinary and commonplace and expected can be overlooked by people who don't pay close attention.

And as was said earlier, many go much farther than simply ignoring Anglo culture, and in fact purposely attack or shun it. There is a modern cultural impulse to uplift and celebrate that which is marginal, and to ignore or denigrate that which is dominant. The straight WASP capitalist male is basically the ultimate boogeyman of the left for this very reason.

Also, the reason "WASPs" are viewed at as wealthy is because in the northeast the richer people were English, while poor people were Irish, Italian, Polish, German or Jewish.
It wasn't a thing in the south because there wasn't poor immigrant ghettos

White males are unjustly targeted by pop-culture.

Anglo Saxon Americans are the majority, nearly everyone who identifies as German, Dutch, Irish, or even Italian has a large Anglo admixture, and there are many like myself who are nearly entirely English stock.

We don't identify by our ethnicity because to us, to be an Englishman of American nationality is just "American", hyphenated Americans can all suck my circumcised cock as far as I'm concerned

We also believe in the "special relationship" and practice a healthy dislike of the Irish.


Anglo-Saxon is a misnomer for many British, most of the West and North country are Anglo-Celt

>Speaks Anglo Saxon language
It's perfectly correct to call anything Lowland Scotland and bellow and East of Wales "Anglo Saxon". They have significant genetic contribution from Anglo Saxons and speaks their language.
That would be like saying you can't call an Alpine German "German" because they are descended form Celts as well.

>Brits did not immigrate

For most of American history immigration policies were designed to favor Northwestern Europeans. Tons of British immigrated. But no one much noticed their arrival because they blended in seamlessly as soon as they arrived.

People remember the waves of Irish and Italian immigration because they caused significant social disruption (and let's not even get into the topic of post-1965 immigration), but obviously immigration from the mother country would not produce any noticeable turbulence.

It was designed to favor Northwestern Europeans because Northwester Europeans were the least likely to immigrate.
Immigration was still mainly from Germans, Italians, Irish, Scandinavians and Poles.
The descendants of those immigrants are not true Americans

By your shitty logic its incorrect to call people "English" because it's root is Anglo Saxon, because the people have some Celtic ancestry.
Should we call you Briton-English, since that would incorporate both groups?

>It's perfectly correct to call anything Lowland Scotland and bellow and East of Wales "Anglo Saxon"

Maybe so but not everyone is Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Celtic is a more correct term having been around far longer than before the Saxons laid foot on the British isles and just becaue we speak an Anglo-Saxon Language doesn't make everyone Anglo-Saxon

>The term is a combination of the combining form Anglo- and the adjective Celtic. Anglo-, meaning English[2] is derived from the Angles, a Germanic people who settled in Britain (mainly in what is now England) in the middle of the first millennium. The name England (Old English: Engla land or Ængla land) originates from these people.[3] Celtic,[4] in this context, refers to the people of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man and Cornwall.

tl;dr Anglo-Celtic

Do you call Southern Germans "German-Celts" or just "Germans"

The only thing I identify myself as is American and I don't see any reason to use anything else on me or my fellow citizens .

>let me tell you about your heretige

Not because they were the least likely, no. Rather, immigration policy was designed this way because it was recognized at the time that America was an Anglo nation, and it was understood that other Northwestern Europeans would assimilate well. The total amount of immigration was regulated by other means, the privileged status extended to NW European immigrants was a reflection of the core ethnic identity of America (NW Euro). It was not just a roundabout way of keeping all people out, it was about bringing in those who were similar and socially compatible.

The total objection to all immigration is really a reaction of white Americans against modern immigration policies. Earlier Americans would have seen no significant issue with accepting NW European immigrants, except perhaps during times of economic hardship.

Obviously this principle has by now been thoroughly abandoned by the political class and smeared as racist, but it was a good idea then and it is a good idea now.

I’m sorry you don’t know actual facts.
I have English descendants as well, you’re not the only one

Because "anglo-americans" have no need to specify.

Personally I'm 50/50 german and polish, but I'm just American.

I call the Germans Germans, My heritige is Southern Irish on both male sides with some Welsh, i'm far more Anglo-Celtic than I am Anglo-Saxon

If you call Germans with Celticc ancestry German, whats the problem with calling Anglos with Celtic ancestry Anglos?

Probably the other groups came here recently enough for it to still be a part of their family's identity. When the British came here, everyone was British, so there would have been no need to identify as British, just American.

>I’m sorry you don’t know actual facts.

You know nothing about me, to tell me what I do and do not know

>let me tell you about your heritage even though I know nothing of you

>whats the problem with calling Anglos with Celtic ancestry Anglos?

I didn't have a problem with Anglo, I had a problem with Anglo-Saxon, not everyone is Anglo-Saxon in Britain

What's the point of distinguishing between Anglos and Saxons? Nobody really cares about the Saxons anyway. The term is just a reference to the groups of continental Germanics that settled England after the Romans and before the Danes. This would include Angles, Saxons, and Jutes.

I agree that it's a somewhat imprecise term, and yes of course modern British have a large amount of Celtic ancestry, but if you're okay with saying Anglo I don't see why you wouldn't just say Anglo-Saxon.

>The term Angloceltic includes the Anglo Saxons and also Celtic which is a term used to describe the people from Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Cornwall.

>Angloceltic, however, does not include the celtic people settled in the mainland continent. The term is very common in Australia where it refers to people from British or Irish descent. These people form the 80% of the population in Australia and it is common to find an angloceltic Australian with a British or an Irish ancestor. The term however is not that common in United States or Canada.

>The term Anglo Saxons is not very commonly used now a days as it specifically refers to just a few tribes that invaded and settled in Britain.

>Anglo celtic refers to various cultures native to Britain and Ireland whereas the term Anglo Saxon is used to describe the invading German tribes in the fifth century.

Most of Britains natives are Anglo, not all of them Anglo-Saxon

The South has a very strong Anglo identity, they just call it "Southern" because, well, they've been there since like the 1600's

Because British , Scottish , English ect are AMERICAN Americans ie real Americans .

Actually its because all other groups were at some time minorities and still retain some out group attitude .

Spaniards were in all maps of the US and any Europeans in previous Spanish lands have significant Spanish ancestry ESPICIALLY Texans.

lots of scottish american and scottish canadians we're just too busy amassing wealth and becoming crypto jews to proclaim it; heads of most banks especially in canada are entirely scots or jews

Just like here in Canada, all REAL Americans are protestant British descended people. Most white Canadians outside of Quebec are Scottish, English or Scots-Irish but I'd say Scottish descent seems to be a lot more common here than in the states which seems more properly Anglo

Quebec is French and Quebec is not Canada

anglo american is just the regular american

Except for all lands outside 13 colonies, if Anglo was an ethnic group USA would have 0%.

In my land a distinct dominant "Anglo" identity doesn't exist, the people are Spanish speakers and have Spanish ancestry.


REMINDER that the POLISH Americans are the BEST AMERICANS

>British American
That appellation is actually used by fairly recent migrants from the UK, though most of them are English.

The term WASP is generally used to describe those from the founding Anglo stock, though sometimes English-American (or Anglo-American) is used. Most of our Scots are actually Scots-Irish, and they often use the term "American" as their ethnic category on census-reporting forms because they have no idea where they came from. (I'm not kidding.)

Something else that influences white ethnic identity is whether ancestry is recent or distant. Most Irish- and German-Americans, as well as many other white ethnic groups, are aware only of their recent migrant past (1800s and later) and unaware they also have WASP ancestry from the colonial period. The amount of Americans that have direct lineage to the Mayflower and the Winthrop Fleet is something like 15% of the total.

That's interesting, actually. I'd compare that to the United Empire Loyalists here in Canada. A ton of people in southern Ontario are descended from Loyalists from the American Revolution who fled to Canada but a lot of these people don't even know it.


They think it makes them unique. Do people do that in other Euro/New World countries?

big if true

English Americans are just the default race. The real answer is that it is not fashionable right now, and it is cool to say you are German or Irish for some reason. Up until the 60's the term Anglo-American was commonplace here, used by every president.

Sort of? Not to the extent Americans do desu. Canada is less diverse with it's whites. You're basically either British or French. Or maybe Ukrainian out west.

Polish Canadians are the Best Canadians... Ukrainian ones on the other hand... oh well... Even Ukraine hate them.

This. Every branch of my family tree leads back to men and women who founded this country and have been here since the earliest days. My ancestry is overwhelmingly Anglo-Celtic and so is the majority of people in my little town except for more recent outsiders.

>why do many Americans (United States) self-descibe as 'Irish American', 'Italian American',
No one does this retard.
Only nigger call themselves African American because they hate whitey.

Polish Canadian are alright, I guess. They're SUPER Catholic from my experience which isn't really my thing but w.e

They literally fought a revolution against the English

I have a Canadian friend who was born and raised in a town founded by loyalists. I like to make jokes that maybe his ancestors and mine met on the battlefield.

It's "Anglo-American", not "English American". I speak English. I'm ethnically Anglo-Saxon. I'm an American by nationality. "Anglo-American" denotes my ethnic group and maybe my cultural group to a lesser extent.

What part of this is so hard to understand, eurotards?

anyone who is not thoroughbred scots is not white, and anyone who is not white is not human

>why do the people of a country made up almost entirely of relatively recent immigrants not have a concrete American identity?

I'm third generation Irish. My grandfather came here in his 20s. He made a career in the area i currently reside building houses.

I don't say i'm Irish American, I'm American. I served in the USMC, and I love my country. The prefix terms to American drive me nuts. You come here, get citizenship, get a job, and make a life. You are American.

>just to be clear for the glesga cops: this was satire
this is why mixing is a crime against humanity. destroying ethnic bonds amounts to genocide. all greater-than-ethnic-group nations shouldn't exist under the law of God Almighty. These include the (((UK))), the (((USA))), (((all former colonies))) and the beast that is Babel, the (((EU)))

Because we're a British colony and it's seen as the default.

and (((white))) is an american term. it makes me cringe and rage when yanks say 'scotland is 99% white'. scotland is a nation which is an ethnic group which is 100% scottish. it can't be anything less than 100% scottish except in the case of mongrelisation by a mixed marriage of a scot and non scot.

Wife of Jogaila
Trump is Lithuanian you dumbass.

Fuck off pajeet, white is in Britaon too.

Because British is the default American heritage. How do you not know anything about history?

Ethnicity is greater than citizenship. Bitch all you want but Irish Americans are Irish and Pakis with Irish citizenship are not.

Spend a year living in a multicultural country and you'll start to value your roots.

No, it isn't. White is a mongrel term peddled by and created for rootless mongrels who disobeyed their King and nation (albeit a descendent of a usurper and therefore not divine) and therefore God. Your just and God-commanded punishment has been your gradual decline and genocide. Don't drag the innocent into this.