He is rich, positive, a self-starter and he does not play golf all day.
That old fuck who doesn't build the wall and just creates tax cuts for the rich, Donald Trump, will lose so bad... it is going to be a SMASH SLAM DUNK!
He is rich, positive, a self-starter and he does not play golf all day.
That old fuck who doesn't build the wall and just creates tax cuts for the rich, Donald Trump, will lose so bad... it is going to be a SMASH SLAM DUNK!
kewl url
kys fag
>hello fellow humans please vote for me
>being this naive about political requirements
>>being this naive about political requirements
He needs beta blockers to be more alpha.
>He is rich
the exact reason he should not be president.
fuck Zuckerkike and fuck facebook.
Seems like you've accepted Trump will be president until 2020, user?
And thus the final phase is complete
>Trusting the guy who eagerly sold to the highest bidder access to the personal data of countless peoples, yourself included
>Actually citing the fact that he own a company as a good thing when the MSM shat 24/7 on the last one because he was just the same
Actually yeah, let him run for presidency, its going to be one hell of a circus. I mean the MSM won't even know what to fucking say, they'll have to backpedal on so many things they criticized Trump for that they will make their bias extremely obvious for all to see.
>fuck Zuckerkike and fuck facebook.
Someone please post the zucc and the dog image
The fuck is this shit. Are you gay, homo?
No one will vote for that kike. Waaaay too much baggage with FB. We've got evidence of spying, his co founder claiming FB is evil and won't let his kids near it, etc. And Trump is a deal maker and negotiator. Mark is a filthy kike who once wrote a popular app in php.
>Golf-playing is a huge moral problem.
What a fucking retard!
He literally had to take a class to teach him too act more human.
>in all fields
hes too ugly. aesthetics.
It's like you're not even trying to hide that you're a shill anymore.
I would rather have the Winklevii at least they created a social media site.
Yeah, no. Hes the antichrist.
Zuck is too autistic to run. He wouldn't make it past the primaries.
Hah Loe, Hoo Monz
Feh Loe Hoo Mon Heer
Name Mark Zuck Er Berg
I Feel Ur Pain, Hoo Manz
Bugman detected.
Zuck would get the floor wiped with him.
The last thing the Bernie demographic wants is a NWO corporate type.
I was going to say age but apparently zucker is 10 years older than i thought
Who's got the story jpgs about the Zucc's middle America tour?
what a surprise hes a jew and so are you.
autistic people dont get to be president
even zuck's fucking dog is made out of spaghetti
>voting for anything in America
Sorry pajeet this is all you'll be voting for
>two billionaires running for president
Absolute state of Americucks
Idk is mark gonna build the wall?
It depends on state of facebook. If in 2020 it will be as fucked as it is now, then he shall lose.
>Zuckerberg Initiative
Great. Another Clinton Foundation and Soros group. Trump needs to seize all of (((their))) funds under the Rico Act. Drain the swamp.
I do not like Mark Zuckerberg his charisma is so forced like a robot.
You forgot your memeflag Jorge.
he already did at his hawaii home
the zuck confirmed /ourguy/
Who else here thinks Zuckerberg would be a great POTUS?
I know this board supports Trump and all, but here me out. Let me use "meme arrows"
>young guy, only 33 years old right now, representative of the millennial generation and all their fresh ideas
>brilliant student who went to all the top schools (Phillips Exeter Academy, Harvard), did graduate level work in middle school, went to school with Natalie Portman lol
>founded the world's largest website, outmaneuvering all the competition...the idea wasn't 'stolen' either because everyone knew what social networks were at the time..someone who builds a new car isn't "stealing" the idea for a car
>raises Facebook to a multibillion dollar worldwide company, largest website on the internet...seriously, that's a huge achievement. In the same way we praise boomers for putting the man on the moon we will praise millennials for giving us stuff like Facebook and Sup Forums and Reddit
>really connected with social justice causes, no doubt because of his associations with smart progressives in silicon valley and ivy league schools. He gave a really articulate defense of BLM when one of their slogans in the Facebook office was defaced with that "all lives matter" bullshit
>had an award winning movie made portraying him, he's a household name
>now owns the largest website on the Internet, along with Instagram
>traveled all around the country to get in touch with regular Americans..certainly going to be more in touch with PoC, LGBTQIA, and the underprivileged because of it
I think it's pretty much a no brainer that people would love for me to become president, don't you think? I'm posting this to Sup Forums because I know you're the home of Anonymous and smart hackers like him...Imagine a President of the United States who is just like you!
Is this real?
Worse than that. He's liquidating faceberg and putting it in here to not get taxed. He's been claiming a dollar salary as well to use the law wisely.
Awww yissssss imagine the butthurt on pol
He's a globalist robot oligarch. Just no.
Wow such American. Much family.
Holy shit USA is so fucked. 2020 will be between zuck and trump lmao
Can you imagine this robot cuck in a debate with Trump? It would be hilarious
Is this as opposed to trump who has a hard on for Israel and just gave the globalist billionaires the biggest tax cut in history. Lmao. USA is 100% owned by the Jews at this point.
You would vote a Zionist robot? one that is absolutely obsessed with control, snooping and censorship of the right?
You're a fucking suicidal cunt, neck yourself.
What made you think you could come on here and spout these lies. You know all we do all day is follow political happenings. We have a memory longer than that of a goldfish.
Nice source idiot. All these politicians take classes in how to talk and express themselves. It helps them appeal more to impressionable retards on Pol. That's why people fell for trump
Umm, just looking through pics in this thread......why does he always wear a plain grey T-shirt?
I thought all americans wear Tshirts because of the heat? Maybe he can't see colours like we can so the grey looks normal or something
>We have a memory longer than that of a goldfish
Gonna need some sauce on that one little buddy :^)
If you think trump is a kike I got bad news for you regarding Roboto-san Ovenberg.
Who is this fukker, and why should amerifags vote a jew as president?
This guy looks soyboi.
>please Mr president, please keep an eye on every American and make sure there's no wrong think with the company you stole.
>Mandatory Facebook accounts for gibs
I could seriously go on and on. Fuck Zuckerberg
He's not into dressing well or driving expensive cars. His closet has 7 of the same gray shirt and that's his "uniform". Since he makes so many decisions on a daily bases, contemplating what to wear in the morning isn't one of them. He also drives a $60,000 Volvo.
"He is rich" what the fuck does that have to do with being president?
kikes should have thought about running him for president before they cashed out on a movie that paints him as a greedy cunt without morals
You cannot cuck the Zuck
Go away nu/pol/ Mark is /ourguy/
Awaiting your orders Mr. President
>Rhyming goodbye with adieu
The absolute state of zucks. Have you even seen the Sound Of Music? Kys via eidelweiss overdose plz
Maybe you just don't know about chess! You cannot cuck the Zuck.