Congratulations on your mental disability

When will you realize that right wing extremists such as yourselves are mentally ill, and that Sup Forums is a digital asylum?

portrait of an inmate:
disregards fact that largest threat to white race is rapidly changing ecology of the planet
>muh wite race tho
flying insect biomass declines >75% in 27 years:
sees everything in terms of black and white
>you shariablue shill! It's us against the world!
point out that something appears to be wrong with capitalism.
>kike, commie, wants to enslave us!
>take the red pill faggot
point out facts
Mix in some paranoia and delusions of grandeur and you’re all fucked.
>muh tiki torches

That's the diagnosis, now here's the cure: humble yourselves. Read, and enter into discussions with people who know the subject matter well (not undergrads in first year). Ask yourself "how well do I really know what I'm talking about? Is it possible that I could be wrong?" If it's possible that you could be wrong, then maybe it's possible that somebody else is right. Simple stuff here.
>muh make millions straight out of highschool

p.s. you’re also gay

Other urls found in this thread:

wtf I dont have to take this from a leaf

user. You're a leaf. And I know what you're thinking, 56% and all that. But at the end of the day 56% > Leaf.

you have to take everything from everyone.
>part and parcel

>writes blog post
>whines about disconnected shit
>offers voodoo solution

>m-muh insects
That's irrelevant to the fact that whites could become a minority in our own ethnic homelands

>s-something's wrong with cappitalism
>that's why I'm a poorfag
>leaf logic
Nice shills btw. Did you organize this little thread all by yourselves?

Every time I go to the states I leaf another one of your white girls.

>organize this thread; extreme paranoia
thanks for putting yourself on display. get ready for mass migrations due to ecological catastrophe, while you keep eating your burgers you fat fuck.

>claims environment is largest contributor to white people
what about everyone else? are they magically immune?
>Posts a plosone article, the equivalent of the weekly world news for "fact finders"
People have been screeching about insect biomass loss since the 80's and yet the earth lives on. Pretty arrogant to presume humans could simply end ecology.
>Criticizes capitalism
Countries that do poorly always criticize capitalism
>point out facts
where are your "facts" ? I don't see any.

Were you drunk when you wrote this? If not, I can definitely see the problems writ large with canadian education.

>offers voodoo solution
burger education

What did Trump do to decrease insect biomass over the last 27 years?

You spoonful mental illness and don't see your own. Fuck off faggot

>list of straw men
reading comprehension for american? average.

>right wing extremists
And what exactly is that?
A republican? Trump? The KKK? Hitler?

>disregards fact that largest threat to white race is rapidly changing ecology of the planet
Ironically the """"alt-right"""" (if that is what you mean by right wing extremist) has a pro environment stance (generally).
So you are just building straw men here.

For some reason you are also inflating all of Sup Forums, which leads to you perceiving a group of completely contradictory ideas as something which belongs together.
You can not take anyone here seriously, especially not people who post with swastika flags, I haven't once met someone posting with a swastika flag who said anything remotely educated, same goes for leafs.

This entire post reads like the manifesto of a schizophrenic mass-shooter. Seek help.

>can't take anything posted here seriously. takes my post seriously. am I to take his post seriously?

so there a thousands of delusional psychophat nazis out there that want to murder faggot leaves?

must be a horrible world you live in user, consider suicide!

how are things working out for you there on the island?

pic related

Probably anything right of Communism.

>flying insect biomass declines >75% in 27 years
Fake news

Yes it is a dilemma.
My solution is to pretend that my and all other posts are serious, essentially larping as as myself and only imagining what would be if the other people were serious too.



Holy shit the cognitive dissonance lmao

Trump is the best president in history period

lel, leaf memes best memes.

i can smell your boypussy leaffag

The last time an environmentally conscious socialist was the face of the right you lefties hated him. We just can’t win with you faggots

>flying insect biomass declines >75% in 27 years
time to celebrate then
insects deserve to be gassed

>p.s. you’re also gay
Those whore comments really left a mark, no?

>The last time an environmentally conscious socialist was the face of the right you lefties hated him.
This is true.

These alt-righters fagors are the most open to discussion and other points of view bunch I ever seen on the internet.(know why, because they actually trie to engage, fight, and destroy their enemy) I suggest to you:
humble yourself.
Read, and enter into discussions with people who know the subject matter well. Ask yourself "how well do I really know what I'm talking about? Is it possible that I could be wrong?" If it's possible that you could be wrong, then maybe it's possible that somebody else is right. Simple stuff here.
>point out that something appears to be wrong with capitalism.
>kike, commie, wants to enslave us
You know you're addressing to Nazi s, fascists and Monarchists, right?

Are you human?

all of the things you enumerated happened under the liberal NWO hegemon you absolute cucktard leaf. They had literally no political or economic opposition, and you're blaming us for the actions of your "enlightened" subhuman peers

1 ck ...1/2 egg ...1/2 day=>1egg 1day
Half dozen=6 ck
1 ck... Half week =3.5 Days...3.5 eggs


El naranja atrocidad...

Oh siett it was half a chicken
So 1/2 chicken.... 1egg...1day
6chicken.... 12 eggs...1 day
3.5 days.....42 eggs
Or 36 if you take 3 days
good look op, hope I helped

Don't listen to the shills, environmentalism is one of the most important aspects of a self sustaining white ethnostate. Hitler passed some of the first environmental protection laws, and also attempted to cut down meat consumption (albiet replacing it with soy)

>insects are dying
Whatever shall we do.

>the apocalypse is coming I swear, look at this 'science' that says I;m right
Yeah, we're definitely the crazy ones

>disregards fact that largest threat to white race is rapidly changing ecology of the planet

whites are the only ones who care, and are competent enough to do anything


Sage this shit, fucking reddt

La atrocidad de naranjo*

But im against capitalism and support environmentalist legislation. The only people who this applies to are ancaps

Or neocons

>i take everything said on the american anime image board Sup Forums seriously


This thread kills the shills-
Shareblue leaked files links.

>don't live in your country
>don't murder babies
thanks for proving my point merlin

who are you talking to mate?

yes goy, gas all of flying insects
pic related

Yeah, totally not planned demographic replacement

Did you finished your exam
What grade do you expect to get?

so where's your critical discourse on these topics?
>inb4 "muh carbon tax"

>criticizes me for writing blog
>reads blog
>posts about blog
kys faggot

is that why I see so many ecological threads on Sup Forums everyday?

how are things working out for you on the islands?

>takes something written on the basketweaving forum seriously
>tells me not to take anything seriously
kek. how's draining the swamp going?

The US abandoned the monarchy for an oligarchy where different 'royal families' compete for power.

Roosevelts, Kennedys, Bushes, Carters, Clintons, Trumps, etc etc etc

so let's see some ecological threads on this godforsaken forum

nice argument burger

>did you finished your exam
can't write this shit

pic related

gracias pablo

>takes something written about something on 2chan's retarded cousin seriously
>condescendingly references previous statement in relation to self

>takes something written about something on papercraft and origami board seriously
>condescendingly uses same single letter response twice
It's *clap* not *clap* okay *clap*

23 posts

thats like a half an hour or more


>Takes post after post on the world's premier IP tracking and meta data collection forum seriously
>appropriates nigger culture in response
k, sweetie

>uses the N word on the world's premier IP tracking and meta data collection forum
>appropriates Jewish woman's trolling techniques

Not a leaf - "He";s a brain washed by the jews , nigger cock sucking , fat feminist loving , child molesting , POS .

>cant bring himself to say certain words because he doesn't believe in unrestricted free speech
>doesn't have a government in which its sole purpose is to safeguard his rights as a citizen
>appropriates my response

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger