Sweden is overrun by this people, a mix of sandniggers and mongolian gooks who claim their ancestry from the Golden horde of Genghis Khan.
All of them are men and all of them claim to be unaccompanied children. They are supposedly hated in Afghanistan and Iran by every other people and looked down upon like gypsies.
You have experience with these bearded children?
You experience with Afghan Hazara sandnigger gooks?
Other urls found in this thread:
But I thought they were BASED SHIA amirite? How could this be that they act like every other third worlder?
They can't be too bad if they're allied with the Templar Knights.
They are subhumans of the worst kind. Extremely fucking unintelligent, dishonest and almsot jew-like mentally, except dumb as hell. They will lie, they will cheat, they will steal, they will murder. My friend punched one of them last new year's eve, was pretty fun desu. They are short as fuck and weak. Beware though, they usually roam in packs of 10-20 and carry knives.
Reminder: There is not a single woman in Scandinavia who hasn't been fucked, raped or molested by a muslim at some point in her life.
We have won. Your women want us. A Scandinavian woman wouldn't touch a Scandi "man" with a ten foot pole if her life depended on it.
Scandinavia is our free brothel.
>Reminder: There is not a single woman in Scandinavia who hasn't been fucked, raped or molested by a muslim at some point in her life.
Nice try Achmed but that's just too blatant of a lie. Pretty sad how you post this pasta so often, your life must be quite worthless
They are pretty much different from other muslims. They are responsible for a shittons of rapes. And not only do they rape women, but also boys (their culture is pedo-tier, look up bacha bazi)
Look Uzbek, Kyrgiz, Tatar or some Asian Russian muslim scum, they are indeed remnats of Chingis army.
>Templar Knights MC
I avoid them as much as I possibly can and hope to never have to have a conversation with one of them.
The hazara are BASED, they kicked the shit out of the Taliban so never had a problem up north Afghanistan (Northern Aliance) and were the only ANA troops that could be trusted not to shoot us in the back-t...don't mistake them for Kazacs although, those subhuman chink rape babies are nigger tier. Helmand Province veteran
It is 100% true. Pretty sad how YOU have seen this pasta so often. YOUR life must be quite worthless.
Your women are our property, by their own will. Inshallah soon we will all come to Sweden to kill you and impregnate all your women.
literal rape babies lol
I've noticed that they always wear new and expensive clothes. literally fresh from the store.
>Taliban stay in their own country and don't flood the West, nor do they do terrorist attacks
>Hazara and other shitskin sandnigger Mudslimes flood Western countries
I am embarrassed to share the same country as you.
That guy looks whiter than most POOrtuguese.
Yes, I know one who was kicked out of an integration class because he spat on a female teacher. Utter scum. Also a Shia muslim like most Hazara.
That and they act like homosexuals. It's really strange, and they are really different from other muslims.
Why the fuck would they stay in Afghanistan if the Europoors are literally offering them more money to be NEET's than they make in a year walking around the most heavily land mined country in the world? Fucking autism
You got a problem with that?
>Helmand Province veteran
Kandahar Province veteran here, we couldn't trust anyone, the entire place was a complete shithole and we got nothing done (except shooting a bunch of the fuckers of course)
Because Afghanistan is a safe country and they don't get asylum. They're told to move back.
Patriotic sense of duty to their country? I thought army-niggers were meant to understand that.
Never met one
They look like every other brown person on earth
I have afghan friend and he is big on Christmas while being a Muslim. He gave me a stocking.
Refugee children visiting Santy for the first time in Sweden. Bless.
>the fucking guy actually sits on his lap like a 5 year old refugee would do
I'm dying at how serious some of these refugees are playing their child refugee roles.
None of you shitskins are "based", stupid kike.
We live in fucking clown world
Our countries deserve to be destroyed
>That and they act like homosexuals.
Most of them are faggots, user. Afghanistan is extremely gay, to the point where fucking little boys is just part of their culture.
its weird as fuck
They are not gay, they sometimes fuck little boys because it's a loophole.
I can't wait to come to Sweden to behead you degenerate cucks and faggots and fuck and impregnate all your women.
Hazaras are normie chads
Haha Sweden
Not per se. I just think that growing up with an abundance of gibs with zero expectation will produce people of bad character.
Cucks from Afghanistan?
>I can't wait to come to Sweden to behead you
What did this subhuman mean by this?
>huma abedin in her youth
All payed for by Swedish taxpayers.
Probably the original Khazars, from before they mixed with Neanderthals and became Jews.
I take it you haven't visited Portugal?
whiter than the average Swede
I can not speak for him, but If it's where a large of my tax money that pay there clothing, their I phones, their game gear, their gym tickets, etc. I have a problem.
Of course not, Scandinavia has all the free pussy I need. And the only POOrtuguese the world cares to know about is Cristiano Ronaldo and he's clearly not white.
How sad are you to be LARPing as a rapefugee user
It's worse that that, they regularly fuck little boys in the ass.
I don't remember if it was in Sweden or in Germany that one of them raped a boy in a swimming pool and his excuse in court was something like "-I haven't had sex in six months."
1. What does that mean?
2. Is that a suicide bomber?
>What does that mean?
I'm neither LARPing nor a "rapefugee". I just want you to know your place. You better keep your head down when I come to Sweden, user.
NEET is Not in Education Employment or Training. You literally pay us to fuck your women and kill you. This is the superiority of the muslim over the European, specially Scandinavian European.
kek, reminds me of that one syrian guy who raped a pony at a german zoo
Die of Old Age MuzCIA nigor
my experience has been fantastic, put three of them in the hospital at three separate occasions just carry a knife in case to be safe, always carry a knife in sweden...
I did a tour of Afghanistan and the locals were just angry, gay violent drug addict pedos.
>Oh but think of the poor children!
Even the children were violent dickheads.
why did you go to afghanistan?
>You better keep your head down when I come to Sweden, user.
I bet I could beat you up with one hand tied behind my back lmfao. You should start lifting and stop LARPing on the internet
You can't fucking go to the gym anymore, it's overrun by the Hazaras.
The muslim is not being paid by the european to fuck their women and kill them. They are being paid and their lives completely decided by their jew overlords. Muslims will never be a successful band of people because they have no innovative tendencies and as such are responsible for no great achievements. Your religion is invented by jews, and you will remain jewish subordinate slaves until the end of eternity or until we wipe you out since you've been a pest for too long. Just lol
Your mother is a slave and with the
>why did you go to afghanistan?
To shoot savage hajis in my case
When Hazaras pass by they often give me fag vibes, drug dealer vibes and muggers vibes,
Switch gym, user. Or get a home gym if you can afford it. There are many gyms that have zero shitskins, I recommend trying a basement powerlifting gym. They are known right-wing hotspots too.
Or just ignore them at the gym. Do you routine, don't give a shit about subhuman little monkeys.
Any bets on the LARPers true flag?
LMFAO I will behead you and shit down your cuck neck.
You are our slaves and your women our sex slaves, Even if all this is the jews doing so what? We're the ones fucking, raping and molesting.
>scraps of western women
There is literally not a single white woman in the world and definitely not in Scandinavia that doesn't drool over muslims, If we have 100% of the women we have the best ones too. The hadful of ones that don't want us are raped or molested and hence damaged goods.
0/10 spend another minute wasting your time on another autistic rambling comment
Congratz, you now have churkas.
I have never seen these Hazaras, where are they exactly?
>We're the ones fucking, raping and molesting.
user you need to go outside your room. Mental illness is no joke
Why do you give him (You)s, he's just Larping
Eh, true. Where do you live though when you say you have never seen Hazaras? Sounds like I need to move to where you live.
Swedebro how will the 18 elections play out in Szwecja? I literally cannot fucking wait
Nice proxy Sven......now go eat some meat-balls
There is a British user who makes threads to meme for the election. He made them almost every night before, took a break now during Christmas. Watch for these threads, we will need all the manpower we can get. To answer your question: a great victory will be won
Gudrun Avskyrman
hmm ill go to archive and revive on of those threads, thanks for the optimism!
deus vult
Bor du ens i Sverige? Går ej att missa, på stan, buss, gym, etc.
Thanks man. We're only in the planning phases so far but if God wills it, this will be a victory and mass-triggering similar to the 2016 US election. I have very high hopes for this, and I am one pessimistic asshole normally.
The Sweden democrats will definitely have higher votes than in the last election, not that it matters since they are basically Kike run like the rest of the parties.
Everything points to Sweden starting to descend into a economic depression the coming months. The real estate market is at a turning point.
Taliban made this faggotery perfomance illegal and hang whoever participate it
I know that they are hated in Iran because they are savages. I remember my father telling me when he was ~18, he was working at a farm to pay his university tuition. The farm employed 2 afghanis and 8 iranians and offered them housing as part of their job. My father was a manager at the farm and wasn't living there. One day, he woke up and went to work only to see 20 cop cars around the farm. Apparently, the 2 afghanis beheaded the 8 iranians and stole a total of 330 tomans (around 100USD. back in the 60s)
They are absolute savages
Your just a fat neckbeard shut up nigger.