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Good. This is what happens when you meddle in our democracy.


Israel should be a smoking crater then.

Remember, no English.


This, but seriously

Israel has been helping us beat Iran in the Middle East, you dumb fuck.


Fuck off. Nobody wants to attack Iran you jewish piece of shit

Fucking commies, just die already.

the hand rubbing in this post could start a brush fire. Settle down, Rabbi.

Inb4 blamed on West.


100 bucks its the religion of peace

(((isis))) fucking kike

100 bucks you're kike



Nah, russians have some caucasus problem that isnt ISIS related.



Play stupid games, get stupid prices. It can be ISIS, but it can also be UKRAINIANS, CHECHENS, SOUTH KOREANS, SYRIANS, IRAQIS, PAKIS, AFGHANIS, TURKS, ISRAELI, SAUDI.

Russia has enough enemies overseas, hope every single one hits back. Who the fuck they taught playing as a super-power was a good idea? Their land isn't outside this world, repercussions should reach their beds too. Just bomb the Kremlin already ok?

>all those palestinian rapefugees ITT
Thanks for the land, nigger faggot.

Ameridumb, ISIS inst the only islamic group with a grudge against russia, espeacially as its pretty much dead now and its recruts return home or die.. A lot of central asians and some caucasians however who are not related to levantine problems have a stake in destablising russia tho.

woah there bucko - there's no need for hate on the internet

Jews are the reason there is a problem in the Middle East you stupid fuck.

everyone knows all terrorists are Israeli

Here is your Judenhat so we can more easily spot you next time.

Probably chechens which Putin will claim is ISIS to try to keep his shithole country stable.

Putin loves Chechens like Sweden loves migrants. He will continue lying, covering up, and spreading propaganda to integrate them into Russia society even at the cost of Russian lives. But you know, its fucking based when he does it. Definitely not a cuck.

Didn't he put a where's Waldo in the mass grave scene in apocalypto?

Chechens would be insulted by this claim appropiating their work.

I bet my pension that this was a damn churka.
If you know nothing, i suggest you to be quiet in this neighborhood, if you don't want to look like complete debil.

Literally nobody except Israel is in anyway worried about Iran.

i love it when kiddies on Sup Forums call Putin based

the man is a huge cuck for Islam, regularly attends Mosque openings, refuses to say "radical Islamic terror" (just like Obama) and wants more Chenchens in Moscow, and more immigration to Russia in general

NP ghetto rat. Enjoy your shithole dessert and my free shekels while it lasts.

Saudi Arabia and other Shia states are though.

Why do you lie, meme flag?

This, fuck em.

Our typical yearly pension is a single visit to Starbucks for a regular American.

They have billboards promoting asiatic Muslim man/Russian woman marriage.

Saving the white race woohoo! Based!

This imbecile.

Hey just because the Party did the Chinese move but painted it the election system as western as they could doesn't mean you live in the free world, Ivan. Everything in your political system is fake, fake as your 80s era photos of glamour and little children dreaming about becoming kosmonauts.

The same old fucks that ruled your land still do, they took key resource monopolies and manufacture, setting ONE system which operates using both legal and mob like methods. They took a KGB agent to promote the idea of patriotism, but it remained the same. Capitalism under one closed elite (ex-Party members) or as many call a proper a BANANA REPUBLIC.

To me eyes you are still commies, incapable of fucking standing up against the Party. And yeah try to refute me, but you will never have the balls of doing the same with your authorities.

>the jews helped us make them money in a war they started dumb goyim
fuck off

based shill, how do yo do it?

The officials don't treat it as a terrorist attack. They interpret it as an attempt to mass homicide so far.

Also if you were smart you did cheer for more terrorist acts in St Peterburg and Moscow. The faster a revolution sets, the faster the Balkanization gets, the faster your Oblast will be independent and free.

And if you live in a nice one, it could become the next South Korea with lots of wealth and shit. Far better than the shithole you expect to die, and with less immigrants of the Caucasus.

You're an asshole

fuck off ahmed, and tell other ahmeds, pajeets and pakis, that only the white British are welcome here and on brit/pol/

He is right tho.

Not only caucasus now, but also mongol-like subhumans from tajikstan, kyrgyzstan etc.

get fucked ivan


>be Russian
>get blown up

well its historically very accurate

YES, fucking YES. And your think tanks knew they were screwed back in the 60's. So after blowing it up with their failed social experiments they said: If we are fucked too, lets do the same to Western europe and the US so they can be as competitive as now with shitskins and muslims around.

You literally took a failed program of resignation and militarized. This is one of another reasons why every self loving white in the west should hate the Kremlin with all their heart.

You infested the Hollywood elite and universities with vicious people to shill for multiculturalism. And people who were suspicious were called lunatics for naming a "Soviet conspiracy"... fast-forward and they weren't wrong.

Fucking based.

Fuck off shitskins, go to fagbook or reddit. Literally everything is infested with you, give us at least one white place without pajeets, pakis and liberal shit. Only the white British allowed.

Israel and Mexico both. No two countries meddle in US politics more than them. Israel from the top, and Mexico from the bottom, using sheer numbers to fuck up our elections and steal entire states from us.

Massive Christmas Hard Bass whent out of controll. Nothing to see here.

I know that very well without you, but i was born the year jewssr collapsed and here just cant see the way out. The best would be now recapture nuclear launch codes and take you guys with us.

That’s the way it should be. Welfare breeds degenerates.
They should be allowed to fail in order for their inferior genes not to contaminate the gene pool in the future.
Just let them starve to death, that’s an aggression free solution

>Saudi Arabia and other SHIA states

someway somehow this is all drumpfs fault

CIA black op confirmed

excellent post

No worries, mutts, God and Savior will avenge our brothers.


So why do you care? You seem like a nation of weak little insects who need to pull the big guys into a fight that isn’t about them.
Newsflash: We will sell your asses to the Russians and split up the territory and the slaves if it comes to it.
Germans need nothing from your country but we need stuff Russians produce. You are literally worthless to us.

10 injured, no deaths, OP is a faggot

Fake and gay. Saged.

Peru is part of the Pax Americana. I have all the right to shit on the Russians and whoever I want. My country is free as fuck.

>pic related its me

I was ambivalent about Mexico up until now. This election really opened my eyes. Mexico is nigger-tier.

It wasnt a muslim guys, it was a UFO

It will be Muslims, you cucks.

t. Ahmed


>Party did the Chinese
You actually are complete debil. Their and our Party have opposite goals, if you didn't realise that.
>standing up against the Party
There is no one, who will be different from that "Party". Since this stupidity, laziness and greed in everyone's head from top to bottom, it'll be the same shit over and over, until some REAL FUCKING MAGIC happen and shake off this bullshit mix out of our heads.
>terrorist acts
Another "Party" tool, thanks to Kadyrov.
>The faster a revolution sets
There is no background for revolution.
>if you live in a nice one, it could become the next South Korea
Hmm, we had a chance in 90th, but because of sweet soviet brainwashing propaganda and poor livestyle we didn't knew what to do with our freedom and there was no one to teach us how to become better people, so we start to use it as we already used to it before.
But now Party learn their lessons and will hold power tighter than a drunk Ivan will hold his last vodka, until last of them will die.

The Kremlin is #1 political protector of the Kim regime. Specially at the UN veto


It's the Chechens, guys, it's the fucking Chechens, Ramzan Kadyrov has betrayed Putin, fuck, fuck, the third Chechen war has begun!


The bus was terrorism related?

>until last of them will die.
Easier. Until the cash runs out to feed their system. Ergo, when Russia loses its gas monopoly, then all the paper castle falls. Local middle class and some magnates will flip to hold an Oblast if the Kremlin loses power.

Well I meant they did the Chinese move by allowing capitalism, semi-property rights, and free trade. Shit is that instead of making the state the owner and investor they put their names on them making them the de facto oligarchs.

I don't know why would anyone love the Russian flag or respect Moscow at this point. Look at the fucking Mongols. They are bright, have resources or anything. And yet they are exponentially improving their quality of life. The revolution is already there, its just that people who point out the Party system are wipe out or censored.

Its like the Clintons but on steroids. Russian are complicit also, 50% of them think the elections are rigged as fuck yet no one says or gets angry.

*They aren't bright, no have resources or anything. (Kazakhstan)


don't expect the russian government to tell the truth, especially now when the news must be about putin staying for 6 more years (really for the rest of his life)

>not reading the post above the American's one

He probably doesn't want to. He is the Reagan of Russia. An actor, expert on body language and manipulation, but not a politician. Maybe Mendelev wins this time, )))))))

Cool, I guess I'm getting better at reading minds though it's possible I was lead towards a beacon.

No FBI niggers I ain't' got nothing to do with it neither did I have anything to do with NYC

Just in case whoever's watching me was thinking it.

A bus starts moving and charge against a group of people coming out or the subway.
Official version says the bus driver was too tired and fell asleep.

I saw something yesterday about Chechens about their leader being blocked on Instagram. I doubt that's why they would attack.

Either way, Putin is cucked to them, he gives them money, a reason there are fewer attacks over the decade.

Just drunk.


Kazakhstan has oil, it is their main source of income.

>Until the cash runs out to feed their system
Yeah, forgot about this one. They actually starting to devour each other, because there is not much money left to fulfill their enormous greed. With some little economical "push" from outside Russia this shithole will collapse much faster. Which is funny in some ways, because of repeating history.
>why would anyone love the Russian flag or respect Moscow at this point.
Basically, patriotism. And a lot of censorship around it. People don't know where to look for information or news besides pro-government mass media. Aaand again, laziness.
>50% of them think the elections are rigged as fuck yet no one says or gets angry
More than 50%, desu. A lot of people are angry, but government know how to deal with most loud of them quiet and fast. It's worked out before and it's working now.