is the official term for sitting like this
how do we stop this epidemic?
Cuck Legging / Sissy Scissors
Hollyjew owns all of their balls.
I'm cucklegging right now desu
Stop allowing late night comedy? Literally everyone does this
Me too but I wouldn't do it on a talk show
There is nothing wrong with cucklegging if you are a patrician intellectual and as long as it’s not for longer than 10 minutes.
I couldn’t imagine going through life all the while consumed by trivial shit like this. Do you really have nothing better to do?
Patrician intellectuals do not sit like women you absolute faggot.
Its ankle to knee for men, not knee to knee.
What, are you trying to hid your pussy?
Ask your mother about how i cuck legged her boyo
Sometimes I'll sit like that to signal my feminine tendencies and submissiveness to a woman I like in the room.
Matthew Mconhanuhey is a good guy
Ok keep your ankle on your knee for ten minutes without your knee slipping and touching your other knee.
Enjoy your joint pain.
its just uncomfortable pants/trousers.
When you move your body so little resting your legs naturally gives you joint paint
The only time my knees touch is when my balls are tucked underneath while I shit.
Sweetie everyone in that picture makes more money and has more sex than you will ever have. If anything you should try and figure out what makes them so much better than you.
My dad sits like that and he has ten huwhite children.
My balls hurt when I try sitting like that. How do they do it?
I'm too fat to sit like that
Selective attention, much? A lot of normal men are doing this for fuck's sake. It's a lot more comfortable than sitting stiffly like some porn interviewee.
your dad is using your mom and by extension all his children as a "beard"
if you get what I mean
You have to put your hand in pants and pull out your cock and balls to be above legs. It's like reverse silence of the lambs
HEY FUCK u feggit I have long legs and knee to knee is the most comfortable for me
Be more tolerant.
Yeah, if you don't have a sack.
he finally went through with that vasectomy eh?
look im going to redpill you all really quick, for those that arent. im a girl(male) and only a sissy boy like me would sit like that because it crushes your balls and cuts off the bloodflow to your cock. if you sit like that, somewhere along the line you had thoughts about crossdressing
>I'm too fat to sit like that
I'm not fat. It just hurts my balls.
>sissy scissors
Oh fuck off m8. How else are you supposed to sit when it's freezing cold out and you're having a cheeky fag at work
>Justin Timberlake
I mean the dude has had more pussy than this entire board combined
agreed OP look at this soyboy
It's sort of trivial if you think if it like how you are. However, it's just an extended conversation on the whole sissy-fying of masculinity in the West. I forget her name but she's some old school femenist and historian (last name paglia? Or something idk) but I saw her presentation on the changes in masculinity through a culture's maturation.
The rising period shows big armed wide chested warrior looking men in their art and sculptures and what not. There is an affinity for strength and power.
Then as the empire approaches its zenith, the metropolitan elements begin embracing more feminine men as the ideal. Instead of Hercules, you see some noodle armed wimp.
Then, inevitably, the barbarians at the gates and more traditional parts of the culture on the outskirts of the large cities start moving on in. The decadence is overcome by a new conquering, masculine culture or subculture. And he cycle starts over.
Anyways, obviously this is trivial and what not; but it does seem to be within that larger theme.
>if you sit like that, somewhere along the line you had thoughts about crossdressing
We have a winner
stop projecting your degeneracy on everyone.
Stop talking about being Male. You’re not a girl. You’re a sissy.
meet me after class
how the fuck do people do this without crushing their dick and nuts?
>because it crushes your balls and cuts off the bloodflow to your cock
You don't have to fully clasp your legs for fuck's sake. Moving and adjusting your posture by millimeters is ENOUGH to avoid ballsquashing. As a fellow crossdresser I am utterly confused by the lack of understanding you've shown.
you must have a way with the ladies, nothing gets them wetter than a feminine and submissive guy...
It's called not being fat. If you aren't fat you can sit like that.
Haha totally bro! Look at the fucking soyboys on my picture! Certainly a modern epidemic caused by (((them)))!
Unironically this, i have long and slim legs and it's pretty comfy desu (187cm/70kg/18cm)
tho i prefer ankle-to-knee
>more than zero pussy
You have some deeply seeded self image issues I think you should address with a licensed professional. No one is getting “sissy-fied”, there are as many “real men” as there were 50 years ago. Are you concerned about this because you’re afraid that girls won’t want you in you’re not manly or feminine enough?
Well hey, I wasn't wrong
>a fellow crossdresser
does this mean you two are going to mate while we watch?
>Not a male
>Not a girl
So...You believe in a third gender: Sissy?
Right? Truman is OOZING femininity in my pic.
>long legs
more like wide hips, get birthing
I tried doing this and now my nuts are throbbing. How do men do this? I'm 6" erect, but I'm quite the grower so I've got a smaller package and it still hurts to try to cuckleg.
I'll get the popcorn
Looks like a bunch of queers who've never had to work a day in their lives.
You're not doing it right, then. Readjust your posture.
lol i love you
also srs question guys, where does your meat and veg go when you sit like that?does it droop down under the crossed legs or is it squished up?
I remember reading somewhere that sitting crossed legged reduces sperm count.
I want to FUCK your ASS.
It's uncomfortable 90% of the time but it's a smug ass way to scratch your balls
here we go
>Wannabe art school fag
>Nu-male haircut
>Confirmed loser twice
How much Soylent do you think he drank a day to become such a faggot?
In most cases, It's not squished, but it's merely moved up. No bloodflow cutoff, no numbing, nothing.
I'm married with a kid. Never had problems with women. Fully employed. College graduate. Money in the bank.
This is not about my self image.
It's about the changes in social norms and values. The rise in decadence at the end of a cycle. If you think society's stance on masculinity is the same as fifty years ago, you'd be wrong. But this is not about a generation.
No empire is immune to collapse; collapse happens from within. This is one sign that historians have suggested precedes the fall of empire.
It's not all encompassing; it's not absolute; it's not even necessarily true. Just an idea. But don't you concern yourself with participating in the discussion. Go somewhere else.
i can't sit like that without crushing my balls. idk maybe because my legs are to long. can only sit like ankle on knee
It hurts my balls too much to sit like that. I just usually sit back and spread my legs and be comfy.
your balls and dick goes on the top
it's really comfortable
you usually sit like this when you are in a high class meeting or in other's houses, it's mature and respectful
Yeah, I mean, look at that guy in pic related, must be a liberal brainwashed by the media! That modern phenomenon has to stop!
One of them was called the butcher of commune and had a field day putting down the insurgents, as well as being wounded several times on the battlefield and another one was an army colonel. Nice try though.
fat people cannot do it
they have chunky thighs
on top? i have to grab into my pants and pull everything up for that to even work a little bit. and it's still uncomfy
It’s just a sitting position
How does Sup Forums feel about this slight variation to the leg-cross? This is what I usually do (minus the being black part like the guy in pic related)
Rich Hollywood pawns aren't the standard for masculinity, nor are they correct by default simply because they are rich Hollywood pawns you hashtag worshipping nigger
Whenever you are in an aristocratic/noble enviroment this is the only acceptable sitting position.
>you Want to charm/flirt with an (((upper. Class))) roast? This the only way to Sit
Sorry if you grew up believing (((man spreading))) was an actually thing: you dun gufed lad
>i have to grab into my pants and pull everything
no shame in this, we all do it from time to time user
i am okay with this desu
I'm 6ft 290 and can sit like that
You have a legit mental illness that requires schizophrenia medication. It really can help fix your delusions I'm not just trolling or trying to be a dick. You need therapy.
Also shame on the rest of these fags for being less redpilled than someone who is actually mentally ill.
You fucking FROG cousins At least get what means to be a ladies' man
This is the correct way for men to cross their legs without crunching or contorting your junk like this frogposter does
Pic related is the proper manly way to cross your legs without looking like a total homo
Empty Sac Sit.
Very comfy btw desu
We know croats are faggots, you don't have to remind us every day.
your balls must hang low & wobble to & fro
I meant this junk twisting frogposter
>your balls and dick goes on the top
>it's really comfortable
Not if you actually have a dick and balls it's fucking not
(((Therapy))) will only cause him to turn his pretty little sissy clit into a disgusting gaping wound.
I have no problem with that, balls lay above legs and it's fine. I do the pose only when I'm alone and sat for a while to get a different pose.
it's comfortable desu
how do we solve the fat fuck epidemic that prevents people from crossing their legs without crushing their balls?
I'm pretty sure those guys are all gay, user.
Homos torture their dicks and balls to look like faggots
He was a vegetarian. Soy and meth are a bad combo.
Get bigger wieners cux, if you have a big one like me you lift your leg and sit your foot/ankle on the quad of your other leg so everyone knows your third leg requires room to dangle.
whats more weird is how everyone skinny ITT is turning out to be a crossdresser or tranny or gay
well you can't really do it if you're obese, but for me I have a gap between my legs so I do it many times when I'm with older people or meetings.
I see people do this on talk shows ALL the time. This is basically normal.
That face says "ouch, my balls hurt. Take the picture now, nincompoop.
is it weird tho
So what are Sup Forums approved ways of sitting?
cowboys are straight savages with guns and no self-respect
in other words, "white niggers"
Sorry frog. 155 MURICAN burger pounds here.
5 of which are my balls which can't be fucked with so I can sit like a homo.