>PM is a half Cuban communist subversive
>Is violating international and domestic laws by supporting state terrorism: re CANSOF solders training Syrian YPG, PKK, and Al Nusera, also re integrating returning ISIS fighters to Canada while slashing pay for injured troops
>Roughly 50% of the population, even in cuck provinces such as Ontario, are actively opposed to his regime
>Oil in Alberta, which is coincidentally the most likely province to support liberation
>Could use Toronto as massive concentration camp
>A country with women who don't have sand in their pussys (although I do hear that eskimo pussy gets mighty cold)
Now that ISIS is defeated, I say we invade Canada
Other urls found in this thread:
I think Canada should invade America...
Bitch you couldn't invade North Dakota
America is dependent on our oil and maple syrup. If we starve them of it, their army couldn' t do shit then we send in the beaver head battalion.
He should be assassinated by the CIA
lol, our rural folk would destroy all. You clearly haven't met a rural Canadian who knows his guns and fucking hates everyone, esecpially dumbass burgers. The grill is heating, bring the meat.
Enjoy freezing to death fatso.
user those claims have been debunked
Dont forget he gave a convicted terrorist $10 million for killing one of our marines. I agree OP. Canada is public enemy #1 and at night i fantasize about salting their land, killing their men and raping their women.
Sonebody seal teAm six this idiot
We like Trudeau. He represents strength when all other leaders are pussies. He wants to stop radicalization of youth.
We have Trudeau. Who the fuck wants Trump?
Trump would be doing us a favor if that happened. Trudeau really is retarded. Clinically retarded. I want to see him get impeached from parliament.
Justin is a fucking sociopath just like his parents were.
Is it true that Canada has a Strategic Maple Syrup reserve that you folks are hoarding?
Nigger, Canada can’t get our oil to market. The world has moved on from Canadian. Shit, we can’t even get our oil to Ontario.
This is just way to funny
A fucking leaf talking shit about America
You fucks are smoking way to much pot...
CIA you litterally only have one job you glow in the dark extra chromosomes niggers.
Now that boomers like OP have discovered Sup Forums.... it sucks... OP is a try hard.
What would you do whit Quebec
Daily reminder: in Canada, on average, Quebec
>Has the highest IQ
>Has the tallest men
>Has the biggest dick
>Fittest men
>Is the nation with the highest percentage aryan genes
>Is the most creative
>Is the most talented in all fields
>Has the best soldiers
>Is naturally bilingual, thus superior to monolingual Anglo scum
>Has the best aesthetics on both women and men
>Has a carefree attitude, no stress, longer lives
>Has strong nationalism, compared to the rest of Canada which has zero
>Best hockey players (their national sport)
Some bonuses:
>The strongest man ever came from Quebec
>Quebec has the second highest gdp after Ontario, tied with Alberta (even though its economy is about to crash)
>Has some of the laws considered the most racists by (((them)))
>Quebec was Canada before any other province, thus making it the country's founding nation
>Quebec has the strongest culture and started every single stereotype about Canadians
>Quebec is Canada's masterrace
>inb4 butthurt Albertans
Sucks to suck, oil ain't payin much now, eh? Faggots.
>Inb4 angry Brits defending their old colonies
This isn't your fight: Canada is rightful Quebec's clay, gtfo
>inb4 Quebecboo
Fuck off faggots, you're not welcome here
>The grill is heating, bring the meat
I kek'd audibly
>Justin is a fucking sociopath
Quite the opposite. He's smart and better at governing that lose Harper was. Although that's not really hard.
Mama mia
NATO states send militia to murder in ukraine, syria, etc. Not going well? Just comeback home.
Obviously Quebec is superior to American-wannabe western canada. All they have is cappy oil.
osti d'calis on est fkin superieure en tabarnak
Rehabilitation works you ginormous jackasses. I wouldn't expect you to understand because you're all ignorant as fuck
Remember how Alberta pays for 10% of the Quebec budget? Alberta fucking itself Venezuela style is about to fuck Quebec. Good luck making up the gap. You too, Atlantic provinces.
"ISIS member returns to Canada and easily fools media and civilians with his thin facade of happiness, while on the payroll of globalists involved with Trudeau; Cuckold 4channer gobbles it up, tonight at 5"
Yeah that's fucking insulting to Quebec. It should even be "Alberta" money anyways. It belongs to all Canada.
Annex us albertan overlords
You're just a paranoid faggot who thing everyone is out to fuck you in the ass.
Trudeau is a real leader.
Can you invade us after?
Resources belong to the province, but fine, you want our resources build a god damn pipeline for them. We’re happy to sell to you.
>Implying they shouldn't just be executed on the spot
This is now a US hate thread.
>Quite the opposite. He's smart and better at governing that lose Harper was. Although that's not really hard.
No, he's not quite the opposite. Justin is a functional sociopath. Every time he opens his mouth publicly, he just spews out insane nonsense. I have never seen him say a reasonable thing that I would not my head in agreement to. He's Canada's equivalent to Dennis from Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Implying we don't have more armed rednecks in New York to over run your entire country 5 times, more or less the deep south
Fucking kys CSIS
Van dux are cancer
Obvious CSIS shill is obvious
Being this much of a CSIS nigger
Why the fuck would we want to invade another muslim country?
>functional sociopath
>he just spews out insane nonsense
I guess you don't really understand english that well.
He's just not a hater.
Quebec has great underground vaults of maple syrup sealed tighter than our gold reserves.
lol, we are not fighting for you city communist nigger lovers. We would surround you and exterminate you.
We don’t want your shitty oil and vermont has got us just fine. Fuck off and die already.
>>PM is a half Cuban communist subversive
faggots everywhere...
> (You)
>>functional sociopath
Great counter argument.
> (You)
>>he just spews out insane nonsense
>I guess you don't really understand english that well.
>He's just not a hater.
The man ignores his duties as a Prime Minister. He never shows up to city hall events anywhere. He is royally fucking over the Canadian economy. Has said racist and hateful things towards Canadian aboriginal people. Promotes the backwards views of the LGBTQBBQFOAD community and steps all over anyone that has an opposing opinion from his own.
He's a functional sociopaths with the aspirations of his communist dictator father, Fidel Castro.
I agree.
>Justin Trudeau: 6'1
>Pierre Trudeau: 5'8
>Margrat Trudeau: 5'6
>Fidel Castro: 6'3
Stop living under the (((crown)))
Is Canada the Sweden of the new world?
>city hall events
Are you mad? He toured all of Canada and got heat from a few places from people like you. Harper was the opposite and in hiding most of the time.
Those rural Canadians are the most likely to act against Turdo.
Rural Canadians love Trudeau. You have no idea how much.
You already do, for our superior healthcare and low taxes.
its time for war plan red.
>superior healthcare
No one can afford
>low taxes
Only increasing the batshit crazy national debt.
>Thus assuring a Trump second term so we can build a wall on the northern border as well
haha yea dude, jihad is just Muslims version of vacation, just ignore all the beheadings and mass executions haha.
Niggers haven't integrated after several generations, what the fuck makes you think LITERAL TERRORISTS will?
I wouldn't be upset if something were to happen to him
>Being poor or average, ever
>Being this brainwashed to support socialism
You do realize that about 143 million Americans just got tax cuts right? Meanwhile the homeless problem of Toronto is starting to flow out all the way into the GTA, areas like Pickering that didn't used to be that bad. Also GL starting a business in 2018 with $14/hr minimum wage
Fool... When shit will hit the fan I will exterminate leftists traitors like you first
Despite what leaf posters say, Canadians love nogs and race mixing isn't even limited to poorfags in Canada; rich girls do it just as much as average and poor ones
>>Justin Trudeau: 6'1
>>Pierre Trudeau: 5'8
>>Margrat Trudeau: 5'6
>>Fidel Castro: 6'3
>Are you mad? He toured all of Canada and got heat from a few places from people like you. Harper was the opposite and in hiding most of the time.
Granted, Justin did go on a fairly big tour of Canada, but it was after he was heavily criticized for only showing up to pointless Pride Parade events and showing up for photo ops with the Chinese business men that he is currently selling the country out to.
I never supported Harper. So I do not give a shit about him. But Justin is just as notorious, if not worse, when it comes to fleeing the country on a private jet paid for by Canadian tax payers to a personal island.
I do also expect to see him tour more because those 2019 elections are coming up soon.
>because those 2019 elections are coming up soon
Part of the job.
Same goes for USA, you have way more niggers in your forces than you should
>kill, rape, murder, enslave
>Run away when your empire falls
>There are said to be dozens like him across Canada, “returnees” who have spent time in terrorist groups and come home. And with ISIS collapsing in Syria and Iraq, more are expected to turn up.
First of all, I was talking about your general population. Second of all: that's why we established a second army (I.e. the Marines) because everybody knows that niggers can't swim
Nah, you put a bomb collar around their neck and force them to hand clear minefields.
The survivors are executed.
Keep this thread alive: SYRUP WARS NOW
Ooooooh Cucknada...
MFW Juno beach is their main highlight of WWII and they still got slaughtered taking a sandy hill guarded by Hitler youth and Soviet POW's
We might want to deal with the tribes of uncivilized Dindus turning our major cities into hell scapes before we initiate Operation Leaf blower. Canada is pretty much a lost cause, anyway; they've already chosen to sell themselves to the Caliphate.
Nice try, leaf
Nothing to see here, goys