Hmm how do you refute this pol?

Hmm how do you refute this pol?


by hoping she dies of AIDS

>different faiths, political beliefs, classes, sexes, ets
Isn't the same true of every culture?

Who gives a fuck what a literally who tweets. Stop posting this faggotry

post the rest faggot

There is no such thing as "black culture" either

>implying poc don't hate each other


>there’s no white culture because there are multiple white cultures
truly a mental giant we’re dealing with here

This woman is so demoralized she doesn’t even realize white culture is using proper grammar, having access to a computer and not being raped with a lead pole by a pack of rabid Muslims.

Some white people don't like each other.

That means the USA should go ahead and become a spanish speaking latrineo nation.

>no such thing as white america

Yea I can see where they are going with this

>I hate everyone in my family, I have zero interests, and zero pride in anything I ever do in my entire life, therefor ALL white people are the same!!!!

Just call her racist for implying black Muslims aren't American or something that'll shut her up

It’s called behaving like a savage.

Easy. By telling her she should shut the fuck up and go back to the kitchen! If someone have her on twitter tell her from me and tell her to go fuck herself for not enjoying herself on the hollidays.

Wow I guess there's no such thing as human culture either

It’s hilarous how they are all Israel haters now after the Jerusalem move

Ah lordy, those amobas are sure better than us.
>cultures hate each other.
Yeah bitch, thats our culture. Whole Europe was built on hating each other and trying to kill it, annex or conquer it.

The whole thing is just a secret insult to black america, they are just a hivemind blindly folowing the strongest one, instead thinking what you want or like


>...often HATE each other.
show them the black on black crime rate vs white on black, etc.

Hmmmm let me see. How many ways can I refute some random literal nobody on Twitter.

Mods can we PLEASE make this bannable offense? This whole larping on some fucking literally nobody on social media like it was Trump who posted.

This is shitting up the board.

>are all Israel haters now after the Jerusalem move

Nigga have you even been looking at media for the past decade or 2?

Hate has become an overused word in our society. It's true meaning has been distorted.

>how do you refute this pol?
white culture is:
>sticking around to be a dad
>being employed
>having a 401k
>owning instead of renting
>being able to get a loan
>ability to get pulled over for speeding and be "let off with a warning"
>designing societies that last
>inventing technology
>traveling the stars
and last but not least
>not being a nigger

Blacks are so bereft of culture they have to manufacture it
What is kwanzaa.

We found a genius. Sage.

> check her Twitter
>> I’ve spent several minutes with my family just shit talking Southern whites.

It’s a Northern left-wing family pastime

She hates on white culture because she has self-hate for whites

>there's no such thing as white culture!
She says in English, using technology created by whites, exercising freedom of speech a uniquely white concept.
>whites hate each other
Blacks slaughter each other. Spics, too.

If that's the case then there isn't black culture, and to be more specific, there isn't such a thing as german culture, italian culture, indian culture, japanese culture, chinese culture... I mean, the same thing she said about white culture can easily be applied to those as well.

I seasoned this reply with some sage.

>never been forced into a 1/2
Only 6% away...

Only an Idiot would think that the corporate culture they keep labling as "white culture" is "white " culture. There is only european culture that borrows from each other and McCulture that the "SJWs", califonians, globalists etc are helping to push onto the world.
What the fuck are "zionists" ?
I don't get how Nazis are supposed to be seen as suporting the idea of Jews as the chosen people and agree with imperialistic Judaism... They are pretty much the antithesis to that concept.

>forgets europe is a thing
>doesn't know that blacks hate each other also

Our White Culture is so prevalent, its not observed in the same manner as lesser cultures. It's not easily categorized or stereotyped. It's like the air we breath, it just is.

Hating each other is part of white culture.

i've noticed that non-whites are pretty monolithic when it comes to politics in america

>Canada only has native culture, no white culture
>Americas white culture is big trucks, guns, mountain dew, & cheese burgers
>British white culture is sipping tea and having poor dentistry
>Australian white culture is calling your mate a cunt and shrimp on da barbie since they stopped being a bunch of criminals
>South Africas white culture is killing black people
>Eastern Europe white culture is squatting with cigarette and unlabeled liquor for pictures and borche

Only in the Finals round, as filtered through a mostly white country. The don't, as a rule, agree with each other.

Wow another literally who

>how do you refute this
I tell that pinko to get fucked and ask the rest of you why you'd even waste time trying. This person isn't trying to have a conversation with an opponent, their trying to virtue signal to their friends.

>often hate each other
*citation needed

I lived in Manchester for 3 years and the blacks there were far more divided than any whites. Fun fact, Somalians are to niggers what niggers are to us.

You refute it by pointing out that she's a dumb nigger. Of course "white" and "black" people have no culture, they are fucking colors. Germans have a cultural tradition, as do the Irish and French. I'm not keen on nigger culture, but I'd assume the same cultural divides are there just as much as the "whites"

She's right though.

>imagine being this canadian

Zionists are people who think that Jews deserve their own country, preferably in Palestine.

Literally no such as a city when people obviously live in different houses


You are right, there is no such thing as WHITE culture, just as there is no such thing as BLACK culture. I, for example, have my Polish culture which, for better or worse, means love for martyrdom, personal independence, family, fighting even if it means death. It also means love of drinking, street smarts, and disgusting tolerance for small scale corruption. We have our holidays, our national clothes, songs, music, literature, paintings. We also have a ton of history which, unlike what you might believe was not littered with oppressing other nations (as some other white countries did) but actually being oppressed, enslaved, murdered, and fighting for our freedom constantly. Poles did not have a country for over a 100 years, and kept rebelling and fighting to get it back. much like the black people you seem to respect so much. To think that oppression and decadence can be merely characterized by color is pure ignorance of dozens of countries and empires that were white and had vastly different history than your favorite Anglo-Saxon perspective.

Even though she's clearly an SJW having a rant, there's not actually much there that I disagree with.

There isn't such thing as white culture. Irish culture is greatly different to German culture, which is different to Italian, which is different to Russian, which is different to Greek, and so on.

It's why it's stupid when people talk about "white people" as a whole, because white people are such a broad spectrum of people from hugely different backgrounds.

Also she's right about white Americans hating each other. The Irish, Italians, Polish, and basically anyone who wasn't a WASP faced marginalisation in America.


Oh how can I forget italians! A lot of you folk built the small town I live in so I camt forget waking up at 5am to water your concrete, spaghetti, bocci, red wine, and hand gestures. Bappity boopy

I'd also add that there isn't really a black culture either and there are differences between groups of black people.

Most black Americans are descended from West Africans. Most black people here in the UK are descended from the Caribbean. There are stark differences between the two groups of people.

>Hmm how do you refute this pol?
why bother? she's projecting herself into a corner and all you need do is sit back and laugh

there's a half-truth in there though: leftists hate everyone who isn't one of them

Yep, pic related was a very real thing in my country


>caring about the opinion of a tumblr whore

>ability to get pulled over for speeding and be "let off with a warning"
not in most white countries senpai, speeding tickets are a big earner and help fund all the stupid shit in state/local budgets

hopefully a vegan lacking essential brain fats will kill this fuckiing traitor.

If even amerimutts don't consider irish white is this irrefutable proof that the irish are shitskins?

There is a white culture. It's just not a monoculture. If there's a black culture, then why do some of them like Jazz, while some like Soul, and the rest like Hip Hop? Huh? Why are some Christian, and some Muslim, and some Atheist? Why was there a big East Coast/West Coast divide? Niggers put aside their differences and get together on the neighborhood BBQ day, just like we set aside ours and get together on Christmas.

There is a white culture, and it encapsulates all subcultures from European + Eurasian people. And that culture is now so prevalent that people pretend they can't even see it. It's literally not seeing the forest for the trees.

no, you fucking stupid ass. only white people have culture.

this. Sup Forums isn't fucking twitter, so why does twatter have to be the subject of every fucking thread now?


So, whites have more diverse culture than other races, is that it?

Because they harp on about black/spic/etc. culture which means it's highly collective and similar throughout; whereas whites have no collective culture -- if I'm understanding you correctly.

Thus, whites should be emulated more due to their diversity of culture.

In Canada white Canadians and White French Canadians/Acadians hate eachother.

only Canadians that like QC and Acadie are westerners who have only spent 2-3 generations here.

democracy is white.
>btw the fact the white cultura can keep people fron anarchism given those circuntances shows how much white culture should be valued.
>btw which culture does not have diferent sexes,classes and political beliefs hahaha

>technology is culture
Spoken like a true Sup Forumsentooman.

>theres no such thing as white culture
everything you see, do, use, and encounter is a result of white culture.


White culture is music, literature, architect, learning, medicine, technology, freedom and so much more. It is Western civilization.

Yes, certain white groups hold different beliefs than other white groups but the same applies to Africans, Indians, Asians and so on.

Rwandan genocide is an example of that. Left wing whites assume all those other groups are united in 1 culture which isn't true whatsoever.

Recently immigrated Irish brought their own subculture and lived in Irish enclaves. All it took was 2 generations to merge them with broader white society, and now they're ubiquitous in the western hemisphere. It's not as if intra-racial conflicts don't arise. It's not as if theta doesn't represent an internal cultural rift that was settled a century ago.

White culture is a thing. It's blatantly and clearly distinct from all other cultures, and the similarities far outweigh the differences once you observe it on a global scale. This isn't even an argument. There's absolutely no denying it.

>Unlike black America, white America has never been forced into a 1/2
It's almost like there's a political party dedicated to classifying an entire race of people as victims.

>blacks are all the same and one culture
Leftists are crazy racist.


It always irritated me that the human underground city in The Matrix was called "Zion", even when I was only purple pilled

feminism is white culture.

feminism is white culture.
>ban it

>this one sums it up

vaffanculo idioto

That poster was at a time where we were still Anglo Saxon and we didn’t like them because they were always drunk poor and yes basically modern niggers but they got better because they assimilated with our culture and are still white. Don’t divide and conquer.

Vaffanculo idioto Mr. Roboto DOMO

I guess it had to do with the metaphorical meaning of the word. Something like a safe haven from the bots.

white culture is fried chicken and polka.

True. There's no one white culture. There are multiple white cultures.

I'd say "brown people" are pretty diverse too. Indians, Arabs, Turks, Armenians, Kurds, Afghans, Pakistanis and Persians are all very different.

Leftists have no perspective of time. Anglos were superior to Irish at that time and to a low of other people. The Irish have shown to integrate and become part of America.

The same way Romans were superior to Germanic's but they have all proven and shown to be civilized.

Africans, have been given every help under the sun and have proven to have done nothing with it in Africa and to not integrate into the West and remain violent ans savage. That's why they are inferior.

foraging and keep food stocked is definitely white,
africans dont do that shit, and all white cultured people did.

White culture in rural southern states

>go to a small church every week(actual snake church near me)
>hunting & foraging for food is a thing
>strong small communities
>settle all problems without the police
>unique cuisine
>unique accent
>unique music
>teach children manners(yes man, no sir, thank you miss)
>smack kids that act retarded
>kids play in the fucking woods
>grow food to trade with each other
>don't like shitskins

the fact those people got marginalized and not outright killed, is white culture.

neighbors look for each other too.

literally who?

white culture is the sum of all the different cultures of white fuck u

A lot of the white groups have created music, art, literature, medical advancements etc. though.

If one created an advanced weapons, others could learn and adopt it. Africans didn't capture colonial weapons and copy them.

The white groups also all generally follow the rule of law, democracy and certain freedoms.

In the same way Africans have different groups but on a larger scale they are all stupid and savage.

Extremely good at it too. I sleep with my door open in summer because of the heat and have zero worries.

Also pets are pets. None of that elevating dogs to God status like yuppies do. Mine keep away coyotes and the cats eat moles and rats

Are niggers even sofisticated enough to have faith and political believes?

white = america = british+french+german

it's funny you mentioned irish, itals and poles because they are not white

I wonder if (((Reynoldson))) has any connotation.

christmas is white culture fucking deal with it jew