The holocaust didn't happen

>the holocaust didn't happen

Other urls found in this thread:

>6 million people were systematically killed

i even heard """people""" here saying "zyklon was used to help kikes"

>the holocaust didn't happen >...every means must be used to lower the death rate in the camp.
>I hold the Camp Commandant and the Chief of Camp Administration personally responsible for exhausting of every possibility of maintaining the physical strength of the prisoners.

It happened, yes jews were systematically rounded up, but they were not turned into candles and lamp shades, and the number of deaths have been vastly inflated. Meanwhile jews have been playing the victim card for 70 years now when in reality they may be the most powerful and might I say fascist (no arguing with them or they will end you) ethnic group in the modern world.

The holocaust was worse than the 100+ million killed by communism.

>we have to let infinity brown people into our country because a German dictator allegedly turned 6 billion jews into soap and lampshades in work camps in Poland over 80 years ago

Being happy cause it happened but at the same time denying it ever happened

>holocaust happened and more than 6mil jews were tortured and killed

>the holocaust matters at all

>Germans used all their iron, gas, metal and oil to kill jews in the middle of a war, instead of just letting them starve to death

It's literally used to delouse clothes

>Oy Vey!!! We need our victim hood!!! Goyim stop!!!

>People were sent to gas chambers, surivived, and were simply sent back to the jew pens afterwards instead of simply shot
>This happened multiple times




>germans just rounded up millions of people into disease-riddled camps without food and are in no way responsible for them dying


> germans make good decisions in wartime

or society



It's only funny because it's true

I'm quite angry that it didn't happen.



>prisoners are not property of the state

You honestly don't think the german scientists were experimenting with this kind of shit? I bet they were. I bet they wanted to see how much electricity it took to kill a group of men so they could perfect their tesla-gun technology.

>chased into a pool of acid
was the author twelve when he wrote this?

>detaining millions of civilians is ok if muh papa adolf says dey bad m'kay
I take it you'd be ok with being detained by FEMA and burried in a mass grave after you starve to death.

if muh papa Drumpf says so

>its for the good of the country

>ejecting criminal aliens from your country is literally muh holocaust

>we should just let infinity brown people into the country

>K-9 units acting like they found something on you is a perfectly reasonable excuse to violate your rights, and not the result of being signaled to act like they found something on you over half the time.


Never said that

I agree. These Nazi-Tards believe mixed race Blacks in the Rhineland were sterilized and opposing Nazis were massacred in the Night of Long Knives but believing in the genocide of Jews is just too difficult in their minds.

The Warsaw Ghetto wasn't a camp.

>There were gas chambers in the camps

>not fucking the police, instead of fucking the police

Warsaw Ghetto wasn't a camp.


>6 milli....

See You're a moron.