why don't you just move here?
anyone can convert and become level 1 jew and do that
anyone here can freely reveal their powerlevel or whatnot and openly discuss nuking mecca
I guess you can get a jew wife too but be warned, the khazar milkers thing seems to be unique to american jews
Why don't you just jew?
Begone jew.
am I being invited? Only if God says so Will I go. Moses was not allowed to enter and I do not believe I am either. But that's God's choice. i can force myself into Israel like Kanye and Trump but I will never go there unless God HIMSELF says 100% GO THERE
Why dont you gas yourself?
the only reason i would ever live among you kike faggots is if i had a nuke to set off. suck my fucking dick bitch
your women aren't even worth rapping, you should all just be exterminated.
How hard is it to immigrate there? Can i bring my 6 shitskin wives and 20 dusky children?
The crowning of God must be perfect, NO ROOM FOR ERROR!
I AM gonna move there and I am ethnic Jewish relatives
The issue is that I am schizophrenic so I can't hold a job. Do you think they would allow me in and give me disability payments if I proved my Jewish lineage? I look Jewish
What are some of the benefits of being, how you say, "le jew"?
you smell jewish too
A little bird told me that there's a virus ready to roll that will only affect Jews... ought to be a party... I'll say goodbye now...
that sounds an awful lot like some jews in Europe 1939
if you're a jew? you just get a citizenship immediately and hop a plane along with immediate family
6 wives means you're not a member of any orthodox jewish community and get the special treatment
All these butthurt 'mericans. Pissed off cause their soldiers are cannon fodder for israel.
let's say i do it... can I steal land from palestines and other generic sandniggers?
your climate makes white people age 10 times faster. no thanks
for a low level jew? none whatsoever
maybe except that you get to shitpost here
How good are the gibs? My 20 bundles of dusky joy bring me 16000 leaf bucks a month in cuckbux thanks to glorious Justin.
Karl Marx = Jew
You are a useful fucking idiot
that's not a bonus. it's a legal requirement
My family did leave Europe, and I still have a german last name. And one of my grandpa's died in America cause of the Mob. I want to rape every American-Italian Bitch i set my eyes on.
I wich it was true, anono, I wish my parent were smart enough to fake our nationality papers during 90s.
Israel is the most multicultural and multi-ethnic country in the world. Its surrounded by countries and people that hate it. Opinion is turning against it in the west too. Overall I'd rather move to Mexico.
>leave germanic nation state
>into anglo nation state
nigger you dumb.
i wouldn't mind some old style accumulation of property..
let's say i'm from a family of (((polish new christians)))... which merchant level i would be? how many levels there are?
why would I, an actual Jew, want to move to a future crater?
You realise that all you idiot israelis were thrown under the bus by the true rulers of the country decades ago and you are all going to be blown away by underground nuclear warheads to kickstart armageddon?
Tell me more about high level jewish privilege, sempai
because they mutilated my cock like niggers
How do i level up? Can i buy upgrades?
That's exactly it
You level up by making shekels
I'm 12.5% Jew where do I get my free shekels
Why would I become a kike just as anti-semitism is making it's comeback? It's a good time to be a goyim rn
from yourself dumbass
no but seriously my DNA test showed that I'm 12.5% ashkenazi
do I have to go to the Israeli embassy?
i will never gib money to jews, heck i even gas my juice to keep myself safe.
I have no fore skin and love guns.
Can I move there, shoot machine guns make good money and have women to fuck endlessly?