Shitlets BTFO!!!

>Cosmo polled over 650 of our female readers and asked them one simple question
>"what do you prefer: a man who does small poops or large poops?"
>surprisingly woman prefer men who do large to very large poops
>"it tells me he is a healthy alpha male, there's something primal about it"

>tldr if you aren't dropping 12 inch logs every few hours you aren't a real man and she will leave you

Other urls found in this thread:

what about diarrhea ?

Indians weren't lying when they said they'd become a superpower

shitpost detected

Thats why all my gfs left me the poo inspection is where I fall short

Women prefer a explosive blast. Like habbening level blasts

ahhhhhh! hahaha

And that my friends is why we have pic related: to show off our big poops.
>big poops
Bigger poops than you, Mahmut.

Glad I can say that I have at least least one desirable quality

shitpic is the new dickpic - kim kardashian

enjoy your hermorrhoids
tubs of shit

The constipated virgin vs The Chad power dump

It's funny because that's actually unhealthy. It means you haven't shit for like days and your body really needs to get rid of that stuff.

Leonardo da Vinci was on the toilet a lot, he said shitting all the time kept his mind and body clear. The more you do it, the healthier your body is. Women are shallow retards who think "BIG=BEST/ALPHA" for fucking anything.

If I had pic related either half my shit would need to stay inside me or It'll lift me up a good 3inches above the seat.

fucking poos, first you let them in and then they force their beauty standards on us


t. shitlet

It's not so much that they're turned on by big shits (women are very unlikely to be coprophiliacs), but that they're disgusted by beta males/manlets. Small shit = small dude = small dick = dissatisfaction for life + lack of security for both you and your offspring, IF your manlet offspring happens to survive infancy.

t. rabbit turds


ive blood on my shits sometimes, do girls like it? it has a dangerous vibe to it i think

Just lie?

What about color? Is green poop seen as exotic?

It’s not the size that matters, it’s the smell...or lack thereof. Also how clean you leave the toilet.


t. I don't understand biology and just meme spout.

>Small shit = small dude = small dick = dissatisfaction for life + lack of security for both you and your offspring, IF your manlet offspring happens to survive infancy.

And women only think that because they have small brains. This is why they get their asses beat the by gorillas they date because BBBIIIGGGGGGGGG.

So leave my toilet clogged and bitches will flock to me?

>I show you my mighty poop so show bobs and vagene! i love you.

I always take an enourmous crap every morning, right now it's pissing me off because I'm at my parents and they have one of those low-flush toilets that takes at least three flushes to down my monster turds.
Fucking boomers falling for the economy toilet meme.

Type 2 master race reporting in. I send chicks poop pics and I smash a lot.

>t. gnome size shitter

superpooper by 2025


Type 7 is the true redpill

Type 3 and 4 here, I'm partial to laying a smelly log..

that's right. bow down to your master loglets

>not bulking 365
>Not eating 3500 calories, 200 g of protein, 30 grams of insoluble fiber
>Not drinking a gallon of water a day

Fucking shitlets


I shit like 4 times a day

Normally it is like

>wake up and have one start of day shit, fairly average, nothing to write home about
>after an hour go back for another one, this time things are up and running properly so do a proper bowel emptying one ready to start the day
>finish intermittent fasting and have lunch at about 2pm activating my bowels for their next effort
>do another big long poop, this is always the best poop of the day, often I will get it out in one long log without any breakages, this makes cleaning easy as well
>finally arrive home at about 6pm and have one final poop for the day before dinner, this one is not as good as the lunch one, but it empties me out for the evening, as I wait until tomorrow morning to commence shitting once more

did a type 6 in your sisters mouth yesteday

MFW born with no anus

If you don't leave your girl a poop hammock every now and then "just because" you don't deserve her at her best

Well feed me prunes and wheaties and I'll shit like a hippos anus

Behold men. We should be as a mighty hippo! Now I understand what those fat guys have going for them!

This is true. A good shit leaves a musk throughout the house. It's like an aphrodesiac. The closer your stank is to her dad's shit stank, the more she'll get turned on.

thats why they like tyrone?because he is a big pile of shit?
oh god blaming primal instincts for poop decisions
>pun intended

I take a mega shit every day. You are just a turdlet.

Is this from the onion or something? Am I being prank'd?
How does this even work? Whose wife is checking her husband's shits?

t. someone who takes small shits

>pooplet support society shilling this thread
>angry turdlets are butthurt because women will never like them

>tfw type 3 masterrace, but hungover with type 6

According to science this is what an alpha female looks like, and it's beautiful.

How does this fucking work? I shit 2-3 times a week, and have previously gone a full fortnight without shitting, how do people generate so much feces?

Stop cultural apoopriation


Before and after all six meals of the day and before and after bed. Big ones too.

What results in a type 1? I'm laughing so hard at this thread

>mfw I enter this thread

you mean brownpill

>when memes become reality

When will the ride end?

best thread ive been in all december

eating more than 1600 calories per day.
and useless junkfood.

>before and after bed

>not during
waking up to find a sleep shart it like the adult version of finding toothfairy money

not related to politics

over 50 replies

wdf is going on here, fucking australia is sliding hard today

Honestly can we just mock women for this? Can we just laugh at this article? You all understand they lie all the fucking time because they are women right?

Like who wouldn't just go in and write some stupid shit to see if it sticks out?

Need a CHADvsVIRGIN poops right now !

You need more fiber. Eat your veggies.

its fake, i dont believe even the left has fall this hard.

t. pooplet who didn't deserve his digits

Buttfrustrated shitlet detected.

>It's funny because that's actually unhealthy.

You got any proof to back this *shit* up?

I used to shit about 2-3 times a week until I got into my twenties. Ever since then my experience is similar to the other guy

t. pebblepooper

feces height and weight is now related to politics,
>what a time to be alive.

>I shit 2-3 times a week, and have previously gone a full fortnight without shitting, how do people generate so much feces?

That's awful for you. You are literally full of shit.

someone post the black dick that looks like poop with a blonde girl over a toilet


>Goes to a board clearly marked politically incorrect
>Wonders why threads are incorrectly labeled as politics.
I swear to god you leaves are fucking retarded.

>triple coiler master race reporting in

So this is where Poos get their bitch lasagna rape and gold confidence from.

Well in that case, call me king. I dropped a 2 footer this morning. It stood straight up in toilet and when I flushed, it was thumping around the rim before I hit it with the plunger to destroy the tower of Babel.

When I was on opioid Rx I would clog the fotoilet every time.


> I only pooped 1-2 times a week though, do the math.

I only wetdream. Wake up in a half pint of jam.

do you understand that pol is an containment board right?
this has nothing to do with politics.
its just a way to keep our shit out of other boards.

new meme



Did we jump timelines back to 2011 ?
I though ausbros were retired ..

I feel at my best when I'm taking massive shits. If I am ill my shits get smaller and more often because I'm eating less and you never feel like you've taken the full shit. It's obvious to everyone that isn't a shitlet that big shits are truly healthy

hehe oops

I'm banned all of the time for political things that the mods do not consider political.


I can confirm this, I haven't had a calm shit in years and literally have to beat women off of me when I go out in public. I destroy toilets everywhere I go and leave a mark that can never be fully removed.

Type 3 reporting. I cum on my logs and send the shitpics, but I'm still a virgin. Go figure. Whores.

I'm in 'ere lads.

what the fuck


You're not the best at spotting sarcasm eh?

Women are retarded, news at 11.

I'm with you on that mudslime. At my peak of opiate use, I'd dump a diamond hard dump that would take a half hour to come out. I'd be sweating like suicide bomber in a mosque.

This. My co-worker is an obese redditor and is constantly consuming. Consequently, he goes to the bathroom at least 5-7 times per day and that's just at work. He told me he also wakes up in the middle of the night to shit.