Give me one good reason why we shouldn't tax all these rich fucks of all their money an abolish billionaires and millionaires?
Give me one good reason why we shouldn't tax all these rich fucks of all their money an abolish billionaires and...
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because tax is theft.
Liquidity of capital
>because tax is theft.
Is theft a bad thing though?
If you keep taxing the richest people into poverty, at some point you will be among the richest and then you too will be taxed into poverty.
Give one good why we should.
Rich people are a valuable resource and we should be exploiting them as much as possible.
France once raised taxes for rich people. Then rich people started leaving the country.
>you too will be taxed into poverty.
But if everyone has the same equal levels of wealth how can that happen?
Probably because if you do, they will fund a world-war against your country and have dirty russians rape your women
>Then rich people started leaving the country.
We should have a global tax system and force rich people to either pay or die.
Flat tax now
Simple: everybody is in poverty.
Property is theft.
Then use the tax money for what?
Hell no
Go away you commie
Are you black?
Use super computers, calculate the world's wealth, distribute it to the 7 billion people
We have super computers and scientists and can fix this shit.
why not do it properly and abolish money completely?
In ancap fairy tale land, theft would be allowed under a different name: private property and mafias.
damn deez fuggin commies to oblivion
first not all their money
secondo; ever tried to run an engine with a stuffed oil filter aka no lubricant? Doesn't run for long does it?
Money is the lubricant that make exchanging good smooth and almost friction-less...
because all companies would leave to a country with lower taxes, meaning no jobs, higher costs on products. Without competition that companies bring it would create stagnation on technology and all of that results in a lower standard of living for the population.
That's why we need globalization so they can't do that.
Globalization literally fixes everything.
Because capitalism works better when combined with socialism. This is coming from someone who is:
White, pro capitalist, anti gun control(full automatics and silencers fully purchasable anywhere legally), all for less government(when government is working FOR the citizens by giving them food stamps when in need then it serves the citizens who created it perfectly), anti trans, anti civil rights, anti affirmative action. Liberals have their head up their ass. Fuck the environment but hey global warming is a real thing but fuck it we burn fuel now develop a way to fix it later at our leisure. Fuck the muslims we need to close our borders to them otherwise we will have shitty sharia law.
So im a right wing socialist. Nigs and other minorities forming their shitty thug street gangs need to be dealt with. Properly. Social services need to have strict guidelines, must work your ass off to receive benefits. If your a hard working nig who obeys the law fine, you get benefits. People work harder when well fed and are otherwise doing the right thing. Sure lots of nigs commit crimes but others are surgeons. If they can do it fine let it be.
Socialism would work great. Just keep the lazy shits from getting the handouts.
Then when people decide not to bother with building companies, and just produce for themselves, you take their shit by force like a filthy fucking commie?
give me one reason why not put you in forced labour camp like you want to do to others by taking away their earnings
I am a filthy commie do you see the flag. Property is theft.
Well it "fixes" one problem, by creating others. It would also mean the total control of corporations around the world. There is no way people would get along with each other, no matter how mixed everyone is. There is no peace, we are different. Lying to the population about that won't work. The only way i could imagine everyone forgetting about nationality would be with threats from the space, which is not likely. We are animals and we like to tie us to the land we own, and the earth is simply too big.
There is about 27 nazis and half them are overweight. I think he will be fine.
Don't let corporations have control then. Let the people have control.
nobody will make super computers without a financial incentive
Communism is not socialism. You tax the top one percent for the military public roads, police(something republicans love as well as military all mostly funded by rich gated community privilaged republicans of course! Let them pay for the shit they love), and someday hopefully healthcare. Im sorry publicans you cant get around the FACT that only socializes single payer healthcare is going to be the most efficient. UNLESS!! You publicans grow some balls and deny access to the hospitals anyone without money or insurance. In other words allow hospitals and EMTs to let irresponsible people without money or insurance die in the streets if they get in an accident. THEN we can talk about letting the free market run the health care system. But publicans dont have the balls to do this. They know it would look cruel and awful.
Who do you think pays all your bills dumbass? It's not you that's for sure
So there should be no property? If there's no property, then how can it be theft to take it? Gotta love commie circular reasoning.
Steal from the Rich
Give to the Niggers
>implying corporations arent made by people and redistribution wouldnt just mean new corporations would rise
There will always be the haves and the have nots, the haves will always be more influential as long as people posses a competitive instinct
God I fucking hate commies damn much
I found a nigger. He's actively nigging. Make him stop. Ree.
I thought you said theft doesn’t matter
Because otherwise capitalism will fail. People are entitled to the rewards they create for themselves. If they were not, only the people that acted for the sake of creation alone would be the ones who advance society.
have you ever tried sharing an umbrella with someone? at first it's fine and dandy when the other person just moves it a little to his side, making your opposite shoulder wet, but if this happens everyday there will be a time when you get mad and yell. I am just gonna say that. Draw your own conclusions.
Because they earned that money within the financial system our country uses.
Get a job you lazy sack of crap.
If there is no taxes how can it be theft to take it.
Only if the nig in question is pulling his weight and doing the right things, not going around being a nig nog and killing raping and stealing. So long as those conditions are met fine. We robin hood the rich and give it to the hard working nig. Or white guy. Whoever works hard ought to receive needed social benefits. Its how nazi germany worked. There only problem was they were to fucked up about race shit and went about it the wrong way. Nothing wrong with being racist but no need to stuff jews in the chimney. As long as you set up a system were we all have equal rights to succeed and thrive and no group of people is forced to kiss anyone elses ass... then let the market decide the master race(whites would win. We dont need to rig the game to our advantage nor to the nigs or jews)
When did I say that?
>nobody will make super computers without a financial incentive
but we already have them.
>Because otherwise capitalism will fail.
And this is bad because?
It's more like there is one huge umbrella that fits 51 people and the one guy who owns it
uses it for himself while the 50 people who made the umbrella stand around him getting wet. There is going to be a time when people get mad and yell. Hopefully soon.
Who the fuck let you in? No tailgating!
I invited myself in. Thats how four chan works!
Rich people and corporations amassing wealth is the only thing keeping our fiat currency from hyper inflating.
Thanks america for your contribution.
You probably have a Bill Nye t-shirt
>and you're wearing it right now, aren't you?
I've never been given a job from a poor person. The more money the company had the better equipment and safety equipment we were given
That's what they tell you.
who is going to enforce that everyone shares the umbrella properly?
and by the way, if those 50 people can make an umbrella why don't they make one for themselves?
We need to fully tax income earned on interest. These usurers are bleeding us dry while they and their children live in opulence off of our labor.
Because jobs would go overseas faster than they already are. Thanks to Trump daddy, they will be coming back big league
The 50 people are going to enforce it.
They would but all the owners are hoarding the capital and wealth. It's basically impossible for the people to start their own companies together.
There's no excuse for billionaires, a few hundered million should be enforced as a wealth cap, anything above that appropriated by the state.
Paying off national debt would be nice.
So you're a funneh meme trigger feminazis xD type of right-wing? Great for YouTube comments, not for anything higher than that.
Money gained by lending at interest isn't earned. Usury isn't productive to society. People lend money they weren't using anyway to get rich while doing nothing. Usury is parasitism.
>Give me one good reason why we shouldn't tax all these rich fucks of all their money an abolish billionaires and millionaires?
People who attempt that get bombs dropped on them.
>I have a chance at being rich and I don’t wanted to get taxed high when I do.
Why the fuck would you go Robin Hood on the rich?
They are the ones that create jobs for the people and if you tax the shit out of them they will just put robots in the place of your "hard-working" person.
Use your brain dumb burger
Fuck feminazis!
Because the rich allready keep large stockpiles of cash off shore in tax havens. They would simply leave and the life style you enjoy would go down the shitter. Ive often thought like you do but its just not gonna work.
In my country its sort of a capitalist/socialist economy i earn ok money but get taxed like 25%-30% of my earnings plus when i buy shit i pay 15%tax gst. Even earning good money at the end of the day ill never get rich no matter how hard i tried id just get taxed more. Big govt needs to be shrunk so we get more of our earnings.
While the super rich hide there earnings off shore abusing globalist trade markets and tax dodging globalism isnt working.
I think maybe keeping money offshore in crypto would screw the banks and big govt so theyd have to make cuts which would be better for the middle class.
Low quality bait meme.jpeg
>what is the black market
You’re literally this dumb.
they will put robots anyway gypsy
>"muh will of the people"
You, like every commie i've ever argued, are being dishonest. You are trying to make everyone believe that you would treat everyone equally, instead of putting things like the survival or you and your family as a priority.
What the fuck are you on about? I want the system to crumble so I can wild west you spics and I am successful.
How is the world made better by Shlomo lending at interest and using his profits to buy homes for his trust fund kids?
Start with Hollywood
These are people who are payed to play pretend
If you lived in a socialist society how would you try to be greedy and get ahead. I've never seen a good answer.
Because you don’t get to kill people just because you’re lazy and unsuccessful. Get your life together, user.
property rights
Do the poor have a right to sell what they do not have? If not, then how can they borrow at interest?
>humans are conformists and never strive for something better
and then you guys ask why people think that communists are not people.
that has nothing to do with what I said retard
You can strive for something better and not be greedy.
Also good job answering the question. Proving socialism is the most ethical system.
So lets tax the rich right?
We got nothing lose nonetheless right you cheesy wanker we will just reduce the ability of the companies to produce capital, to hire more people, to have a profit and then people will lose jobs at a faster pace but why should we care we would still be replaced by robots.
Taking a few cyanide pills should reduce your stupidity
Because as silly as it sounds, you're buying money for more money when you get a loan
wew lad
It has everything to do with it. Many of our rich became rich by lending at interest. They created an obligation for a borrower to return what he does not have. Isn't that fraud? Or, at best, indentured servitude?
Get it through your dense head, USA cannot have successful socialism because of spics and niggers, end of story. Socialism/communism has a vital ingredient for success, tribalism, every member must feel like his sacrifice is for the benefit of his family.
Tax the rich. Raise the minimum wage. This will make them automate as quick as possible. Once work is automated. Kill the rich and implement communism.
Why should this not be the end goal of history?
Sounds like the rich are taking advantage of the poor.
>my imaginary world of no one being mean and everything being perfect is the most ethical
Fantasy land sure sounds perfect and all, but does it work?
What is greed even for you? you would call everyone a greedy person just for wanting more?
>implying communism work
Good joke
You are cherry picking examples.
Shlomo is controlling the banks but there are still so many banks that can function efficiently .
But for our argument to continue you should define what rich means because it can be interpreted in so many ways , maybe a nigger would say that the middle class is rich maybe the lower class will say that the upper lower class is rich.
How much does a rich person earns in a month or a year by your perspective?
dont tax them, kill dem.
Hard working people deserve more