Why amerimutts hate japanese people so much?
Why amerimutts hate japanese people so much?
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They don't. They suck Jap dick nowadays
Deadliest soldier in Ww2, if you count civilians
>implying the US and Japan aren't bound at the hip
We don't.
Once we smacked two nukes in their face they got better and is now our greatest ally
Why don't Japanese people hate America?
They killed 20 million civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
You fucking degenerated them you fat mutt cunt.
Japan before American occupation was a decent, traditionalist state that kept women in line, encouraged masculinity in its men and emphasized honor, heritage and ancient Japanese customs.
When the Americans were done with them, the modern Japanese are now hentai-watching perverted degenerates with their family structure and traditions completely ruined.
Just like you turned the Germans from noble traditionalist warriors into shit-eating cuckolds in the span of less than a generation. America is fucking ruining the world.
Because the Japanese can understand the concept of superior force.
Because you cucked their culture and turned them into passive herbivore men. That's why Japanese men don't do anything even when fat Amerimutt soldiers go over and rape Japanese women in Okinawa and other places.
The only redpilled high-testosterone Japanese men are the Japanese far-right and they HATE Amerimutts like you for ruining their country. Honestly I can't blame them whatsoever, America pretty much fucks up any traditional, conservative countries and injects massive amounts of liberal degeneracy, mass consumerism and cuckold porn. Fucking disgrace.
I just spent all of September in Japan.
Good people out there.
>Implying America and Japan are not in a bromance
We had a big war and we realized that we both have a sense of honor and loyalty to our countries so in many aspects we respected one another after the war even though both sides committed horrific acts against humanity.
I love you Japan, lets continue to be friends.
That pic reminds me of Grave of the Fireflies
I don't see how.
I concur American degeneracy is a biological threat.
I love Japan. The streets are safe, kids are adorable and ... it works. I'd go back tomorrow if I could get a job there.
The stepping stones in the river
>son, if you put your mind to it, you can conquer the world and quell its beasts
>wtf man what is this cucked atom bomb shit?
Sure is fucking wishful fucking jealous there since you baited us into Iraq
We don’t, we love japan. It’s Europe we don’t like, all those Muslims and socialist niggers.
Oh, that's a gif? Didn't realize. Meant to post this one
They're not for stepping afaik.
The work culture is brutal there though. And, at least in my field, the pay is lower.
I'd consider it if maybe I wanted to start a business in Japan, rather than working for someone else. But without significant skill in Japanese a business may be impossible.
That sentiment I share. Europeans are a naive bunch.
If it wasn't for the soviet type of communism, Poland would be a sister country to Japan that would rival its industrial sector no doubt as these countries are similar and even share great admiration today. Foreign debts in the occupation period made Eastern Europe ineligible Even though they were primed for it, Japan Korea and China got those opportunities.
How is it America's fault that Japanese men decided to stop having kids? How is it America's fault that Germany decided to let niggers into their country? Those are decisions made by their own governments and people. Go back to watching BBC and telling yourself that Brexit will be overturned you communist faggot.
We don't. Fuck off.
Maybe. But does give off a sort of aesthetic
You are not conquering the world, all you did since you were founded as a country were cucked humanitarian interventions so you can enforce degeneracy and pozz up the locals.
I mean how many good conservative states did America destroy? The Confederacy, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, the list goes on. And then at the end of WW2, you forced us to dismantle our empire and then take in hordes of immigrants to enrich us.
At this point Americans are just the weapons of the Jews, you have no brains of your own.
Americans are just glorified slaves and nothing more.
Americans love Japan, remove head from ass
also, get rid of meme flag, yoshi
We don't, I think America can learn a lot from Japan with respect to their public transportation systems as well as their preservation of land and community.
Brexit won't be overturned. But Trumpie stabbed us in the back by siding with the EU on trade matters.
>Dream of the Fisherman's Wife
what did Pre-WW2 Japan mean by this?
Fuck off mutt, your troops enforced de-Nazification, dismantled the Japanese cultural and social institutions, and hung all the good Japanese and German men as war criminals. Meanwhile fat Amerimutts let Communists and Leftists run free so as not to piss off their Soviet allies. Look up the American occupation and American Occupation Government policies in post-WW2 Japan and Germany.
You enforced democracy, egalitarianism and pozzed up freedoms on these countries, destroying their ancient cultures and histories, and just turning them into another slave of the globalist order. Just like your media and film industry continues to subvert and degenerate countries across the entire world.
And all the while Amerisharts like you continue to blindly whoop and holler for your country like it's the best thing since sliced bread. It's nauseating.
not even 1/4 of a million dead, Nigger.
why can't niggers math?
We also bang your nasty ass women with our massive merican mutt meat despite their horrible hygiene and fucked up teeth. Enjoy their sloppy stretched out snatch slant eye
We don’t anymore, they attacked us at Pearl Harbor, we completely leveled two of their cities, so we’re even now. Japan and America are friends today.... just think about how good of friends we could be with the Islamic world.
And you're the reason we exist. If your country was the world leader the Jews would just use you instead, don't be naive.
Why do deceitful leftwing cucks always use meme flags
your link said
20,000 soldiers killed
70,000–126,000 civilians killed
39,000–80,000 killed
Total: 129,000–226,000+ killed
why can't whiteys read?
Stop turning the attention to such hindsight, all you ever wanted was Iraq and you made a huge mess that you claim you couldn't prevent. Daily reminder the Middle East has been a British petroleum problem since day one
>my dick
You're a nigger
>the things being said in this thread
Pretty funny, really.
Also, here's some actual stepping stones. It leads to a small shrine out of frame to the right.
Calm down muhammed.
Typical mutt response. MUH DIKK. This just proves what we have suspected, that you're all fat mystery meat cunts with copious amounts of nigger DNA. That's why you embarrassingly chimp out and ruin shit across the globe instead of looking at your own country and fixing the issues you have at home.
No you don't.
Who is we brit? Where are your allies? You are alone in a sea of Pakis and Mudshits. Pull away from the screen and look out your window.
Stop raving about the Nazis and Japanese imperials like they were some great heroes and it was those pesky allies who stopped them from making the world a utopia. It was the Nazis who bombed the shit out of Britain and the Japanese who attacked British overseas colonies. Fascism was nothing but a reactionary movement to the rise of communism and it failed to stand against the test of time. Monarchy is the most superior form of government. That being said America helped Japan become the third most economically powerful country in the world and Germany the most economically powerful country in Europe. At no point did the US government ever tell Angela Merkel to take niggers in by the thousands that was their own decision. And at no point did the US ever tell Kaz to not nut in his wife, that's his own decision. Go back to wanking to the greatest story never told and Hitler speeches on YouTube.
Yes. I am banging this British girl at my Uni,.From Wales actually.
We rung in a bunch of zealous degenerates killing defenseless people in the country sides. Then we exported that dangerous ideology to the Middle East where your playground used to be. Note the Anglo dumps still in the sandbox
We fucked up by letting FDR cut off oil to them and defending the Chinese before the war full on started. We forced them to attack, we fucked up. We fought the wrong people, if only Germany and Japan joined us, got us in the game on their side. Yamamoto knew shit would hit the fan once they attacked us. At least Japan is staying uncucked, unlike most of Europe. Good for them.
>That flag
>Americans are fat
>Adoring Nazis
Saracen detected
Well, I agree with that. But modern monarchy is degenerate, a tribal monarchy along thalassocratic lines is the most redpilled of governance.
>leftists have never seen imperial japan's propaganda against the united states
Thank you, America, for degenerating women across the globe and turning them into amoral disloyal whores who'll fuck anything with a pulse with your film and media industry.
Also, thanks for destroying all isolationist countries that wanted to be free from your degeneracy. You sure did great work.
You britcucks will pay jizya in your lifetime and have a half black half Jewish princess
"Mutts" get the Golden God Emperor.
we don't
Rich coming from a bong. WW2 was your fault.
You're welcome island nigger
>defenseless people
>bombing the middle east is wrong
What's the matter Muhammad, did a dronestrike kill your cousins back in Pakistan?
The sun never sets on English pussy. Fucking disgusting
Since when do we hate japs? Japs have been held in high regard by America since wwii. I've never heard an American say anything bad about japs except old fucks who were in the Pacific theater of wwii.
Maybe Brit slags wouldn't slut around so much if they laid off the sauce.
Sobriety not sanks
>up to 226,000 killed
>250,000 is 1/4 of a million
i read it just fine, nigger.
your claim was 20,000,000
go spend your welfare money on grape blunt wrappers and Alize, education is wasted on your kind
>mystery meat
that's pretty good, actually
Expats are always chasing cock we have no business with them.
Japan is our greatest and only ally. Fuck every other country.
From all my browsing, no one vehemetly hates Japan.
kys you fucking fagger
Modern monarchies are absolute trash. I disagree about tribal monarchies though. I believe that the pre enlightenment absolute monarchies were the best, people had a sense of community and served both their monarch and God. The people were starting to become very well educated and had opportunities to become very wealthy.
There once waz Muh dik from 'merica,
Yuh dik was sad ova dere-a;
It stroked British slags,
And tapped out them hags;
But also in you momma's derriere.
Thank you. I'll be here all day
American slags are always banging Tyrone on the side while their boyfriend protests on the sidelines while banging some Asian. White Americans hate each other more than anything, we have our slags but they are our slags no one elses.
To be fair, American girls who "travel to Europe" are fucking everbody over there too.
>criticising other countries in the first person.
Ask me how i know youre a teenager.
My dad's dad was in the pacific theater, and after the war he got so many nice things from Japan, China and Korea. He really liked them.
Funnily it's my other grandpa who has a problem with them over WW2, and he didn't serve.
Your average American watched how Japan has recovered after their last couple disasters closely. People think "wow, look how they pulled together and helped eachother, I wish we were a little more like them." And that is the prime time for a Sup Forumslack to get in their ear and say things like "we used to be," and "that's what a monoethnic, high-trust society looks like. Don't you want that for your children?"
Drop the Taco, Paco
This is the correct way to shoot down his argument
>t. from Rotherham
America is Japan's senpai. They like us so much they're the only other country that calls soccer 'soccer' instead of football. They hold no grudges about WW2 and consistently back us as the true allies they are. They realize we are the top dog and their culture demands conformity. Japan is probably the most ideal ally we have next to Poland. I'd trade the entire EU minus Poland for a bunch of Japans.
>posts WWII era wartime propaganda poster from 75 years ago
European education, folks.
>we realized that we both have a sense of honor and loyalty to our countries
No offense, but Americans have no honor nor loyalty to their country. You people are all atomized, mercenary, self-serving sociopaths with nothing resembling any sort of moral code or spirit, and you dress like jungle savages and look like swine with disfigured skin. 60 years ago? Yes, you somewhat resembled humans back then, even if you won the war through drowning us with money and the blood of blacks before dropping atomic bombs on our women and children while we were trying to surrender, but you still went to church on Sunday and dressed in suits and stood for your national anthem. Today you have forgotten all virtues and your country is imploding. I look to America and weep for your people. It's almost as bad as looking at Germany. What the hell happened? Japan has problems but the West is undergoing an apocalypse by comparison.
>"Dropping atomic bombs on our women"
That was after the war bruh
>0 multicutlural immigrants despite having their constitution literally rewritten by us
>well-mannered, polite society that still follows ancient morality code
>economic powerhouse despite being completely wrecked near the end of WW2
>one of the major exporters of their own culture
>government is completely right wing and not liberal at all
A perfect working example of American "occupation." Now I wonder why Germany and all those other cucked faggot Euro countries didn't turn out like this. Poland is still far-right despite our "occupation." Hmmmmmmmmmmm really activates the almonds there Achmed, maybe it has something to do with the fact you Europoors are all liberal statist cunts to your very core, regardless of what major power oversees you.
Go home English teacher. Or are you that America-hating Aussie who always shitposts about the US?
but i love senpai
if they turned out today because of us than it is the greatest thing whites have ever done
Nothing wrong with that other than they probs have a boyfriend and baby back home.
Northerner? nah from Midlands.
Yeah yeah, fuck off. It's all America's fault. It's Churchill's fault for being a warmongering pig. Blame yourself, faggot
Up North they vote Labour every time, Labour, not even once. I'm from the Midlands anyway so we are mostly insulated from scum that reside up there.
Not wrong though.
>le epic Amerimutt meme
Kill yourself. Honestly, this "maymay" has never been funny and it never will be. It's so obvious that it was made by butthurt insecure Europeans. I'm probably whiter than you anyways.
There is a certain (((demographic))) that has never existed in Japan and never pushed multi-cult crap. And thanks to zero immigration they never will.
Good on the Japs. Sucks about their near zero birthrates though. They will probably invent artificial wombs to solve the problem.
Yea we hate them so much we created this website which honors them in virtually all ways
Good on you.
I'm 1/8 English, 1/8 Welsh and 3/4 Scottish. Hope the homelands survive.
Not looking good though...
It's fucking bad though. But foreign looking people generally keep their head down and mind their own business just like everyone else here, but once they go beyond a certain percentage shit hits the fan.
wtf we love nips
Immigrate to the US! We need an infusion of pure blood!
This is a genuine depiction of FDR, though.
>Churchill caused the war in the East
The absolute STATE of Americans
lol do something about it then faggot
No yea the 20 million killed from the nukes, the 16 gorillion Jews dead, and the 10 billion blacks that died in the slave trade