Do you still honor and embrace you're European roots and homeland? Would you help fellow Europeans if they needed it?
White Americans
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user, as a fellow european i need your help. I urgently request you to come over here and suck my cock. Thanks.
Current Europe is not worth saving
We eat polish/German food sometimes
Yes, I honor my English and Norwegian roots. Yes, I'd help if you asked.
no fuck the europeans
only if my hungarian ancestors asked for my help
and only if its was WWIII
otherwise, no, fuck them
Lol hell no, they're on their own.
Europeans have no role to play in keks design
i would try to help in anyway i can
And you can fuck off back too. Decide if you want to be american or hungarian and connect to that culture, make an effort to understand your history, speak the language, develop a sense for the community youre tying your fate to. Highly unlikely that any "muh heritage" fag would go through all that effort or understand there are no hyphenated hungarians.
Already met a fag like this IRL and he was the worst, THE WORST. Easily the worst of both worlds.
It's time for ALL whites to return to Europe immediately. The colonies are all lost, north America is lost, Europe can still be saved though.
Screw (((civic nationalism))) and those for it. There's absolutely no legitimate reason for someone to put a chunk of clay outside of Europe before our own homeland and race. Those who do are traitors to the white race and should be left to fall with our overrun previously white countries. Their inability to accept this is exactly what's driving the white race to its doom, if they want to go down with that idealogy, then so be it.
If Europe does a 'right of return' for those of European heritage, this problem could be corrected and Europe could still remain European without being overran, satisfying both the nationalists (because their heritage would remain) and the liberals (because the nationalists would settle down.)
Nah, but if there was a war and UK asked for help I'd enlist
We will work together to exterminate the kikes
>Would you help fellow Europeans if they needed it?
What does that even mean? We're America, so of course we'd help Europe just like we have every other time.
Pick one
My grandparents are ESL even though they were born in the USA. German was their first language.
We still use phrases within the family and cook a ton of traditional bavarian meals.
fuck off back to where? what the fuck are you saying?
i dont want to learn hungarian. i dont want your woman, i dont want your culture - I'm American.
OP asked if we Americans with european ancestors would help if you needed it.
fuck off gypsie.
>i dont want to learn hungarian
Fuck off then homo
No, they don't deserve help. Only foreign nations that I'd be willing to help would be Australia and Japan.
where did OP say you have to want to learn language and culture????
fucking euro tards
Fuck off homomutt
I would gladly watch every single rotund american roll into the Atlantic than let your fetid paws pollute my land.
>i dont want your woman
You a gayboy?
I'd hammer in a lovely Hungarian gal in a second.
>keeps using amerimutt meme
>is "swiss"
ok ahmed
Then youre an american and focus on unfucking your government. We dont need your help last time we actually wanted it you bitched out and sold us out in return for Suez despite Radio Free Europe constantly blaring that youre coming. We dont want american interventionism, we dont want american influence at all in europe, cause youre pretty much the birthplace of half the cancer infesting the world right now. We can stand alone and if we fail we will fail alone. Its not like really anyone else outside the V4 is even trying resisting.
If you really wanted to make a change you could begin right in this instant at home instead of preparing for some nebulous future scenario that will never come up but you would be convicted that youre actually helping with your "stand"
nah I don’t care about that shit. I didn’t ask to born, but since I was I’m not going to shoehorn myself into categories that mean nothing to me or in the grand scheme of the universe
Fuck no. The hell with all Euros, Im rooting for an Islamic take over at this point.
Spent 4 years in suffolk. You represent a blithering minority of retards in england. Most brits are ok folks, if a bit afraid to speak how they really feel.
you fucking DJ Westwood looking cum guzzling chav fag.
What the fuck is wrong with you
Then why are you speaking American English? Why are you on the American Internet? Using a website created by a 14 year old white/jew american boy?
take your retarded fucking hungarian ass off everything America created and go fuck your gypsie ass hairy pussy sister.
Nothing but European blood in me.. but I understand you guys are slow witted and must cling to a beat up meme.
You know that changing flags doesnt change your ID, right?
Eh Europe is cool but I’m not European too much of a mutt to feel close to a part of Europe
Yes, but I'm a mutt and not even pure white, although I look the part and you wouldn't know unless I told you. I can say that I might, hypothetically, go on an infrastructure-sabotaging rampage if our (((government))) ever tried to bomb a European country attempting to stay white. I would probably volunteer for a war if fellow whites needed it--like if the South Africans decide to create an ethnostate, I'd either do my part here or go there.
This post is satirical.
no shit sherlock
what, you're going to tell me that I can't change my flag if I fucking want to?
Fuck off American hating gypsie
thx 4 bng hnst m8
Go back and get raped by a sandnigger then faggot.
i satirically and ironically agree with you as a joke
Are you refering to us as well since we are white americans?
My family doesn't really observe any european traditions except for some scottish traditions like haggis and our clans.
To take back our nations in a Pan European movement? Of course
>Pan European movement?
impossible and honestly stupid as fuck
I don't want to go back to your tiny shithole. I want to colonize MORE stuff. We should nuke africa and south america.
nobody cares about the French Canadian parasites to the North
>entire country of people live constantly shits on the nation below them that fucking keeps them from being invaded by literally anybody
America is the only "America" or "American" the world knows or even immediately thinks about.
No. I don't pledge allegiance to people based on related dead people or melanin content due to my not being a dogmatic brainlet.
Go ask for gibbs elsewhere.
yea yea yea... "Americans are mutts, Euros are poor... Oh shit, it's time for my 4th daily prayer to allah, hold on a sec..."
Maybe you get shit on because your civilization resembles a puddle of vomit on fire. Please send me more coon tunes and garbage food oh fat as fuck, messiah of wisdom.
That's after you pull the jew cock out of your mouth of course.
>jewy gay nigger
>tfw Americans claim they're European
I'm a Greek citizen. I feel a connection to Europe. I would like help any European that deserves help.
My family still speaks German during the holidays.
This might seem weird but my parents are both Spanish, my gf'go's parents are from Greece. We do the family thing at gatheringd, cook Spanish & Greek meals but I feel more connected to England as an American than Spain, but yes, I'd help Europeans.
>Thinking your government and all other governments aren't under the thumb of secret societies at pain of death, and that those secret societies didn't begin in europe and italy
God I hope you're under 20, or you're really behind the curve and will never figure out the game! hahahaa
I've got some irish, scottish, german, and other shit in me. True amerimutt, but I don't lay claim to any homeland other than the US.
I'm American, end of story.
statistically speaking, youre more likely to NOT be white than me.
American civilization gave you modern technology and the modern World. Suck my ACTUAL WHITE, blue eyed, blond haired, dick. faggot.
i hope all you non America non freedom loving euro fags die
>Would you help fellow Europeans if they needed it?
We've got enough to worry about over here how bout we fix this shithole first?
We are literally naming the jew on thousands of billboards while the rest of europe is sinking into degeneracy. They attempted to control us and failed.
lmao, you are a retard, we invented everything. You are just fags. Keep crying lard-kun. USA values quantity over quality, you are like the china of asia. And statistically speaking you are probably mexican or something. America is an abomination.
I'm first generation European.
...Not a mutt like most Americans. Yes, I would
them, as long as they are not 'progressives.'
That rules out me helping 80 percent of them.
go eat some fucking poutine and fuck a refugee fucking parasite
Love you Switzerland.
I'm a second generation German American. My grandparents never abandoned Germany even in their darkest hour and neither have I.
>ostatni tydzień miesiąca
>ej ziomuś, pożyczysz fajkę, bo zostawiłem paczkę w domu
>Marek, jeśli skończyły ci się funduszy to dam ci $50
>Nieee stary, mam kasę, po prostu zostawiłem w domu
>pierwszy dzień miesząca
>fala biedy w Tesco i każdy wchodzi kupuje stertę gówna bo pieniążki i funduszy się skończyły
>zarabiam $1,200 tygodniowo
WHEW robaczki biedaczki cebulaczki, jak tam miesięczna wypłata?
my when I realize I glanced over your flag and thought it was Italy and commented based on that
I would not help the Europeans, only if it was a defensive war against Islam or commies. I find eroupeans insufferable the nips and Australia are cool though.
This thread proves why Europe doesn't deserve help. Even if you offered a helping hand to rid of their ahmed and goldstein problems they would still spit in your face. Honestly glad i left that shithole of a continent.
so true. If I had two bullets and was faced with a nigger and a whiny European liberal I'd kill the eurofag
Why would they ever need my help?
Why have this discussion unless to divide and conquer like minded people?
Yes. No, because they 56% us while being 5% muslim which is way worse.
>Do you still honor and embrace you're European roots and homeland?
In that White American culture is "European" in nature, sure. But I don't EuroLARP or anything. I'm Christian, I eat European/American foods, I have "European manners" compared to the other 44%, etc.
>traitors first
Also checked.
Yes, most of us do, especially the Irish and Scottish in Massachusetts atleast.
>Do you still honor and embrace your* European roots
Most (if not all) white Americans are multiethnic. Does "embracing" European roots mean someone with a last name like "Muller" wear lederhosen and eat schnitzel because their great-great grandfather came from Germany, despite having Irish, English, and Italian ancestors?
It means learning the language and/or at least the culture of where you come from you degenerate mutt.