Brit/pol/ - I just want Rimmer back tbh edition

>Little Women: How to make period drama costumes look authentic

>It is the season of feasting and fulfilment, swollen stomachs and multiple chins, and it starts at the top with Santa Claus.

>'Secret Santa' who gifted horse manure to Mnuchin likens himself to Jesus

>Kacchi Haldi for Health: 6 Fantastic Ways To Use Fresh Turmeric Daily

Other urls found in this thread:

>those links

>those shitty fucking links

Also, Not Bomber Rimmer is a massive cock gobbler.

dumb frogposter

Posting based Designated Leftist OC

>Most British companies are optimistic about the future post-Brexit

>NHS chief calls on parents to show some 'tough love' in obesity battle

>Voters to show ID in anti-fraud trial

>Prevent anti-terror scheme defended

>BREXIT BOOST: Britain will gain £24BILLION per year after EU exit - says new report

>'There's no war in France!' Farron mocked for urging Britain to accept Paris migrants

>Berlin's Left-Wing Coalition Govt Refused to Acknowledge Islamist Terror Just Two Weeks Before the Christmas Market Truck Attack

>The Queen DID Back Brexit After All

>Laura Kuenssberg says source told her the Queen backed Brexit

>Out – and into the world: Why The Spectator backed Brexit

>Government to launch pilot scheme forcing voters to produce ID

Better links for next thread

>he used my old links
Fucking lel

they were used in 3 threads before this
I just grabbed them

I have a message for England. Lowland Scots are dirty Sasanachs. Please annex them and get them out of our country.

Good lid

I Fear I may not make it to the appointment Anons, To keep it short I fear I may be meeting the reaper soon enough, Whether he'll meet me or a potato is yet to be seen as my head and mental state has only been getting worse I've started hallucinating and the pain in my head has only gotten worse to the point where painkillers aren't working anymore and to be quite honest I'm just scared of dying at this point.

Are we talking about Arnold Rimmer?

we do we have to do everything for you? do it yourself ye lazy scottish wanker, have some of that independence you all want so bad.

Give me a recap
how did you get the concussion?


why** sorry lad few too many tins

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Blairism, is in fact, Thatcherism/Blairism, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Blatcherism. Blairism is not an ideology unto itself, but rather another free MARKET component of a completely dysfunctional society made useful by the Thatcherite liberal economics, free-market fetishism and vital immigrant components comprising a full ideology as defined by Zizek.

Many nations users run a modified version of the Thatcher system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Thatcherism which is widely used today is often called “The Third Way”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Thatcher system, developed by the Neoliberal propaganda agencies like the institute for economic affairs. There really is a Blairism, and these people are suffering under it, but it is just a part of the system that uses them.

Blairism is the immigration: the program in the system that allocates the Labour-market resources to the other businesses that run within the economy. The immigration is an essential part of a neoliberal society, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete neoliberal system. Blairism is normally used in combination with the Thatcherite economics: the whole system is basically Thatcherism with pakis added, or Thatcherism/Blairism. All the so-called “Blairite” ideologies are really distributions of Thatcherism/Blairism


Cheers, lad.

Rimmer never fucking said that, I did!

Blatcherism can be defined as an emphasis on free-market policies, support for privatisation or the private ownership of former public services, a monetarist/neo-classical economic policy, and a retention of anti-trade union legislation. A convergence of such policies between the Labour and Conservative parties first emerged when Tony Blair became leader of the Labour Party. Blair was elected Leader of the Labour Party in July 1994 following the sudden death of his predecessor, John Smith. Under Blair's leadership the party abandoned many policies it had held for decades and embraced many of the measures enacted during Thatcher's tenure as Prime Minister, including the Building Societies (deregulation) Act of 1986. Blair, in conjunction with Peter Mandelson, Gordon Brown and Alastair Campbell, created the New Labour ethos by embracing many aspects of Thatcherite beliefs into Labour as the "Third Way".

"We've all been placed here for one reason: To stop the globalist agenda. If we don't stop them now, in this generation, then it's all over. If our race is eliminated from this earth, then humanity shall never truly reach the stars. We'll stagnate on this planet, and eventually destroy ourselves in some pointless war. So it's up to us to stop that. That's why existence exists" - Anonymous, 02/05/2017

>If we don't stop them now, in this generation, then it's all over. If our race is eliminated from this earth, then humanity shall never truly reach the stars.

They’re English like you and larp as us. This is your mess.

is north east scotland english?

Lewis Hamilton's white side is coming out. Has he gone far right?

To be fair the Nips and the Chinks are clever cookies in the whole science and tech department. Still though, the point that we as a people, or any people for that matter, should just welcome their gradual dilution is absurd and has been rightfully recognised as an absurdity throughout history until about 70 years ago when western nations in particular began to be relentlessly nagged that having any sort of solidarity with your own ethnic group is one stop away from literal genocide.


>Still though, the point that we as a people, or any people for that matter, should just welcome their gradual dilution is absurd and has been rightfully recognised as an absurdity throughout history until about 70 years ago when western nations in particular began to be relentlessly nagged that having any sort of solidarity with your own ethnic group is one stop away from literal genocide.
with ya on that

What do you have to say for yourselves britfags?


I'm the one who got my head bashed in on a night out by a pickpocketing paki user
>Captcha is Calle Poland

dont believe u



are brits even capable of making music?

UK only elvis was a pedo! lmao


>he didnt post


Literally a fucking shithole. I'm not surprised something like that happens there.


>this was UK best record producer and promoter

How does that feel, brits?

Meanwhile most people in Hollywood are 1488!

>Meanwhile most people in Hollywood are 1488!
Most people in hoollywood are Jews

Only just saw this

I Wish I was lying user. about any of it really, My head has been fucked since August and I'm just more scared than ever atm and I'm happy to take a picture of the latest NHS document I got on it to prove I'm not larping I just needed a place to say this somewhere I'm technically anonymous despite the tripfagging.

Post your results in here lads

Quick Rundown on him:
>Gnomes of Zurich bow to Mr. Wilson
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>controls Britain with a majority of 96
>owns Gannex coats and pipes all over the world
>direct descendant of the ancient Wilson bloodline
>will bankroll the first cities on Mercury (Whiteheat will be be the first city)
>controls the British crown
>owns basically every Open University research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Wilson Babies
>said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Zimbabwean scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of warmth and unprecedented technological progress with them
>This is Wilson's white heat
>owns steel factories around the world
>You likely have Wilson-Steel in your house right now
>Wilson is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Permissive Society
>learned fluent French in under a week for the EEC referendum
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with Wilson. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Huyton
>Wilson is 101 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>Harold Wilson will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
>He controls Hollywood so you should watch out for the release of these movies as it signals the end of humanity:
>4 Wins Tony
>The nightmares of Mr. Heath
>Restrictive Practices 2: Put aside harder
>Poundin' your pocket.
>Did you ask him that question?

every brit pol:
Brit/pol/ Cancer edition.


>I couldn't understand a fucking thing that place is a mess, sort yourselves out.

Will the taigs ever be allies brit/pol/?

>He actually thinks he'll make any progress in the coming year
What a daftie

Pretty proud desu

i wish my mum hadn't died this year

>when my party gets going...

Yu'll do nottin'

>I'll be the only member cos I'll accuse everyone else of being spies and dafties

Ok thankyou

Sorry about your mum, mate

You should probably see a grief counselor

ok, very good

Back to yer fookin intellectual playpens ya daft cunt

He'll get daft Nick to come along, and the ghost of John Tyndall too.

I wish she hadn't too m8. Hope you're coping

Alphabet isn't in order lad

Yer not gonna get members through yer you-choob channel. You've got ta get out there inter your community. Get out down the 'Spoons with 'em, two scoops an' a chat to get 'em on board.

Who’s got the Kent Pepe?

oh yeah lol


I'm not going to be like fookin tommy robinson marchin' up an down tha highstreet, then into spoons for a few scoops. That's not politics. The secret state an it's two criminal proxies, hopenothatenicklowlesgerrygablessearchlightmagazine want to keep the mooovment bogged down in pointless street marches to scare away tha poblic.


Abortions and ageing
Blair and Brown
Corbyn and Cameron
Darkies and debt
Equality and Entitlements
False flags and Feminism
Gypsies and Gays
Her Majesty's Government and HS2
Inflation and Islam
Jo Cox and Jimmy Saville
Kilos and Ken Clarke
Lesbians and Liberalism
Muslims and Meghan Markle
Niggers and Nonces
Open Uni and open borders
Piers Morgan and Prince Harry
Quantitative Easing and Queers
Retards and religious decline
Schools and students
Teachers and Trade Unions
Unis and undergraduates
Vaping and Virgins
Westminster and wogs
X Factor and xvideos
Youth voters and Yuppies
Zionists and Zayn Malik


for fucks sake



>would of

Fucking get out

>Becomes a woman
>Immediately crashes the ship
Pottery, innit?

I think Cuckabee was just having a laugh and trying to get a job, but I'd like to hear some Britons opinion on this.

>In Trump we have a Churchill
i.e. controlled by kikes? Correct.

The moment I heard "No sir, all thirteen" and saw this man's eyebrows for the first time, I knew INSTANTLY he would become my Doctor! This man embodies EVERYTHING the Doctor is. He's so effortlessly as the Doctor, it actually baffles me! In this incarnation, he doesn’t particularly care if people find him warm or lovable. He doesn’t show up trying to look heroic or cool or even remotely impressive. He's just an idiot passing through, with a box and a screwdriver. Helping out, learning.. Pudding brain humans can dislike his tactics, that’s fine by him. He’s trying to do the best he can and save as many people as possible when the situation requires it, and if people hate the way he does it, well, he’ll try to do better, but he won’t be too broken up about not making new friends! The Doctor whose eyebrows are enough to send the monsters of a million galaxies and the denizens of demons fleeing in fear. The Doctor who defeated Rassilon without speaking a single word other than "Get off my planet." The Doctor whom all Gallifreyans bow in respect. The Doctor that spent 24 years with River Song on Darillium. The Doctor who River loves and pledges herself to! The Doctor who fought so hard to rescue Clara that he literally went to the end of the universe to save her, and he doesn't even know how out of control he is, until he realises the scared look on Clara's face "Oh Clara Oswald, what am I doing?" The Doctor who has very little time for most humans but still cares and still shows up to help when he can with his kindness, his determination and his unyielding belief in his own goodness! As Twelve himself said "I'm sick of losing people. One day, the memory of that will hurt so much that I won't be able to breathe, and I'll do what I always do. I'll get in my box and I'll run and I'll run, in case all the pain ever catches up. And every place I go, it will be there." this is how I'm feeling saying goodbye to Twelve!

Would a black male doctor or the current female doctor be worse?

women drivers...

There's nothing wrong with Jews.

It’s all a fucking load of shit

Female will kill the series
A black male could be fine in the eyes of most if it was done right. Someone like Richard Ayoade who no one notices is black.

Last native kingdom in Scotland was Fife when it was Pictish. The native Celts of Strathclyde also held territory as far south as Penrith where Gaelic was sponken

So fuck off, your more likely the spawn of some middle class southern English ferry louper these days m8

>Actual North West Scots are Norwegian rape babies


pubes back sperging out the massive fucking autist

The bolshevik jews of 1920s deserved everything they got

I want to fucking die.

>Le 56%
>Too obvious
At this point this HAS to be a D&C meme. There is no nuance, memetics, just a lightly planned block diagram implemented like they are building a fucking igloo.

>When you have everything to lose vs someone who's got nothing to lose
Why did Europe do this to itself

I think either is ridiculous. It's like saying a black Bond would be fine when they could just as well do another movie that replicates bond with a black man or a woman and have the same effect. They only do this to ride on the popularity of the white male character.

Merry Christmas pube

It’s amazing how you preempted doctor who by regenerating into a cockless faggoty echo of your former self a few months ago

Well done

Mohammad you can leave now.
We know you're mad about being non-white but you need to calm down.

Puss still shiteing himself from WN?
The Balmaha Boatyard bumboy is a disgrace to Scotland
WN should have beat the shite out of him

>got 300 pills illegally without a prescription
>took them on a flight to egypt
>got arrested for smuggling drugs
>she's the victim, she was naive, she did literally nothing wrong

I'm a JAM in a profession, which do I belong to

I've made you suffer too much. Haven't I?

I wish retards would stop going to the middle east and north africa, getting locking up and making our pathetic government plead with shitskin thirdworld scum. How much fucking money did we give Iran for that cunt spy they locked up?

Do you earn a wage?

Oh fucking hell, now Pete's going on about how New Year's is some Russian ploy to kill Christmas so we shouldn't celebrate it. Why do you guys worship him again?

This world is a fucking nightmare to live in, yes.