Why do Americans brag about "saving Europe" in WW2, when their actions if anything condemned Europe?

Why do Americans brag about "saving Europe" in WW2, when their actions if anything condemned Europe?

Do Americans lack the basic critical thinking skills to realize this? Europe under Germany would have been it's own power, not infested with muslims and non whites.

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Because lots of americans know we fought to install the Jewish world order we see today.

I'm not bad mouthing 'woke' americans though, I just noticed this tendency on Sup Forums for americans to claim they "saved" europe.

Perhaps it's just a neo-cuck or alt lite thing.

Because we were the only thing standing between the USSR and the British aisles. If the US Army wasn't there to act as a deterring force, the red horde would have continued West until they hit the Normandy coast. We quite literally saved half of Europe from a terrible fate.

We handed europe over to the communists and the rest of it that we pretended to save slowly became communist instead of having Jewish commisars slaughter them wholesale in the streets.


>this wrong about the war

The Red Horde would have never been able to get anywhere without the American help to the UK and USSR. If it was Germany against the UK and USSR, they would have won.

Except we literally stopped the commies from taking over the other half of Europe. You can scream about da joos all you want, and you can fantasize about how Hitler did nothing wrong while at the same time he's the greatest for trying to get rid of the kikes, but nothing will ever change the facts. The USA was the singular force which prevented the USSR from taking over the entirety of mainland Europe.

Patton having a hardon for the idea of SS panzer divisions and US armored divisions rolling east towards moscow together doesn't change the history. If you're so upset that the commies took so much of Europe, blame Hitler for not focusing exclusively on the East.

We funded the USSR. We, ro specifically Jewish bankers in America, created the bolshevik revolution that installed the USSR.

>being this delusional

The US literally enabled the commies to do that, with lendlease and the early campaigns. America was led by a pro communist. If they would have stayed out of the war completely, Germany would have defeated the USSR and UK.

And Ford was funding the Nazis during combat hostilities with them. Feel free to actually refute my point with something besides "we made the commies lol"

Your argument:
>USSR is le worst thing ever and we stopped it by killing their only opposing force and suppressing anyone who agrees with it
>Ignores that (((Americans))) under the command of Trotsky and Lenin founded the USSR
>Wow the nazis are soooo bad

There is a massive difference between a private citizen and a country's government.

The US government ignored the wishes of the people, it was illegitimate. Someone should have gunned FDR down.

Where'd I hate on the Nazis? GG was with Wiking, I've got nothing but respect for the guys who sacrificed everything to stop the bolshevik tide.

You're just delusional if you you can say with any alleged certainty that the Reich would have won the war if the US stayed out of it. You're also delusional if you're really trying to debate me on whether or not it was the US and their powerstance which kept the USSR from expanding to France.

>Do Americans lack the basic critical thinking skills
boomers do not think. they have been trained like monkeys to emote and virtue signal. this is how they communicate.

if you try to engage in teamwork, they will make sure they look the best. this is their only concern.

>You're just delusional if you you can say with any alleged certainty that the Reich would have won the war if the US stayed out of it

Because they were. Even with the hundreds of billions in modern equivalent in arms and funding from American sources. Even when that wasn't enough, and volunteers from internationalist brigades weren't enough, then the Jews in America and Canada sent millions of more whites to die to ensure that the war would be won.

Tell me: would hitler had lost if Normandy had not occurred? Or if Hitler has not allowed the Dunkink retreat as an overture of peace, only to get slapped in the face?

It's pretty obvious the Germans would have won

If America doesn't join or provide lend lease, the UK has no ability to continue the war. The Brits end up losing Egypt and the connection to the Indian ocean. Eventually the British have to conditionally surrender, and make peace with the Germans.

In a 1v1 against the Soviets, the Germans would undoubtedly win.

US was sending lend-lease money, industrial tools, and war equipment starting from the late 20's to the USSR.

>Why do Americans brag about "saving Europe" in WW2, when their actions if anything condemned Europe?

lol they also brag about 'saving' irak from hussein or lybia from gadaffi. While iIgnoring they bomb cities to ruins.


Those Americans are the same ones that cry about people being "anti Israel" and bitch about whether or not niggers stand for some song.
It's best to ignore them

It wasn't lend lease, it was aid often provided by Jewish companies and other communist sympathizers.

But that is a good point.

>America literally sends the army to fight the commies during the Russian civil war alongside several other western nations.
>we have a 50 year Cold War with the commies and invade complete shitholes because of how much we hate them

The USSR was the enemy of our enemy. It wasn’t about ideology for the US, it never war. It was about practical military solutions, and a practical military solution was to assist the USSR so that they could keep Germany busy. It’s not that hard to understand. It’s not all about Jews you twat.

Yes you stopped them by selling them the equipment they needed to defeat their nemesis, while letting the jews commiefy Europe through the EU. Bravo America. Bravo.

Why were the nazis an enemy if your enemy was the USSR.

>enemy of our enemy

Germany was never America's enemy though. It was Britain's enemy, and because of FDR and Churchill, thousands of Americans died for nothing.

The cold war wasn't because you hated communism, it was because you wanted to control the world. Literally a tit for tat chess game.

Yes, because the Brits were just supposed to lie down and let their arch enemy take over an entire fucking continent and just make peace just because. That’s not how real world events work. That’s not how nations interact. Not muh jews

Leaf Bois Trying to attack Right-Wingers
Nigger who can't even spell right.

I love how when all dictatorship fail miserably and become an inhabitable shit hole you let this one pass because it happens to favor your race.

I forgot this Leaf Boi as well.

That's why Hitler fought. To redpill future generations about the greater forces controlling America and Britain like puppets

So Germany was going to save Europe by firebombing cities into dust and ethnically replacing millions of people?

calm down grammar nazi. look at the content

>Why do Americans brag about "saving Europe" in WW2, when their actions if anything condemned Europe?
thanks captain obvious

no thinking person believes americans saved europe. That's propaganda

>I love
khazarian fairytales. you aren't capable of that emotion

>right wingers

You're alt lite liberal shits, you're as right wing as a UCLA Soiboi

Oh please, you faggots who romanticize the Nazis make me laugh. The Nazis couldn't even stand up to the Soviets, they deserved to fall.

Because WWII happened in a different time period than the Cold War? They were two different time periods with two different strategic goals- why is this hard to understand?

Because most shit you hear about WW2 from anyone is regurgitated jew narratives about WW2 which are grossly over simplified and skewed to the point of being innacurate and misleading.

If anything you are least likely to hear this shit on Sup Forums, but if you do, it’s most likely a troll trying to jam your jimmies.

thats what you would learn in school if germany had won war

>enemy is USSR
>fight only person opposing them

>meme flag
>the_donald-tier worldview
Ok kid.

>couldn't stand up to the Soviets

They could have ripped apart your shitty NATO any time in the cold war. The Germans would have easily beat the Soviets, if they weren't distracted with the British and Americans.

>it didnt happen my way.
Lol youre such pathetic children.


The fact that you guys think it's a clear cut "krauts win" scenario just shows how little you actually know about the war. Germany was absolutely fucked from a strategic standpoint once they failed in Stalingrad. Kursk is arguably the point of no return. Tell me, if the Normandy landings never occurred, would Germany have somehow not lost the entirety of their uboat fleet?

>Japan attacks US
>Germany and Hitler also declare war despite not even being obligated to by their own treaty
>Americans go fight Germans in a declared war

Also inb4 “Roosevelt let Pearl Harbor happen to start a war with Japan”. No. If that’s all he wanted he could’ve done it during his first term when Japan literally murdered dozens of US sailors when they sacked Nanking. Bad argument.

>It's those dirty Americans
>Canada didn't actively fight against the Reich too

Quit virtue signaling.

It was the allies that were firebombing cities. Hitler only wanted his Germanic lands back. If you're talking about the jews there is nothing wrong with replacing parasites.

> Grammar Nazi
> Post Promoting Nazis
Leaf Boi is mad.


>Japan attacks US

Hol up, let me stop you right there. Do you have proof Japan attacked pearl harbour?

One on one, if the USSR hadn't received vital aid from (((America))), Germany would have rolled over USSR with ease.

> blame Hitler for not focusing exclusively on the East.
He would have if the (((allies))) would have let him.

They were only fucked because the western front was collapsing. Italy was invaded in 1943, and they were kicked out of Africa with American help.

Without the American lend lease, The Germans would roll over the British in North Africa and the Middle East. They could probably even attack the Soviets from the Southern Flank by aligning Turkey.

Stalingrad, Kursk would have never happened. The Soviets would have ended up losing Stalingrad. The Germans would have an additional 1.5 million troops to deploy to the Eastern front if fighting in the west wasn't an issue.

That's more than enough to tip the tide.

Didn't the Allies want America to join the war and help them? Wasn't it THEM who asked to be saved? Now since everyone isn't speaking German, all of a sudden it's America's fault for helping? Talk about mental gymnastics. Blame Germany for being land grabbing jews and basically forcing their country to go to war since they spent all their money on upgrading/expanding their military.

>>Germany and Hitler also declare war despite not even being obligated to by their own treaty

the problem was usa was sending more and more ships transporting war goods under us flaged ships to england. When declaring war to usa germany was able to attack marine supply routes.

Germany declared war because of Americans firing on German submarines in international waters in the Atlantic.

Because of the escalatory policy of FDR. FDR literally forced America into the war by abusing his presidential authority and increasingly escalating with Germany.

America funded the communists sweetiekins

based troll xD MAGA

japan didnt denied the story

No winners in brother wars

What is this cognitive dissonance? Germany was at war with us. Russia was not. Therefore, we wage war on the country that we are at WAR WITH. Russia and the US fight over the remnants. Two separate goals and times.

Discussing this topic with mutts is pointless. Theyre so completely brainwashed by kike propaganda they cant even begin to consider the option they aren't the saviors of the world*


>Hitler caves to Stalin's demands to be a senior-partner to the Axis via the flow of oil
>ends up losing to the USSR

When you have nuclear annihilation on your doorstep anything sounds reasonable to preserve your people.

Germany had never wanted war with america. Italy offered an alliance to the USA.

America was forced into that war by a communist president

Because we wanted to take their place.

No they actually funded the Whites who was more socialist than communist. America eventually pulled out of it because they didn't see how it had anything to do with the American government's business.


>The More You Know

Yes, so when Germany is raiding shipping with submarines it’s fine and a strategy. However, when Americans fire back, it becomes some sacred “international waterway” (because of course Germany cared about rules in the first place). Also, guns were taken off American cargo ships specifically to prevent these incidents from happening.

It’s also not that hard to understand why America would want to supply the one friendly country in all of Europe and want to prevent them from falling.

>>not knowing what lend/lease was
fuck, I though you asians were smart.

nigger, hiroshima was 4 years after pearl habour

>America's actions during ww2 condemned europe

That's a bit of a leap, considering we didnt even do much in the war.

If anything, it's been America's actions in THE MIDDLE EAST following ww2 that have led to the destruction of europe.

But what benefits did shipping weapons to the UK present to the US?

I'm saying even that behavior was escalatory. They were blatantly supporting a side in the war. If they were selling to every side, it would be different.

The UK was not friendly, it just presented itself that way. Churchill exploited the naivety of Americans with his stories of muh freedum and muh liberty. They were fighting Germany for supremacy of Europe, nothing more and nothing less.

>Founds the USSR
>Sends volunteers by the tens of thousands to secure foothold in St petersburg explicitly with jacof Sciff's funding and the american government's go-ahead
>Woodrow wilson sends token expedition while at the same time allowing the communists to funnel in from New York and money from american bankers
>wow look america fought communists!!!

Yes, and that was a risky GERMAN DECISION which brought America down on them. Exactly what happened in WWI. Expecting the US to just let their one european friend be steamrolled is kinda silly

obvious how leaf? Or are you the sort of maple nigger to say "it is obvious if you are smart" or some nigger tier shit like that. Explain your answer.

>They were only fucked because the western front was collapsing.
Find me any comprehensive kraut battle plans to move into the Urals where Soviet production was actually located. You cannot come up with a scenario that favors Germany heavily without revising tons of history and interjecting retarded personal opinion. Germany didn't lose WW2 on the western front, they lost in the East and well before lend lease kicked into full gear. Germany was a mustache hair away from Moscow at their closest approach to a cornered USSR, and even then they were nowhere NEAR victory.

The final Redpill is admitting that Americans were the bad guys in WWII. We literally helped Communism defeat Ethnic Nationalism and bring about Corporate Nationalism.
Muh identity of the citizens isn't what matters it's (((ideals)))

>Germany was never America's enemy though
Bullsht. You know damn well Germany declared war on the US. Suck a dick you pathetic fucking waste of dog cum.

Hint:NAZIs were Socialist Revolutionaries. Europe is run by childless, Socialist Women who are the ones that brought in the muslims.
Hitler LOVED Muslims and Merkel looks just like Hitler. But be at ease because this time Europe gets to save itself, by itself

The nuke wasn’t even closed to being developed at the time of Pearl Harbor so that’s not an argument. Also, hitler obviously wanted war with the US when he DECLARED WAR ON THEM. You guys use the same logic that blacks use when someone gets shot by police. “HE DIDNT MEAN TO STEAL DA CASH AND GRAB DA GUN AND SHIEEET IT WAS ALL DA PIGS FAULT HE DINDU NUFFIN”

The ones who are saying that are more than likely the boomers that came here during CBTS.

>still believing (((they))) are jews.
Many are. But ultimately it is a satanic, and not a jewish, cabal. Many jews are on our side.


Complex subject.

>calm down grammar nazi. look at the content
Just like your flag this claim is bullshit.


America aligned with one enemy to help defeat another enemy...what's your point? That it's somehow America's fault that we helped a bunch of European allies that needed help against a land grabbing country?

Here we are at square one again. Read back through my messages again and understand that that’s total bullshit and just complete naiive idealism on your part

>Many jews are on our side

Americans are low IQ jewish slaves since WWI.. you can't really expect much from literal retatds

But they didn't. They lost. Sucks to be you. I mean that is really must suck being you. Being this much of a pathetic waste of skin that you need to come on the board and try to troll with this weak bait. You are a special sort of leaf.

Without the US, the UK would have to accept terms. Without the UK, who exactly can fight Germany?

Only the USSR, which had a slight advantage in industrial capability but was technologically inferior.

The Germans managed to take nearly all of European Russia by '41, but they had over a 1.5 million troops in Western Europe. The UK out of the war, means they can transfer these troops to the eastern front, leading to the defeat of the Soviets.

You can't forget how the luftwaffe's fighters were transferred to fight the allied bomber offensive. The USSR would never be able to gain air superiority against the Germans without the bombing campaign. Plus the damage of the bombing campaign, which disrupted German production, doesn't happen either. Neither does the allied blockade, meaning Germany can make full use of it's industrial power and technological superiority.

If the USSR lost Moscow they would have had to withdraw to the Urals, that's a logistical fact. Moscow was the center of it's railways and supply efforts.

Is that true?He was always acting like a typical american subhumans but it looks like he had really some vrain afterall

>declared war on US

For increasingly escalating and supplying weapons to the UK.

How is that naive?

You couldn't show a reason as to why supplying the UK benefited the US.

No he's right you have to study history. America took every opportunity to work against the German people, even though the population at large supported Germany before the war.

You're really no better off than we are in terms of Jewish control.

Because the UK was a major cultural and economic partner/ally/friend. It’s not like each continent was completely isolated from one another like the medieval ages. It’s absolutely in the interests of the US to prop up their biggest partner/ally on the planet. And yes, you’re right, Churchill did fight for european supremacy, just as hitler did.

Motherfucker, you were not alive muchless a Nazi. You would piss yourself at the sound of gunfire. You have no evidence to prove your points. Fucking piece of kike shit.

What part of "we were attacked first" dont you understand?