Post rare Trump memes part 2
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On mobile and can't find webm of this
Don't let your memes be dreams lads
First one I ever saved.
what is this from? it's awesome
One of my favorites
please tell me where this is from
Double kek
Here you go:
Rare meme from /leftypol/
Forgot pic
Why is it that Trump has never had facial hair?
Proof the left can't meme
hey that really cool where that from, some leftist are aigh...
>Steps down from organization he founded
Whoa this actually fucking happened?
>been living under a rock for the holiday.
That's a funny meme but it's a bit too tough on trump.
Trump was basically boasting about how much women adore him, which makes sense because he's a tall rich guy. The groupie/hareem phenomenon is well known for women but almost non existent for men, especially heterosexual men.
We also need to do more to attack that Cenk guy for being slime ball.
What he said wasn't just "good old republican sexism", that was pedo-rapey.
Are you from reddit? This is hyperbolic humour.
Hopefully some other anons will post some more memes, before this archives....
who is that?
Here you go CIAanon
Ty Florida user
The one on the left?
How can a man be so great
What the hell? I never saw this email. Yeah no one cares about a low energy criminal
Dang I gotta find my ice stuff. Will post mine, if I find it
>SCHLONG Rockets
Mexico BTFO
Checked and keked
i kind of love that he turns into a swastika for a milisecond
Want a screenshot?
Damn you were faster...
better version
Why won't ths get to page 1? Is another thread being slid right now?
someone post tom with trumphair and twitter
tom who?
That's a stupid gif, Armstrong loses
fucking god-tier chad
I love these MSM article parodies.