It's over. Islam has won.
It's over. Islam has won
>Poland 0.2%
I love my ancestry.
Based Ireland
We'd get the AfD before then for sure. 19% is enough to make a noticeable difference and not enough to win an election for a Muslim party.
It's probably all ready 4.4% based on what I see.
That is a gross under estimation.
The last census also said 76% of the pop was practising catholic which is also absurd based on church attendances.
which one?
we wuz poles n shit
Almost certainly Polish, Mohamed.
> Hungary 4.5
Not going to happen.
Cool. It's almost predictive of why and where the next civil wars will be fought.
this is high migration scenario
it will never happen racists just try to scare monger people
ps: I hide my flag to avoid country memes and I'm not muslim proof: fuck allah fuck mohammad fuck quran (even taqiyya doesn't allow to say these under any circumstances)
EU will eventually force Hungary's borders open, it's only a matter of time
I am only a 2nd gen American. My family came over after the war. Fleeing Ukrainian hit squads because they were associated with the Polish right wing and the Russian White Forces.
no to homosexuality!
men to men : arms to arms
>Poland has been fucked for last ~300years
>now it's timw for revenge
>fuck yeah get wrecked Hans and Pierre
>meanwhile in Poland:
>communist government since 2015
Feels like Poland is predestined to be fucked
Islam going to stop of grow up in the world at 2030.
Hmm, not quick enough. Mr. Soros is expecting a ravaged europe in 15 years at most. Stop breeding you white devils!!
>implying (((they))) would allow you to elect your way out of this
>implying democracy actually reflects the desires of the people
>implying so-called nationalist parties won't be neutered with civic nationalism and cuckservatism
Sorry user but we're not getting out of this through liberalism, that much is for sure.
We'll see what 2018 brings for Germany before we talk about 2050.
>20% of muslim in today France
>18% in 2050
Pretty legit
>it will never happen racists just try to scare monger people
Thank you racists then for scaring people enough not to allow this to happen