White people suck at making money.
Whites are losing
>average white American
>highly skilled foreign immigrants
The only reason these people have higher salaries is due to being doctors and shit that got the fuck out of their shithole homelands
Day of the rake approaches, leaf.
USA so racist
My Prime Minister is so tough and cool he will kick your ass American pig dog
Proof that white privilege doesn't exist, instead we have Poo privilege.
I don't get it, "poc" need affirmative action. But look how whitey is poorer and worst off then many other races
LOL You whites are so butt hurt LOLLL
Look at this sour picture of white people sour face LOL
Ya'll niggers take this shit seriously? I can type the same in word and make a jpg out of it on paint and post it on Sup Forums. Sauce or gtfo nigger.
It's true, but just because, you know, someone like a Sudanese is considered white in America. "Whites" are listed as European-American and they make an average of 77k if i remember correctly
I'm surprised the nigerians aren't higher. You have to be like the top 1% of the top 1% to make it to the USA and get a good job for those tards. They'd have to have like 120 to 130 IQs. Not remarkable but whatever, I don't know where I'm going with that...
This post perfectly sums up the leaf
It just proves that people who are poor are poor because of their own work ethnic and actions in life. Being poor is a choice. End of story.
>people will still argue that white privileged exist
Okay you got the sauce. But as long as mutts arent true whites idgaf. America is a third world country. In Europe its different.
>third world shitholes send one of their finest to work in western countries
but 9 out of 19 of those are still counted as white in the usa. it's gonna change tho
White isn't an ethnicity.
Hey look, this leaf doesn't understand that virtually all immigrants live exclusively in the biggest cities, where everything costs twice as much
Gee, I wonder what white people living abroad in all of those countries make compared to the natives
Hey leaf you know what I'm doing tomorrow? I'm going to enjoy not living in a small strip between inhabitable territory and a superior neighbor
amazing how youuclassify korean indian japanese chinese vietnamese japanese and filipino, separetly, but then somehow you can include "all" "whites" in the same group
Stop it, Get some help.
and you know why this is like this? These groups are allowed to express nepotism and help each other. As a computer programmer what Indians are getting away with, especially when they become management is fucking disgusting. The moment my boss left, a white guy and an Indian took over we went from ~40% Indian staff to 95% Indian staff.
>List differentiates between different types of shitskins but has only one category for 'whites'
>lures the best and brightest to their country because they would rather live in luxury than improve their own nation
> compares them to the average American and think this means something
Only a leaf can be this retarded, also SAGE
if I change my race to Indian do I get free gov loans too?
WTF!? Why filipinos dumbfucks making more than us?!
>WTF!? Why filipinos dumbfucks making more than us?!
Nursing. Indians are to tech, as Filipinos are to Nursing. I dated a nurse once, the only woman I met in my life that could sympathize with me regarding outsourcing.
White is a colour not a race
In "Isreali American" are counted those with the Isreali citizenship. If you only consider Ashkenazi, they are at 2th place after the Indians
This. Lets see how well these highly paid wogs would do if there wasn't a productive white working-class propping up the system which they ponce from. I mean, Indians, ffs.
Whites are the majority of the population so of course there would be more of them working shitty jobs.
thats why the talk about white supremacy and white privilege is retarded
Weird that Mexican isn't up there. Almost like they threw that category up there with whites but then you can us Mexican as a race when applying for jobs and schools. Really activates my almonds
>In the top 10
Feels good man.
Though I'm kind of irked that 55% of the groups on that list get slapped with the subhuman IQ meme.
Whatever makes you poorfags feel better I guess.
That would actually be a badass symbol for white nationalism
That or a white wolf
Whites are Europeans if you asked me.
Dumb poll, doesn't account for native vs immigrant
This is what happens when corporations train exported workers to do white work. Then those people migrate here and displace the white workers. Indians coming here for tech make less than I would still, that's why whites are being BTFO the industry we still command a higher price.
t. Software Engineer
you need an army of thoughtless drones to backport bug fixes to legacy java code...
No one here took statistics obviously.
White peasants ruled by a non-White elite. Top fucking kek.
Is there a way we can show this people so that they leave us the fuck alone?
Israeli Americans are different from Jewish Americans. For one, Jewish american aren't as anywhere near as right wing as Israelis. They event condemned that whole Jerusalem debacle.
U had 200 yr head start while the others were shittin in a hut
>Bulgarian American - 19th place
>Chinese American - 31st place
>Turkish American - 60th place
Bow, dogs and roaches.