So, I got my results back a couple days ago, and I'm assuming a bunch of other people have done theirs recently because of Xmas sales. What do we think Sup Forums?
Ancestry/DNA Thread
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I'm guessing Great Britain = English?
Littoral mutt
What service is this?
my heritage, looks like they break down the results better. More expensive though.
It's all European though.
100% eternal
Fuck your tests
A true American.
You could do better
>Believing a jewish company
What is your remaining .1%?
Friendly reminder that anything 1% or lower is bullshit.
Whats the best test to buy? 23andme, ancestrydna?
I think it's zyklon time
Ancestry is more trustworthy.
Stupid fuck. Now your data are belong to (((them)))
23andme has better reports in my opinion, especially if you do health. Ancestry is better if your goal is to build a family tree.
>What do we think Sup Forums?
you should find out what they do with your DNA profile. Is it available to law enforcement? You may have fucked yourself in the future by giving them that sample. See if the company will destroy the results.
"The DNA you send in the mail through genetics kits and ancestry programs like 23andMe and Ancestry can be used by police in a criminal investigation"
Both can be imputed by, and then submitted to promethease, so they're pretty identical for health.
These tests don't use historical DNA, they use the DNA of people living there TODAY, which means if they can't identify a marker they throw in whatever they want to fuck with you, middle eastern, nigger or jew, you probably have 0% of any of those
If your DNA says you're part nigger, jew or shitskin it's because they fucked up
Submitting a DNA sample to some random corporation? Nein Danke.
Or you're just do dumb to interpret the results properly, because it explains that these are estimates based on populations. What did you expect? A Hitler Youth membership card?
The low confidence regions are bull. They intentionally eschew those results.
As for the dna, can't you just go under a different name?
Thanks for the tip, user
i took my test like 2 week ago, the wait is unbearable, any guess on what ill get?
Chop off a finger and gas it.
I'm 5% White Russian, 70% Han Chinese, 15% Indonesian, 5% Yamato Japanese and 5% Filipino.
Since I'm 5% Russian, I count as White, right?
Whiter than Sup Forums
>giving your DNA and full rights to it to a company owned by kikes
Also tests done sending dna from identical twins showed the results warying hugely so the accuracy is probably complete shit and theyve admitted to adding percentages of nigger dna to white peoples profiles "to combat racism".
>The I am insecure test
Where in NI are you from lad? What's life like there nowadays?
I thought so, even if it's 0%, they would still be technically correct to write
dont do it ,all european know our ancestry ,dont give your money and your data to the jews
Do I win?
I have light brown areolas and pink nipples I'm w-white right guys?
>those genes
What a waste.
Jesus and I thought I was the most worthless mongrel at 1/16 native. Damn man. Sucks to be you
im from county down , life is pretty shit as usual in this shit hole , but its the shit hole i call home
>le 44% face
I'm basically just a Chinese with larger eyes.
Get out of my country mutt
>live in one of the most beautiful places on earth, with the best people
Don't breed with pure Whites if you want the White race to exist. Speak out against Jewry and anti White racism. That is what I am doing.
t. doesn't know his ancestry
are you from NI?
That is a lot of European nationalities there. What is iberian peninsula?
I only date East Asian girls anyway. Culture matters to me.
Spanish/Portuguese. That was pretty surprising, then again, my dad is rather swarthy.
You can do research for a lot less and I don't want to give my dna to a company run by a jew
Spain and portugal.
Good on you mate. I am considering doing the same. Moving to a non European country and settling down with a high class SEA qt, won't have kids because they will be Elliot Roger tier mongrels.
>being this paranoid
Got one for Christmas and I'm excited to find out but also terrified I'll have repulsive results.
well then you especially should know how much of a mess this place is politically and economically
. not including the turmoil of the two communities
>not having kids because of a meme
Lad, I think you might be spending too long on here.
>Relying on D.N.A tests that have been proven to be altered
>I gave my money and my DNA to kikes.
>They took my money, sold by genetic information, and made up fake results to further their genocidal agenda.
I'm more British than the British.
Lol, 56% meme irl
I am a mongrel. I am not fit for citizenship in a White nation, I should not be allowed to run for office, or marry and have kids with a pure European.
It's all Euro though.
Wonderful, isn't it? Hahaha!
I'm not encouraging you to either. But the hapa meme is overblown, by all means breed with Asians.
hello fellow burger
Yeah, I know. Still kek tho
I've embraced the med heritage
Ok, I am just worried they would not be accepted as Eurasians in an Asian country
Why the fuck would you give your DNA sample to those shitty companies?
because giving my dna to a faceless jewy company sounds like the epitome of shady
One of my friends is half Thai half English and he's lived in Thailand for a long time and has no problem. I think if they speak the language it should be fine.
Wow I've never seen a Greek on here before. Are you an astronomer?
>1% middle east
Latin speakers strong
It's bullshit, they add that in to fuck with the racists. Even if it was 0% they'd still be technically correct to say
Romans did found London and did conquer England as did Normans, Latin speakers.
Britain was latin speaking pre saxon invasion.
Ok. Good to know, glad to see you are not like some of the crazies here that want to kill anyone that is impure. I honestly think the ones spewing that rhetoric are Jews making pro whites look like lunatics when they just want to live among themselves. I have no problem with that. I owe my life to the White race for being born in a nice country. I get tired of all the anti White rhetoric being pushed. Good luck on taking the U.K back user.
Godspeed kiwi lad
My wifes results
>26% Eastern Euro
>24% Great Britain
>18% Scandinavian
>17% Scotland, Ireland, Wales
>7% Western Euro
>6% Southern Euro
>2% Iberian
We will have whiter babies than most of Europe.
You are honestly a 44% when you look at it technically. Even im more white than you.
>Middle East
im a "Amerimutt" or whatever leftypol calls it to try to D/C.
Not bothered by the Jewish blood, they're smart people, as I already said, anything else than 1% is bullshit.
Less than 1%*
at least im not a kike
ANYONE that does this is naive and basically an idiot
do you know what they do with your dna??
don't think you should know?
better question, what can they do with it?
>jews average IQ 115, goyim
You arn't even 56%. I remember when i visited the UK to see relatives. I thought it was beautiful. I guess is a bunch of kebabs and kikes now.
Rename thread to "FBI Data Mining Thread". Thanks.
Don't start spouting off random bullshit, you ape. If you had actually studied the linguistic history of Britain, you would know that there is scant evidence of the use of Latin outside of government uses.
I would never use 23 and me simply because they've admitted to "screwing with racists". That's just totally revolting to me and I would not trust my genetics with a company so Jewey and politically motivated
FYI cops can subpoena these companies for DNA results.
Fuck ever using these services.
Unless you're going to commit a crime, why do you care Jamal?
How accurate are these tests? Is it conclusive that some generations ago you did have a Jewish or Middle-eastern ancestor? Thinking of getting one done with my Christmas money for the novelty.