Why do they do this shit?
Why do they do this shit?
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Holy fuck lmao look at his eyes
Im willing to bet that nigger has never seen eye to eye with anyone.
Holy shit is that a goblin
You photoshopped his eyes
el goblino for sure
It's just a fucking homeless person. Who gives a shit? If anything the homeless should be rounded up and gassed.
post the un-shooped version of the nog on the left
kid looks like Tyler the Creator intentionally shooping himself for a retarded collab album with Donald Glover
Because he looks like a retards mii
Socioeconomics makes them do it
It’s dey cultcha. We need mo money fo dem programs.
The guy above the spick looks like childish gambino
Clearly his DNA should be stored for future generations. He's evolving into a Cyclops. He wuz mithologee 'n sheeeeiiiit.
I bet these young men's fathers are VERY DISSAPOINTED!!
just put it in the electric chair
Wakanda threads on twitter are great..you can't make this shit up.
Holy fuck that's funny. Post moar
-1 was already as much as you draw the others are just lame
"Caucasian men having more possessions than me is illogical, we must perform a mind meld for you to understand why I did not do anything"
The niggers are going apeshit because of the upcoming Marvel movie, Black Panther. They are openly way more racist than any white on twitter. I haven't bothered to screenshot them but you can just search with hashtag #wakanda for example.
Found this in the same thread
I think it's funny.
Herodotos was full of shit btw. Even without mixing Niggerology to the subject, this guy was so and so.
"We dark colored Vulcans are the victims here, you must pay reparations for your slavery of us. Logic dictates it"
Okay, so, why can't blacks just create their own characters instead of making James Bond and Sherlock holmes or whatever black? Did a white guy write this Black Panther shit?
Did they never watch Blade?
mind you this is the same race where the richest native african in history had a palace made of mud and sticks
*teleports behind you*
Or Spawn, apparently.
I think they just think this way because Twitter substitutes of going to school. And comic books are... books.
Not sure how much this is actual viral marketing though. It doesn't need too much effort to put group of people to create threads on Twitter and these other people will start to follow, creating a landslide mouth to mouth advertisement for the movie.
All kinds of fetal alchohol syndrome there. Plus shit parents and low IQ. They are basically animals.
dude on the left is 3mm away from being a cyclops.
>We're getting a superhero movie with no black sidekick but as the main hero
Yep, a real black superhero for a change. An African black guy with a healthy black family from a black nation that don't take shit from no white people.
All created by two Jews
This is a gold mine. However if someone else than african american posted similar facts he would be in jail for hate speech.
Some post a web of those Russian kids playing with the homeless guy