Tfw Yuropean/Ashkenazi halfbreed

>tfw Yuropean/Ashkenazi halfbreed
>barely accepted into Israel
>can only cast low-level Jew powers like usury and minor money conjuration
At least I'm not a goy
How does it feel to be a whitey in 2k17? Must be hard getting jewed all the time

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Nice wojak

That's a pretty sweet wojak

What sort of spells do high-level fullbreed jews have access to?

slide thread aside, neat wojak

Mostly child raping spells.

Homegrown OC
Well I figure they can probably wield a small force of golem, have their own magic workshop (a bank or similar institution), some kind of telepathic powers, maybe even shapeshift. There's obviously greater money conjuration, as well as sumonning inflation as a result.
The Hebrew ars magica is pretty secretive though

Just came here to let you know that I like your Wojak

You know, Juden, you're actually a "whitey" too, you just don't know it because you were a foreigner for over 2000 years in Europe. But now you have your home. So go to it. Go to Israel and stay there. Learn the way of the Juden, rebuild the Jude order in Israel.

Just don't send any Jude to the west to use their Jude mind tricks against us, or we'll send Darth Vader and an army of storm troopers to destroy the temple again, just like we did 2000 years ago.

Honestly, I always though Palpatine looked like a kike stereotype.
Also prequels a SHIT

Episode 1 is shit, unless, and only unless, the Darth Jar Jar theory is correct. Otherwise it's a garbage fire and shame on Lucas for bothering with it.

Episode 2 is okay. It's not the best, and it has some flaws, but it is still better than episode 1, and if you ignore episode 1, then Padme being in love with Anakin goes from creepy and pedophilic to, eh, ok, she's definitely an adult and he's still clearly a teenage boy, but whatever, it's not so bad.

Episode 3 I thought was actually a genuinely good movie. I liked their development of Palpatine and Anakin's relationship, and how they set him up to go dark. I feel like it could have included more detail, sort of like how the Clone Wars cartoon did.

Which reminds me: I need to get into Rebels.

I’ve always wanted to be a Jew. that’s why I hate them

barely accepted into Israel
so do you live in Israeli right now or not?

>he doesnt know about the Storm Of Subversion spell

>tfw half Ashkenazi
>tfw lived as a Catholic goy my whole life and never even took advantage of Jew nepotism

Pls don't gas me, Sup Forumsfriends.

You can be part of our Wehrmacht. There were over 100k half-Jewish soldiers in Hitler's army, and a number who served in allied nation's armies and even got medals from Berlin for their services.

Yeah, my mother is Jewish and my dad is white. I'm 50% subhuman for not being fully Jewish.

I have a citizenship, but I don't live there. I don't like the retarded climate and being neighbours with arabs

I'm part of the only race that Jewed the Jews, suck my dick kike

be thankful.
I bordered on considering suicide for a while when I realized the truth about cutting.

I think that's true for a pretty big number of "antisemites"

>the eternal anglo
I don't like it desu. I had phimosis until my late teens and my dickhead is so sensitive it hurts to touch, so I fap without touching it

Are you me?

I wish Americans weren't cut up like cattle...

At least you have the option to change it. Some people don't have that luxury because they had the choice taken away from them.

destroying europe

Im not.

I agree that it's kinda fucked up to be born into the circumstances of not having a proper peepee. Kinda like being born into a poor family, or black, it hurts because it's out of your control. I think partially it's because of the medical ignorance of burgers. I studied medicine for fun since I was young so it strikes me as very bizzare when this shit happens in the 21st fucking century

you need to thicken the nose line and not make such an arse of every part of the jew cap.

the difference is that jews are parasites among our societies like niggers are. there is more to making a civilisation than just vulgar iq fetishization. Jews like niggers have high time preference for example. I know many jews in my personal life and I would not wish to be one. They are very neurotic.

Tell me your spells how do you cast money?

Sorry, the order will take away my nose if I break the magical NDA

>I don't like the retarded climate
Where do you live now?


Why you won't tell what country?
why are you hiding behind a meme flag.
Have you been to Israel?
How old are you

What is this, an interrogation? Have my flag, not like it's correct. Yes, I have been, and I have a proper Jew-paper. I'm in the 18-25 range.
Not giving any more, don't wanna be doxed by some amerimutt