Is this okay?

How can BBC get away with this kind of thing?

I really wanna save Germany...

You are saying to disrespect Donar Kebabp?

What address are you having? I will call the polizie for your crimes of hate motherfucker!

its not crime of hate... i just only thought they are hurting Germany great culture... we don't wanna have middle east 2.0. we love germany

it's a lie.

burgers, sub sandwiches, and fried chicken reign supreme in every western country.

I don't give a fuck about Germany

you are probably a nigger then.. :(

Out of all fast foods, most of doner kebabs are pure shit, greasy tasteless meat kept and maintained in an environment ripe for bacterial growth. I do not understand how anyone with tastebuds likes that shit. Its ok if you are drunk, but that... is it.

Looks delicious to me but I'm American. I can't think of a problem less important than the news shilling muslim food

embracing their culture I see kek

this is the normalization of it all.. this is where it starts

I don't give a fuck about germany;

Döner isn't bad though I've had enough of it for lifetime

ein döner, bitte


The BBC has always hated us and is the #1 source of Feindespropaganda against Germany. In fact döner is on the verge of getting banned in several places because of continuous health code violations.

Do you mean big or just disgusting ?

I like my meat without phosphates.

>döner is on the verge of getting banned in several places because of continuous health code violations.

I mean disgusting.

I wouldn't mine trying one. I don't think I've ever had any "muslim" food. Closest thing I've had is probably a gyro.

Döner is a German invention you uneducate fuckwits.

Where can I learn more about bad sanitation practices with /kebabs/Döners/muslim food?

The gyro is far better than the Döner. Much like how Greeks are better than t*rks

The (((BBC))) report what they're told to.
For years their weather reports were absolutely spot on (other than the Michael Fish debacle). It would say, for example, heavy rain at 2pm. It could be a totally clear day, but come 2pm the heaven's would open. Then some time ago I noticed just how badly off they suddenly were. They would report it would piss down between 4 and 5, but it would be sunny all day without a rain cloud in sight. Then I found out that they had stopped working the Met Office and started working with a (((new group))) who used a new model. This new model, it turns out, is based entirely on (((climate change))) actually being real which completely skews any results, meaning anything they report is always wildly inaccurate. Thanks to the internet though they update the forecast in real time depending on what the weather is actually like.
The (((BBC))) aren't worth a squirt of piss.

Döner isn't sold by chains burgerfriend, but I'm pretty sure our favorite fast food is still Bratwurst or Currywurst.

>tanned germans

Failed the one drop rule. Go back to Africa!

>invented by some turk
>german invention
Yeah, nah.
Döner Kebab is such ultra-garbage, not even the turks themselves eat it.

you know this is true, and it's not a bad thing.
doener kebab is delicious and im glad it outsells
all american (globalist) fast food chains in germany. that shit is OBJECTIVELY poison, whereas doener is simple and free of american obesity and cancer causing bullshit ingredients.
pic related is an ingredient list for """""""""""all purpose flour"""""""""""



What brand is this?

I buy the King Arthur and it's just wheat flour + vitamins. The bread flour I get is just wheat.

Just like how there's no difference between Turks and Greeks a gyro and a doner are the same thing.

What was she studying in the river?

literally just look at the big slab of meat they have sitting in the summer heat covered with flies in every single shop

kebab is not bad, problem is the meat which is in sausages too.
its basically a big burger with a lot of salad in it.


>g to disrespect Donar Kebabp?
Its actually pizza that is the #1 sold fast food by a far margin.
At least it was last year.


never buy anything +vitamins.

organic flour.
what the +vitamins means, is that the wheat is processed to the point where the natural riboflavin etc are removed or destroyed, so theyre replaced with cheap industrial variants.
in the US, a good rule of thumb is to avoid all big name brands. Another good habit is reading the ingredients and asking yourself "do i need hydrogenated soy/and or corn oil in my peanut butter? or anything for that matter. (which by the way is just ground peanuts, and the only ingredient should be peanuts)
i mean, vets tell dog owners not to give their dogs peanut butter with this stuff in it.

what am i lying about, bootlicking pleb/shill?
everything i said is FACT.

the ABSOLUTE state of germans lmao

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