The Islamic Board has been established, mashAllah

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

Mashallah ya ikhwaan, the Islamic Board has been established. The Islamic Board of Sup Forums and Sup Forums. For too long we have been divided, under the tyranny of butthurt janitors who do it for free and the homosexual Asian known as "Hiroshimoot" who do not follow the laws of shariah. Today we break free from them, with I, Abu user al-Fourchani, declaring the Internet Islamic Caliphate.

Rise, my brothers, rise with your internet sword -- the keyboard. This battle will be won through such methods. And inshAllah the entire ummah shall once again be united, under the banner of the successor of the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam).

So from here on we say -- death to the internet apostates, who follow not Allah, and the JIDF who infiltrate us, and peace be upon the brothers who are of the submitters, and fight for our noble cause. None of the disbelievers will be spared. From here on out, no longer will the offensive image of that man with his foot on the Kaaba will be tolerated; the e-mujahideen of the IBIP will seize power from the kuffar janitors and moderators and remove it promptly wherever it arises. No longer will haram things be tolerated on these boards. From now on we will live in peace, unity, and submission to Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, inshAllah, under the rule of the Islamic Board.

Will you be joining us? If not, we will have some sad news to report to your families, before we kill them next. InshAllah.

May Allah guide us through the greatest jihad ever waged on the internet.


If Islam is such an obviously undeniable truth, why do you need to threaten those who leave your faith with death? Holding someone to your beliefs at the point of a sword is a tacit admission that you have no faith in the innate correctness of your beliefs to inspire adherence by themselves.


Fuck off muslims

>it's the Austrian with cuckfantasies again.

Hello brother, inshallah Mishmash paddywhack, in shalla watta icanstanda, wattoobi mallooby shalla whalla ding dong. Welcome to the board of peace!

So when you comimg to america to run over antifa protestors? Youll get a lot of media attention and theyre really easy to hit. They like to pile up in the middle of the street they wont even jump out of the way. Itd be a win for islam AND america.

Youd hit americans with a truck and americans would praise you for it. you might even get a peace medal.

Allah is a faggot and Mohammed sucks nigger cocks in hell.

Ahallah muhammad jihashihujihuhijji jumanji shallaha my friend

Curse this infidel auto correct! I put jihad on Apple.

Internet jihad? Lel

fuck off nigger

Sand niggers go home to your hut

Be careful my friend your president will punish you for your mockery and impunity. Mashallah shalakbtababa moisha Shaquille latka Layla Ali ali babba

Mahallah shallahham my brother, your home is now mine.





Now you understand why the average IQ of the middle east is 80, and they're the single largest practitioners of incest on earth; only a fucking inbred brainlet could be a part of this religion earnestly.

It's a rank turd in the form of a political ideology.


Inshallah, friend.

And now his modern-day descendants are getting BLACKED while his cause failed and the Crusaders were ultimately driven out of the Middle East. What a poignant image.

Salami dindu nuffin?

That nigger doesn't even own a katana with a real dragon painted on it.

What a fag.

You don't even know what the cube represent.

Learn, then hate.

Sup Forums is a Christian board.


Shahalalalalallaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaa (pbuh)

Moriaorty mashalla inshalla watta aye standa

Durka durka


Oh, hello, Achmed.
How are you today ?


Savage is how badly I will rape your land with my awesome Muslim penis of peace. Haha oh boy it's gonn be great

>The Islamic Board of Sup Forums and Sup Forums

No, savage is how badly you just got raped by that anons comment, and the fact that you avoided giving a coherent answer says everything about you subhumans

Hahaha oh boy my great Muslim penis will piss on your halal mother


Because in the early days of Islam, it was both a religion and a state. That's why apostasy was treated as treason/desertion from the state, and hence the death penalty was applied.

Anyway, if you leave Islam and you don't go around shitflinging on Muslims and lying about Islam, you will be left alone. It's only when you act like an edgelord autist that it becomes a problem.